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//! Adversaries for test networks
//! Adversaries can alter message ordering, inject messages and control the behavior of any faulty
//! node. These functions are handled through callbacks, implemented individually by each adversary.
//! This module contains algorithm-agnostic adversaries, which should work for (or rather, against)
//! any `DistAlgorithm`. Specific adversaries tailored to individual algorithms are implemented
//! alongside their other test cases.
//! ## Adversary model
//! The adversary is assumed to have the following capabilities:
//! 1. Manipulation of the order in which messages are delivered.
//! 1. Eavesdropping on any message on the wire, regardless of sender or receiver.
//! 1. Full control over any node marked as faulty.
//! As a consequence, injecting arbitrary messages from faulty nodes into the network is possible,
//! by sending a message and re-ordering it.
//! The following capabilities are explicitly not included:
//! 1. Dropping of messages. The networking layer is expected to ensure that no messages
//! are lost. A node that drops messages regardless is considered faulty in real-world
//! deployments.
//! 1. Forging message senders. The networking layer is also expected to sign messages and ensure
//! that they are not forged.
//! ## Handles
//! The adversary manipulates the network and nodes exclusively through handles that ensure they do
//! not violate the constraints defined above. Handles are either mutable or immutable and can, in
//! some cases be upgraded to actual references, if the underlying node is faulty (see
//! `NodeHandle::node()` and `NodeHandle::node_mut()`).
use std::cmp;
2018-10-10 07:11:27 -07:00
use hbbft::{DistAlgorithm, Step};
use net::{CrankError, NetMessage, Node, VirtualNet};
/// Immutable network handle.
/// Allows querying public information of the network or getting immutable handles to any node.
pub struct NetHandle<'a, D: 'a>(&'a VirtualNet<D>)
D: DistAlgorithm;
impl<'a, D: 'a> NetHandle<'a, D>
D: DistAlgorithm,
/// Returns a node handle iterator over all nodes in the network.
pub fn nodes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeHandle<D>> {
/// Returns an iterator over all faulty nodes in the network.
/// Instead of a handle, returns the node directly, as the adversary gets full access to all
/// nodes in the network.
pub fn faulty_nodes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Node<D>> {
// FIXME: Add an API to handle a step?
// Not wrapped in a `NodeHandle`, the adversary gets full access to their own nodes.
/// Returns a node handle iterator over all correct nodes in the network.
pub fn correct_nodes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeHandle<D>> {
/// Returns an iterator over all messages in the network.
pub fn messages(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a NetMessage<D>> {
/// Returns a handle to a specific node handle.
pub fn get(&self, id: D::NodeId) -> Option<NodeHandle<D>> {
/// Insert-position for networking queue.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum QueuePosition {
/// Front of the queue (equivalent to `Before(0)`).
/// Back of the queue.
/// Before a specific a position.
/// Mutable network handle.
/// Allows reordering of messages, injecting new ones into the network queue and getting mutable
/// handles to nodes.
pub struct NetMutHandle<'a, D: 'a>(&'a mut VirtualNet<D>)
D: DistAlgorithm;
impl<'a, D> NetMutHandle<'a, D>
D: DistAlgorithm,
D::NodeId: Clone,
D::Message: Clone,
D::Output: Clone,
pub fn new(net: &'a mut VirtualNet<D>) -> Self {
/// Returns a mutable node handle iterator over all nodes in the network.
pub fn nodes_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeMutHandle<D>> {
/// Returns an iterator that allows changes to all faulty nodes in the network.
/// Instead of a handle, returns the node directly, as the adversary gets full access to all
/// nodes in the network.
pub fn faulty_nodes_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut Node<D>> {
/// Returns a mutable node handle iterator over all nodes in the network.
pub fn correct_nodes_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeMutHandle<D>> {
/// Normally dispatch a message
pub fn dispatch_message(&mut self, msg: NetMessage<D>) -> Result<Step<D>, CrankError<D>> {
/// Injects a message into the network.
/// Allows the injection of `msg` at `position` into the message queue.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `msg.from` is not a faulty node or either `msg.from` or `msg.to` do not exist.
/// Panics if `position` is equal to `Before(idx)`, with `idx` being out of bounds.
pub fn inject_message(&mut self, position: QueuePosition, msg: NetMessage<D>) {
// Ensure the node is not faulty.
.expect("inject: unknown sender node")
"Tried to inject message not originating from a faulty node."
// Sender must exist.
.expect("inject: unknown recipient node");
// Insert into queue. `insert` will panic on out-of-bounds.
match position {
QueuePosition::Front => self.0.messages.push_front(msg),
QueuePosition::Back => self.0.messages.push_back(msg),
QueuePosition::Before(idx) => self.0.messages.insert(idx, msg),
/// Swap two messages in the message queue.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if either `i` or `j` are out-of-bounds.
pub fn swap_messages(&mut self, i: usize, j: usize) {
self.0.swap_messages(i, j);
/// Reorder all messages.
/// Sorts all message with a comparator function.
/// Sorting is not cheap, but not prohitibively so, since message queues tend to be small for
/// most test cases. See `VirtualNet::sort_messages_by` for notes about sorting efficiency.
pub fn sort_messages_by<F>(&mut self, f: F)
F: FnMut(&NetMessage<D>, &NetMessage<D>) -> cmp::Ordering,
// Downgrade-conversion.
impl<'a, D> From<NetMutHandle<'a, D>> for NetHandle<'a, D>
D: DistAlgorithm,
fn from(n: NetMutHandle<D>) -> NetHandle<D> {
/// Immutable node handle.
pub struct NodeHandle<'a, D: 'a>(&'a Node<D>)
D: DistAlgorithm;
impl<'a, D> NodeHandle<'a, D>
D: DistAlgorithm,
/// Construct a new immutable node handle.
fn new(inner: &'a Node<D>) -> Self {
/// Return node ID.
pub fn id(&self) -> D::NodeId {
/// Returns a reference to the faulty node.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the node is not faulty.
pub fn node(&self) -> &'a Node<D> {
.expect("could not access inner node of handle, node is not faulty")
/// If the inner node is faulty, returns a reference to it.
pub fn try_node(&self) -> Option<&'a Node<D>> {
if self.0.is_faulty() {
} else {
/// Mutable node handle.
pub struct NodeMutHandle<'a, D: 'a>(&'a mut Node<D>)
D: DistAlgorithm;
impl<'a, D: 'a> NodeMutHandle<'a, D>
D: DistAlgorithm,
/// Construct a new mutable node handle.
fn new(inner: &'a mut Node<D>) -> Self {
/// Returns a mutable reference to the faulty node.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the node is not faulty.
pub fn node_mut(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut Node<D> {
.expect("could not access inner node of handle, node is not faulty")
/// If the inner node is faulty, returns a mutable reference to it.
pub fn try_node_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Node<D>> {
if self.0.is_faulty() {
} else {
/// Network adversary.
pub trait Adversary<D>
D: DistAlgorithm,
D::Message: Clone,
D::Output: Clone,
/// Pre-crank hook.
/// Executed before each crank, the `pre_crank` function allows the adversary to manipulate the
/// order of network messages by manipulating the `net` parameter.
/// The default implementation does not alter the passed network in any way.
fn pre_crank(&mut self, _net: NetMutHandle<D>) {}
/// Tamper with a faulty node's operation.
/// You can (but are not required to) run faulty nodes like regular nodes. However, if a node
/// is marked faulty, a message is not passed directly to the node. It is handed to 'tamper'
/// instead.
/// The return value replaces what would otherwise have been output by the algorithm, the
/// returned step is processed normally by the network (messages are queued and outputs
/// are recorded).
/// The default implementation does not perform any tampering, but instead calls
/// `VirtualNet::dispatch_message`, which results in the message being processed as if the node
/// was not faulty.
fn tamper(
&mut self,
mut net: NetMutHandle<D>,
msg: NetMessage<D>,
) -> Result<Step<D>, CrankError<D>> {
/// Passive adversary.
/// The `NullAdversary` does not interfere with operation in any way, it neither reorders messages
/// nor tampers with message, passing them through unchanged instead.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct NullAdversary;
impl NullAdversary {
/// Create a new `NullAdversary`.
pub fn new() -> Self {
NullAdversary {}
impl<D> Adversary<D> for NullAdversary
D: DistAlgorithm,
D::Message: Clone,
D::Output: Clone,
/// Ascending node id message order adversary.
/// An adversary that processes messages in ascending order by the node id that sent the message
/// (i.e. the lowest node IDs always being chosen first).
/// Note: This behavior is equivalent to the default scheduling used by the preceding testing
/// framework.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct NodeOrderAdversary;
impl NodeOrderAdversary {
pub fn new() -> Self {
NodeOrderAdversary {}
impl<D> Adversary<D> for NodeOrderAdversary
D: DistAlgorithm,
D::Message: Clone,
D::Output: Clone,
fn pre_crank(&mut self, mut net: NetMutHandle<D>) {
// Message are sorted by NodeID on each step.
net.sort_messages_by(|a, b| a.to.cmp(&b.to))