
2.1 KiB

List maintenance

Various human- and machine-readable outputs are generated from the configuration in src/config/token_data.py and src/config/market_urls.py.


The main file to be updated is src/config/token_data.py.

Entries in there are organized first by source chain (sol, eth, terra, bsc, matic, avax), then are dictionaries with the following entries:

  • symbol: e.g. ATLAS
  • name: e.g. Star Atlas (Wormhole)
  • sourceAddress: the address on the source chain
  • destAddresses: a dictionary mapping dest chains to addresses (use the Token Origin Verifier to look this up)
  • markets: a dictionary mapping dest chains to a list of market names where the wrapped asset is tradable
  • coingeckoId: e.g. star-atlas if the coingecko url is https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/star-atlas
  • logo: link to thumbnail of the logo (can copy image url from etherscan or coingecko)


  'sol': {
    "ATLAS": {
      "symbol": "ATLAS",
      "name": "Star Atlas (Wormhole)",
      "sourceAddress": "ATLASXmbPQxBUYbxPsV97usA3fPQYEqzQBUHgiFCUsXx",
      "destAddresses": {
        "eth": "0xb9F747162AB1E95d07361f9048BcDF6eDdA9eEA7",
        "terra": "terra1rg8f993m9834afwazersesgx7jjxv4p87q9wvc",
        "bsc": "0x83850D97018f665EB746FBb8f18351e977d1b0D6",
      "markets": {
        "bsc": ["pancakeswap"],
      "coingeckoId": "star-atlas",
      "logo": "https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/17659/small/Icon_Reverse.png",

The market names must be defined in src/config/market_urls.py, so you'll occasionally need to add to this if defining a new market.

Generating output

After updating the above files, run the below to update the .md and .json outputs:

npm run gen

See the logo generation instructions for instructions on generating logos with wormhole logos.