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Known tokens (wormholed to Celo)

See by_dest.csv (raw) for a superset of this data in csv.

img symbol name address decimals origin sourceAddress sourceDecimals markets symbol
ETH ETH Ether (Portal) 0x66803FB87aBd4aaC3cbB3fAd7C3aa01f6F3FB207 18 ethereum 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2 18 ubeswap ETH
ETHIX ETHIX Ethix (Portal) 0x9995cc8F20Db5896943Afc8eE0ba463259c931ed 18 ethereum 0xFd09911130e6930Bf87F2B0554c44F400bD80D3e 18 symmetric ETHIX
USDCet USDCet USD Coin (Portal from Ethereum) 0x37f750B7cC259A2f741AF45294f6a16572CF5cAd 6 ethereum 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48 6 ubeswap USDCet