
53 lines
1009 B
Protocol Buffer
Raw Normal View History

2022-06-12 13:48:37 -07:00
syntax = "proto3";
package env;
option go_package = ";envv1";
// Package env provides shared environment configuration values.
message Env {
repeated RPCNode nodes = 1;
2022-06-15 17:13:17 -07:00
Kafka kafka = 2;
2022-06-12 13:48:37 -07:00
message RPCNode {
string name = 1;
string http = 2;
string ws = 3;
repeated string tag = 4;
2022-06-15 17:13:17 -07:00
message Kafka {
// List of seed brokers.
repeated string brokers = 1;
// Topic prefix (dot notation). The topic name is the prefix + application-specific name.
string topic_prefix = 2;
// SASL SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication.
message KafkaSASLAuth {
string username = 1;
string password = 2;
message KafkaNoAuth{}
// Authentication method.
oneof auth {
// No authentication.
KafkaNoAuth no_auth = 3;
// SASL authentication.
KafkaSASLAuth sasl_auth = 4;
// Encryption
oneof encryption {
// TLS encryption.
KafkaTLSEncryption tls_encryption = 6;
// TLS encryption.
message KafkaTLSEncryption {}