
2.3 KiB

Wormhole Testnet

This Wormhole testnet connects the following chains:

Network parameters

Gossip network name:


Gossip bootstrap node:


Connected chain contracts:

Network Bridge contract addresss
Ethereum Goerli <TBD>
Solana Tour de Sol <TBD>

Guardian set

Current generation: 0, containing only the Certus One bootstrap node with the address 0x8b1c9eFA61eBF66Fa1a6deDCF46fb1e37708ce5c.

See v1.prototext for the first guardian set update that will be executed once everyone's node on the network is live.

Example command line options

/usr/local/bin/guardiand bridge \
    --bootstrap /dns4/wormhole-testnet-bootstrap.certus.one/udp/8999/quic/p2p/12D3KooWH3VP44t12yKQXrPfMQVKEqS>
    --network "/wormhole/testnet/1" \
    --ethContract <TBD> \
    --nodeName "Certus One" \                                # <-- your node's name (for network explorer usage)
    --nodeKey /opt/solana/keys/wormhole-node.key \           # <-- auto-generated node key
    --bridgeKey /opt/solana/keys/wormhole-guardian.key \     # <-- your guardian key generated by "guardiand keygen"
    --ethRPC wss://ethereum-node.example.com/ws/v3/[...] \   # <-- your ETH full/light node websocket URI
    --adminSocket /run/guardiand/admin.socket \
    --agentRPC /run/guardiand/agent.socket
/usr/local/bin/guardiand-solana-agent \
    --bridge <TBD> \
    --rpc http://solana-host:8899 \     # <-- URL of your Solana validator RPC server
    --ws ws://solana-devnet:8900 \      # <-- Websocket path to your Solana validator PubSub port (RPC port +1)
    --keypair /path/to/feepayer.json \  # <-- Keypair of a Solana fee payer account with ~10 SOL in it
    --socket /run/guardiand/agent.socket

There's a key with a couple thousand SOL in this folder - you can use it to transfer 10 SOL to your own fee account. We want to test the fee subsidization logic the same way as on mainnet, so please stick with that range.