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//! Asynchronous Common Subset algorithm.
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, VecDeque};
2018-05-15 04:49:39 -07:00
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::rc::Rc;
use agreement;
use agreement::{Agreement, AgreementMessage};
use broadcast;
use broadcast::{Broadcast, BroadcastMessage};
use fmt::HexBytes;
2018-05-30 06:50:16 -07:00
use messaging::{DistAlgorithm, NetworkInfo, TargetedMessage};
2018-05-20 04:51:33 -07:00
types {
Error, ErrorKind, ResultExt, CommonSubsetResult;
links {
Agreement(agreement::Error, agreement::ErrorKind);
Broadcast(broadcast::Error, broadcast::ErrorKind);
errors {
2018-05-30 06:50:16 -07:00
// TODO: Make this a generic argument of `CommonSubset`.
type ProposedValue = Vec<u8>;
/// Message from Common Subset to remote nodes.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Message<NodeUid> {
/// A message for the broadcast algorithm concerning the set element proposed by the given node.
Broadcast(NodeUid, BroadcastMessage),
/// A message for the agreement algorithm concerning the set element proposed by the given
/// node.
Agreement(NodeUid, AgreementMessage),
/// The queue of outgoing messages in a `CommonSubset` instance.
#[derive(Deref, DerefMut)]
struct MessageQueue<NodeUid>(VecDeque<TargetedMessage<Message<NodeUid>, NodeUid>>);
impl<NodeUid: Clone + Debug + Ord> MessageQueue<NodeUid> {
/// Appends to the queue the messages from `agr`, wrapped with `proposer_id`.
fn extend_agreement(&mut self, proposer_id: &NodeUid, agr: &mut Agreement<NodeUid>) {
let convert = |msg: TargetedMessage<AgreementMessage, NodeUid>| {
msg.map(|a_msg| Message::Agreement(proposer_id.clone(), a_msg))
/// Appends to the queue the messages from `bc`, wrapped with `proposer_id`.
fn extend_broadcast(&mut self, proposer_id: &NodeUid, bc: &mut Broadcast<NodeUid>) {
let convert = |msg: TargetedMessage<BroadcastMessage, NodeUid>| {
msg.map(|b_msg| Message::Broadcast(proposer_id.clone(), b_msg))
/// Asynchronous Common Subset algorithm instance
/// The Asynchronous Common Subset protocol assumes a network of `N` nodes that send signed
/// messages to each other, with at most `f` of them malicious, where `3 * f < N`. Handling the
/// networking and signing is the responsibility of the user: only when a message has been
/// verified to be "from node i", it can be handed to the `CommonSubset` instance.
/// Each participating node proposes an element for inclusion. Under the above conditions, the
/// protocol guarantees that all of the good nodes output the same set, consisting of at least
/// `N - f` of the proposed elements.
/// The algorithm works as follows:
/// * `CommonSubset` instantiates one `Broadcast` algorithm for each of the participating nodes.
/// At least `N - f` of these - the ones whose proposer is not malicious - will eventually output
/// the element proposed by that node.
/// * It also instantiates an `Agreement` instance for each participating node, to decide whether
/// that node's proposed element should be included in the common set. Whenever an element is
/// received via broadcast, we input "yes" (`true`) into the corresponding `Agreement` instance.
/// * When `N - f` `Agreement` instances have decided "yes", we input "no" (`false`) into the
/// remaining ones, where we haven't provided input yet.
/// * Once all `Agreement` instances have decided, `CommonSubset` returns the set of all proposed
/// values for which the decision was "yes".
pub struct CommonSubset<NodeUid> {
/// Shared network information.
netinfo: Rc<NetworkInfo<NodeUid>>,
broadcast_instances: BTreeMap<NodeUid, Broadcast<NodeUid>>,
agreement_instances: BTreeMap<NodeUid, Agreement<NodeUid>>,
broadcast_results: BTreeMap<NodeUid, ProposedValue>,
agreement_results: BTreeMap<NodeUid, bool>,
/// Outgoing message queue.
messages: MessageQueue<NodeUid>,
/// The output value of the algorithm.
output: Option<BTreeMap<NodeUid, ProposedValue>>,
/// Whether the instance has decided on a value.
decided: bool,
impl<NodeUid: Clone + Debug + Ord> DistAlgorithm for CommonSubset<NodeUid> {
type NodeUid = NodeUid;
type Input = ProposedValue;
type Output = BTreeMap<NodeUid, ProposedValue>;
type Message = Message<NodeUid>;
type Error = Error;
2018-05-20 04:51:33 -07:00
fn input(&mut self, input: Self::Input) -> CommonSubsetResult<()> {
2018-05-31 05:27:55 -07:00
"{:?} Proposing {:?}",
fn handle_message(
&mut self,
sender_id: &Self::NodeUid,
message: Self::Message,
2018-05-20 04:51:33 -07:00
) -> CommonSubsetResult<()> {
match message {
Message::Broadcast(p_id, b_msg) => self.handle_broadcast(sender_id, &p_id, b_msg),
Message::Agreement(p_id, a_msg) => self.handle_agreement(sender_id, &p_id, a_msg),
fn next_message(&mut self) -> Option<TargetedMessage<Self::Message, Self::NodeUid>> {
fn next_output(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Output> {
fn terminated(&self) -> bool {
self.messages.is_empty() && self.agreement_instances.values().all(Agreement::terminated)
fn our_id(&self) -> &Self::NodeUid {
impl<NodeUid: Clone + Debug + Ord> CommonSubset<NodeUid> {
2018-06-14 04:43:18 -07:00
pub fn new(netinfo: Rc<NetworkInfo<NodeUid>>, session_id: u64) -> CommonSubsetResult<Self> {
// Create all broadcast instances.
let mut broadcast_instances: BTreeMap<NodeUid, Broadcast<NodeUid>> = BTreeMap::new();
for proposer_id in netinfo.all_uids() {
Broadcast::new(netinfo.clone(), proposer_id.clone())?,
// Create all agreement instances.
let mut agreement_instances: BTreeMap<NodeUid, Agreement<NodeUid>> = BTreeMap::new();
for proposer_id in netinfo.all_uids().iter().cloned() {
Agreement::new(netinfo.clone(), session_id, proposer_id)?,
Ok(CommonSubset {
broadcast_results: BTreeMap::new(),
agreement_results: BTreeMap::new(),
messages: MessageQueue(VecDeque::new()),
output: None,
decided: false,
/// Common Subset input message handler. It receives a value for broadcast
/// and redirects it to the corresponding broadcast instance.
2018-05-20 04:51:33 -07:00
pub fn send_proposed_value(&mut self, value: ProposedValue) -> CommonSubsetResult<()> {
if !self.netinfo.is_validator() {
return Ok(());
let uid = self.netinfo.our_uid().clone();
// Upon receiving input v_i , input v_i to RBC_i. See Figure 2.
self.process_broadcast(&uid, |bc| bc.input(value))
/// Receives a broadcast message from a remote node `sender_id` concerning a
/// value proposed by the node `proposer_id`.
fn handle_broadcast(
&mut self,
sender_id: &NodeUid,
proposer_id: &NodeUid,
2018-05-10 08:50:07 -07:00
bmessage: BroadcastMessage,
2018-05-20 04:51:33 -07:00
) -> CommonSubsetResult<()> {
self.process_broadcast(proposer_id, |bc| bc.handle_message(sender_id, bmessage))
/// Receives an agreement message from a remote node `sender_id` concerning
/// a value proposed by the node `proposer_id`.
fn handle_agreement(
&mut self,
sender_id: &NodeUid,
proposer_id: &NodeUid,
amessage: AgreementMessage,
2018-05-20 04:51:33 -07:00
) -> CommonSubsetResult<()> {
// Send the message to the local instance of Agreement
self.process_agreement(proposer_id, |agreement| {
agreement.handle_message(sender_id, amessage)
/// Upon delivery of v_j from RBC_j, if input has not yet been provided to
/// BA_j, then provide input 1 to BA_j. See Figure 11.
2018-05-20 04:51:33 -07:00
fn process_broadcast<F>(&mut self, proposer_id: &NodeUid, f: F) -> CommonSubsetResult<()>
F: FnOnce(&mut Broadcast<NodeUid>) -> Result<(), broadcast::Error>,
let value = {
2018-05-21 02:01:49 -07:00
let broadcast = self
2018-05-20 04:51:33 -07:00
self.messages.extend_broadcast(&proposer_id, broadcast);
if let Some(output) = broadcast.next_output() {
} else {
return Ok(());
self.broadcast_results.insert(proposer_id.clone(), value);
self.process_agreement(proposer_id, |agreement| {
if agreement.accepts_input() {
} else {
/// Callback to be invoked on receipt of the decision value of the Agreement
/// instance `uid`.
2018-05-20 04:51:33 -07:00
fn process_agreement<F>(&mut self, proposer_id: &NodeUid, f: F) -> CommonSubsetResult<()>
F: FnOnce(&mut Agreement<NodeUid>) -> Result<(), agreement::Error>,
let value = {
2018-05-21 02:01:49 -07:00
let agreement = self
2018-05-20 04:51:33 -07:00
if agreement.terminated() {
return Ok(());
2018-05-30 06:50:16 -07:00
self.messages.extend_agreement(proposer_id, agreement);
if let Some(output) = agreement.next_output() {
} else {
return Ok(());
2018-05-21 02:01:49 -07:00
if self
.insert(proposer_id.clone(), value)
2018-05-20 04:51:33 -07:00
return Err(ErrorKind::MultipleAgreementResults.into());
"{:?} Updated Agreement results: {:?}",
if value && self.count_true() == self.netinfo.num_nodes() - self.netinfo.num_faulty() {
// Upon delivery of value 1 from at least N f instances of BA, provide
// input 0 to each instance of BA that has not yet been provided input.
for (uid, agreement) in &mut self.agreement_instances {
if agreement.accepts_input() {
self.messages.extend_agreement(uid, agreement);
if let Some(output) = agreement.next_output() {
if self.agreement_results.insert(uid.clone(), output).is_some() {
2018-05-20 04:51:33 -07:00
return Err(ErrorKind::MultipleAgreementResults.into());
2018-04-30 08:55:51 -07:00
2018-04-30 08:55:51 -07:00
/// Returns the number of agreement instances that have decided "yes".
fn count_true(&self) -> usize {
self.agreement_results.values().filter(|v| **v).count()
fn try_agreement_completion(&mut self) {
if self.decided || self.count_true() < self.netinfo.num_nodes() - self.netinfo.num_faulty()
// Once all instances of BA have completed, let C ⊂ [1..N] be
// the indexes of each BA that delivered 1. Wait for the output
// v_j for each RBC_j such that j∈C. Finally output j∈C v_j.
if self.agreement_results.len() < self.netinfo.num_nodes() {
"{:?} All Agreement instances have terminated",
// All instances of Agreement that delivered `true` (or "1" in the paper).
2018-05-21 02:01:49 -07:00
let delivered_1: BTreeSet<&NodeUid> = self
.filter(|(_, v)| **v)
.map(|(k, _)| k)
debug!("Agreement instances that delivered 1: {:?}", delivered_1);
// Results of Broadcast instances in `delivered_1`
2018-05-21 02:01:49 -07:00
let broadcast_results: BTreeMap<NodeUid, ProposedValue> = self
.filter(|(k, _)| delivered_1.contains(k))
.map(|(k, v)| (k.clone(), v.clone()))
if delivered_1.len() == broadcast_results.len() {
"{:?} Agreement instances completed:",
for (uid, result) in &broadcast_results {
debug!(" {:?} → {:?}", uid, HexBytes(&result));
self.decided = true;
self.output = Some(broadcast_results)