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//! # Broadcast
2018-07-02 06:42:31 -07:00
//! The Reliable Broadcast Protocol assumes a network of _N_ nodes that send signed messages to
//! each other, with at most _f_ of them faulty, where _3 f < N_. Handling the networking and
//! signing is the responsibility of this crate's user; a message is only handed to the Broadcast
//! instance after it has been verified to be "from node i". One of the nodes is the "proposer"
//! who sends a value. It needs to be determined beforehand, and all nodes need to know and agree
//! who it is. Under the above conditions, the protocol guarantees that either all or none
//! of the correct nodes output a value, and that if the proposer is correct, all correct nodes
//! output the proposed value.
//! ## How it works
2018-07-25 01:46:39 -07:00
//! * The proposer uses a Reed-Solomon code to split the value into _N_ chunks, _N - 2 f_ of which
//! suffice to reconstruct the value. These chunks are put into a Merkle tree, so that with the
//! tree's root hash `h`, branch `bi` and chunk `si`, the `i`-th chunk `si` can be verified by
//! anyone as belonging to the Merkle tree with root hash `h`. These values are "proof" number `i`:
//! `pi = (h, bi, si)`.
//! * The proposer sends `Value(pi)` to node `i`. It translates to: "I am the proposer, and `pi`
//! contains the `i`-th share of my value."
//! * Every (correct) node that receives `Value(pi)` from the proposer sends it on to everyone else
//! as `Echo(pi)`. An `Echo` translates to: "I have received `pi` directly from the proposer." If
//! the proposer sends another `Value` message it is ignored.
2018-07-25 01:46:39 -07:00
//! * So every node that receives at least _f + 1_ `Echo` messages with the same root hash can
//! decode a value.
2018-07-02 06:42:31 -07:00
//! * Every node that has received _N - f_ `Echo`s with the same root hash from different nodes
2018-07-25 01:46:39 -07:00
//! knows that at least _N - 2 f_ _correct_ nodes have sent an `Echo` with that hash to everyone,
//! and therefore everyone will eventually receive at least _N - f_ of them. So upon receiving
2018-07-02 06:42:31 -07:00
//! _N - f_ `Echo`s, they send a `Ready(h)` to everyone. It translates to: "I know that everyone
//! will eventually be able to decode the value with root hash `h`." Moreover, since every correct
//! node only sends one kind of `Echo` message, there is no danger of receiving _N - f_ `Echo`s
//! with two different root hashes.
//! * Even without enough `Echo` messages, if a node receives _2 f + 1_ `Ready` messages, it knows
//! that at least one _correct_ node has sent `Ready`. It therefore also knows that everyone will
//! be able to decode eventually, and multicasts `Ready` itself.
2018-07-02 06:42:31 -07:00
//! * If a node has received _2 f + 1_ `Ready`s (with matching root hash) from different nodes,
//! it knows that at least _2 f + 1_ _correct_ nodes have sent it. Therefore, every correct node
//! will eventually receive _2 f + 1_, and multicast it itself. Therefore, every correct node will
//! eventually receive _2 f + 1_ `Ready`s, too. _And_ we know at this point that every correct
//! node will eventually be able to decode (i.e. receive at least _2 f + 1_ `Echo` messages).
2018-07-25 01:46:39 -07:00
//! * So a node with _2 f + 1_ `Ready`s and _N - 2 f_ `Echos` will decode and _output_ the value,
//! knowing that every other correct node will eventually do the same.
//! ## Example
//! In this example, we manually pass messages between instantiated nodes to simulate a network. The
//! network is composed of 7 nodes, and node 3 is the proposer. We use `u64` as network IDs, and
//! start by creating a common network info. Then we input a randomly generated payload into the
//! proposer and process all the resulting messages in a loop. For the purpose of simulation we
//! annotate each message with the node that produced it. For each output, we perform correctness
//! checks to verify that every node has output the same payload as we provided to the proposer
//! node, and that it did so exactly once.
//! ```
//! extern crate hbbft;
//! extern crate rand;
//! use hbbft::broadcast::{Broadcast, Error, Step};
//! use hbbft::messaging::{DistAlgorithm, NetworkInfo, SourcedMessage, Target, TargetedMessage};
//! use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
//! use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, VecDeque};
//! use std::iter::once;
//! use std::sync::Arc;
//! fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
//! // Our simulated network has seven nodes in total, node 3 is the proposer.
//! const NUM_NODES: u64 = 7;
//! const PROPOSER_ID: u64 = 3;
//! let mut rng = thread_rng();
//! // Create a random set of keys for testing.
//! let netinfos = NetworkInfo::generate_map(0..NUM_NODES);
//! // Create initial nodes by instantiating a `Broadcast` for each.
//! let mut nodes = BTreeMap::new();
//! for (i, netinfo) in netinfos {
//! let bc = Broadcast::new(Arc::new(netinfo), PROPOSER_ID)?;
//! nodes.insert(i, bc);
//! }
//! // First we generate a random payload.
//! let mut payload: Vec<_> = vec![0; 128];
//! rng.fill_bytes(&mut payload[..]);
//! // Define a function for handling one step of a `Broadcast` instance. This function appends new
//! // messages onto the message queue and checks whether each node outputs at most once and the
//! // output is correct.
//! let on_step = |id: u64,
//! step: Step<u64>,
//! messages: &mut VecDeque<SourcedMessage<TargetedMessage<_, _>, _>>,
//! finished_nodes: &mut BTreeSet<u64>| {
//! // Annotate messages with the sender ID.
//! messages.extend(step.messages.into_iter().map(|msg| SourcedMessage {
//! source: id,
//! message: msg,
//! }));
//! if !step.output.is_empty() {
//! // The output should be the same as the input we gave to the proposer.
//! assert!(step.output.iter().eq(once(&payload)));
//! // Every node should output exactly once. Here we check the first half of this
//! // statement, namely that every node outputs at most once.
//! assert!(finished_nodes.insert(id));
//! }
//! };
//! let mut messages = VecDeque::new();
//! let mut finished_nodes = BTreeSet::new();
//! // Now we can start the algorithm, its input is the payload.
//! let initial_step = {
//! let proposer = nodes.get_mut(&PROPOSER_ID).unwrap();
//! proposer.input(payload.clone()).unwrap()
//! };
//! on_step(
//! initial_step,
//! &mut messages,
//! &mut finished_nodes,
//! );
//! // The message loop: The network is simulated by passing messages around from node to node.
//! while let Some(SourcedMessage {
//! source,
//! message: TargetedMessage { target, message },
//! }) = messages.pop_front()
//! {
//! match target {
//! Target::All => {
//! for (id, node) in &mut nodes {
//! let step = node.handle_message(&source, message.clone())?;
//! on_step(*id, step, &mut messages, &mut finished_nodes);
//! }
//! }
//! Target::Node(id) => {
//! let step = {
//! let node = nodes.get_mut(&id).unwrap();
//! node.handle_message(&source, message)?
//! };
//! on_step(id, step, &mut messages, &mut finished_nodes);
//! }
//! };
//! }
//! // Every node should output exactly once. Here we check the second half of this statement,
//! // namely that every node outputs.
//! assert_eq!(finished_nodes, nodes.keys().cloned().collect());
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
use std::iter::once;
use std::sync::Arc;
2018-05-30 06:33:33 -07:00
use byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder};
use merkle::{MerkleTree, Proof};
use rand;
use reed_solomon_erasure as rse;
use reed_solomon_erasure::ReedSolomon;
use ring::digest;
use fault_log::{Fault, FaultKind};
2018-05-30 06:33:33 -07:00
use fmt::{HexBytes, HexList, HexProof};
use messaging::{self, DistAlgorithm, NetworkInfo, Target};
/// A broadcast error.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Fail)]
pub enum Error {
#[fail(display = "CodingNewReedSolomon error: {}", _0)]
CodingNewReedSolomon(#[cause] rse::Error),
#[fail(display = "CodingEncodeReedSolomon error: {}", _0)]
CodingEncodeReedSolomon(#[cause] rse::Error),
#[fail(display = "CodingReconstructShardsReedSolomon error: {}", _0)]
CodingReconstructShardsReedSolomon(#[cause] rse::Error),
display = "CodingReconstructShardsTrivialReedSolomon error: {}",
CodingReconstructShardsTrivialReedSolomon(#[cause] rse::Error),
#[fail(display = "Instance cannot propose")]
#[fail(display = "Not implemented")]
#[fail(display = "Proof construction failed")]
#[fail(display = "Root hash mismatch")]
#[fail(display = "Threading")]
#[fail(display = "Unknown sender")]
2018-05-20 04:51:33 -07:00
/// A broadcast result.
pub type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Error>;
/// The three kinds of message sent during the reliable broadcast stage of the
/// consensus algorithm.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq)]
2018-05-10 08:50:07 -07:00
pub enum BroadcastMessage {
// A random generation impl is provided for test cases. Unfortunately `#[cfg(test)]` does not work
// for integration tests.
impl rand::Rand for BroadcastMessage {
fn rand<R: rand::Rng>(rng: &mut R) -> Self {
let message_type = *rng.choose(&["value", "echo", "ready"]).unwrap();
// Create a random buffer for our proof.
let mut buffer: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut buffer);
// Generate a dummy proof to fill broadcast messages with.
let tree = MerkleTree::from_vec(&digest::SHA256, vec![buffer.to_vec()]);
let proof = tree.gen_proof(buffer.to_vec()).unwrap();
match message_type {
"value" => BroadcastMessage::Value(proof),
"echo" => BroadcastMessage::Echo(proof),
"ready" => BroadcastMessage::Ready(b"dummy-ready".to_vec()),
_ => unreachable!(),
impl Debug for BroadcastMessage {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
BroadcastMessage::Value(ref v) => write!(f, "Value({:?})", HexProof(&v)),
BroadcastMessage::Echo(ref v) => write!(f, "Echo({:?})", HexProof(&v)),
BroadcastMessage::Ready(ref bytes) => write!(f, "Ready({:?})", HexBytes(bytes)),
/// Reliable Broadcast algorithm instance.
pub struct Broadcast<NodeUid> {
/// Shared network data.
netinfo: Arc<NetworkInfo<NodeUid>>,
/// The UID of the sending node.
proposer_id: NodeUid,
data_shard_num: usize,
coding: Coding,
/// Whether we have already multicast `Echo`.
echo_sent: bool,
/// Whether we have already multicast `Ready`.
ready_sent: bool,
/// Whether we have already output a value.
decided: bool,
/// The proofs we have received via `Echo` messages, by sender ID.
echos: BTreeMap<NodeUid, Proof<Vec<u8>>>,
/// The root hashes we received via `Ready` messages, by sender ID.
readys: BTreeMap<NodeUid, Vec<u8>>,
2018-07-19 06:09:50 -07:00
pub type Step<NodeUid> = messaging::Step<Broadcast<NodeUid>>;
2018-07-09 04:35:26 -07:00
impl<NodeUid: Debug + Clone + Ord> DistAlgorithm for Broadcast<NodeUid> {
type NodeUid = NodeUid;
2018-05-14 05:55:53 -07:00
// TODO: Allow anything serializable and deserializable, i.e. make this a type parameter
// T: Serialize + DeserializeOwned
type Input = Vec<u8>;
type Output = Self::Input;
type Message = BroadcastMessage;
type Error = Error;
2018-07-19 06:09:50 -07:00
fn input(&mut self, input: Self::Input) -> Result<Step<NodeUid>> {
if *self.netinfo.our_uid() != self.proposer_id {
return Err(Error::InstanceCannotPropose);
// Split the value into chunks/shards, encode them with erasure codes.
// Assemble a Merkle tree from data and parity shards. Take all proofs
// from this tree and send them, each to its own node.
let (proof, mut step) = self.send_shards(input)?;
let our_uid = &self.netinfo.our_uid().clone();
step.extend(self.handle_value(our_uid, proof)?);
fn handle_message(
&mut self,
sender_id: &NodeUid,
message: Self::Message,
2018-07-19 06:09:50 -07:00
) -> Result<Step<NodeUid>> {
2018-07-17 06:54:12 -07:00
if !self.netinfo.is_node_validator(sender_id) {
return Err(Error::UnknownSender);
match message {
BroadcastMessage::Value(p) => self.handle_value(sender_id, p),
BroadcastMessage::Echo(p) => self.handle_echo(sender_id, p),
BroadcastMessage::Ready(ref hash) => self.handle_ready(sender_id, hash),
fn terminated(&self) -> bool {
fn our_id(&self) -> &NodeUid {
impl<NodeUid: Debug + Clone + Ord> Broadcast<NodeUid> {
/// Creates a new broadcast instance to be used by node `our_id` which expects a value proposal
/// from node `proposer_id`.
pub fn new(netinfo: Arc<NetworkInfo<NodeUid>>, proposer_id: NodeUid) -> Result<Self> {
let parity_shard_num = 2 * netinfo.num_faulty();
let data_shard_num = netinfo.num_nodes() - parity_shard_num;
let coding = Coding::new(data_shard_num, parity_shard_num)?;
2018-05-01 09:32:01 -07:00
Ok(Broadcast {
2018-05-01 09:32:01 -07:00
echo_sent: false,
ready_sent: false,
decided: false,
echos: BTreeMap::new(),
readys: BTreeMap::new(),
2018-05-01 07:28:31 -07:00
/// Breaks the input value into shards of equal length and encodes them --
/// and some extra parity shards -- with a Reed-Solomon erasure coding
/// scheme. The returned value contains the shard assigned to this
/// node. That shard doesn't need to be sent anywhere. It gets recorded in
/// the broadcast instance.
fn send_shards(&mut self, mut value: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(Proof<Vec<u8>>, Step<NodeUid>)> {
let data_shard_num = self.coding.data_shard_count();
let parity_shard_num = self.coding.parity_shard_count();
2018-04-30 08:55:51 -07:00
"Data shards: {}, parity shards: {}",
self.data_shard_num, parity_shard_num
// Insert the length of `v` so it can be decoded without the padding.
2018-05-30 06:33:33 -07:00
let payload_len = value.len() as u32;
value.splice(0..0, 0..4); // Insert four bytes at the beginning.
BigEndian::write_u32(&mut value[..4], payload_len); // Write the size.
let value_len = value.len();
// Size of a Merkle tree leaf value, in bytes.
let shard_len = if value_len % data_shard_num > 0 {
value_len / data_shard_num + 1
2018-04-30 08:55:51 -07:00
} else {
value_len / data_shard_num
// Pad the last data shard with zeros. Fill the parity shards with
// zeros.
value.resize(shard_len * (data_shard_num + parity_shard_num), 0);
debug!("value_len {}, shard_len {}", value_len, shard_len);
// Divide the vector into chunks/shards.
let shards_iter = value.chunks_mut(shard_len);
// Convert the iterator over slices into a vector of slices.
let mut shards: Vec<&mut [u8]> = shards_iter.collect();
debug!("Shards before encoding: {:?}", HexList(&shards));
// Construct the parity chunks/shards
2018-05-30 06:33:33 -07:00
.encode(&mut shards)
.expect("the size and number of shards is correct");
debug!("Shards: {:?}", HexList(&shards));
// TODO: `MerkleTree` generates the wrong proof if a leaf occurs more than once, so we
// prepend an "index byte" to each shard. Consider using the `merkle_light` crate instead.
2018-05-10 08:50:07 -07:00
let shards_t: Vec<Vec<u8>> = shards
.map(|(i, s)| once(i as u8).chain(s.iter().cloned()).collect())
// Convert the Merkle tree into a partial binary tree for later
// deconstruction into compound branches.
let mtree = MerkleTree::from_vec(&digest::SHA256, shards_t);
// Default result in case of `gen_proof` error.
let mut result = Err(Error::ProofConstructionFailed);
assert_eq!(self.netinfo.num_nodes(), mtree.iter().count());
let mut step = Step::default();
// Send each proof to a node.
for (leaf_value, uid) in mtree.iter().zip(self.netinfo.all_uids()) {
let proof = mtree
if *uid == *self.netinfo.our_uid() {
// The proof is addressed to this node.
result = Ok(proof);
} else {
// Rest of the proofs are sent to remote nodes.
let msg = Target::Node(uid.clone()).message(BroadcastMessage::Value(proof));
result.map(|proof| (proof, step))
/// Handles a received echo and verifies the proof it contains.
fn handle_value(&mut self, sender_id: &NodeUid, p: Proof<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<Step<NodeUid>> {
// If the sender is not the proposer or if this is not the first `Value`, ignore.
if *sender_id != self.proposer_id {
"Node {:?} received Value from {:?} instead of {:?}.",
let fault_kind = FaultKind::ReceivedValueFromNonProposer;
return Ok(Fault::new(sender_id.clone(), fault_kind).into());
if self.echo_sent {
"Node {:?} received multiple Values.",
// TODO: should receiving two Values from a node be considered
// a fault? If so, return a `Fault` here. For now, ignore.
return Ok(Step::default());
// If the proof is invalid, log the faulty node behavior and ignore.
if !self.validate_proof(&p, &self.netinfo.our_uid()) {
return Ok(Fault::new(sender_id.clone(), FaultKind::InvalidProof).into());
// Otherwise multicast the proof in an `Echo` message, and handle it ourselves.
/// Handles a received `Echo` message.
fn handle_echo(&mut self, sender_id: &NodeUid, p: Proof<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<Step<NodeUid>> {
// If the sender has already sent `Echo`, ignore.
if self.echos.contains_key(sender_id) {
"Node {:?} received multiple Echos from {:?}.",
return Ok(Step::default());
// If the proof is invalid, log the faulty-node behavior, and ignore.
if !self.validate_proof(&p, sender_id) {
return Ok(Fault::new(sender_id.clone(), FaultKind::InvalidProof).into());
let hash = p.root_hash.clone();
// Save the proof for reconstructing the tree later.
self.echos.insert(sender_id.clone(), p);
if self.ready_sent || self.count_echos(&hash) < self.netinfo.num_correct() {
return self.compute_output(&hash);
// Upon receiving `N - f` `Echo`s with this root hash, multicast `Ready`.
/// Handles a received `Ready` message.
fn handle_ready(&mut self, sender_id: &NodeUid, hash: &[u8]) -> Result<Step<NodeUid>> {
// If the sender has already sent a `Ready` before, ignore.
if self.readys.contains_key(sender_id) {
"Node {:?} received multiple Readys from {:?}.",
return Ok(Step::default());
self.readys.insert(sender_id.clone(), hash.to_vec());
let mut step = Step::default();
// Upon receiving f + 1 matching Ready(h) messages, if Ready
// has not yet been sent, multicast Ready(h).
if self.count_readys(hash) == self.netinfo.num_faulty() + 1 && !self.ready_sent {
// Enqueue a broadcast of a Ready message.
/// Sends an `Echo` message and handles it. Does nothing if we are only an observer.
fn send_echo(&mut self, p: Proof<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<Step<NodeUid>> {
self.echo_sent = true;
if !self.netinfo.is_validator() {
return Ok(Step::default());
let echo_msg = BroadcastMessage::Echo(p.clone());
let mut step: Step<_> = Target::All.message(echo_msg).into();
let our_uid = &self.netinfo.our_uid().clone();
step.extend(self.handle_echo(our_uid, p)?);
/// Sends a `Ready` message and handles it. Does nothing if we are only an observer.
fn send_ready(&mut self, hash: &[u8]) -> Result<Step<NodeUid>> {
self.ready_sent = true;
if !self.netinfo.is_validator() {
return Ok(Step::default());
let ready_msg = BroadcastMessage::Ready(hash.to_vec());
let mut step: Step<_> = Target::All.message(ready_msg).into();
let our_uid = &self.netinfo.our_uid().clone();
step.extend(self.handle_ready(our_uid, hash)?);
2018-07-25 01:46:39 -07:00
/// Checks whether the conditions for output are met for this hash, and if so, sets the output
/// value.
fn compute_output(&mut self, hash: &[u8]) -> Result<Step<NodeUid>> {
2018-05-21 02:01:49 -07:00
if self.decided
|| self.count_readys(hash) <= 2 * self.netinfo.num_faulty()
2018-07-25 01:46:39 -07:00
|| self.count_echos(hash) < self.coding.data_shard_count()
return Ok(Step::default());
// Upon receiving 2f + 1 matching Ready(h) messages, wait for N 2f Echo messages.
2018-05-21 02:01:49 -07:00
let mut leaf_values: Vec<Option<Box<[u8]>>> = self
.map(|id| {
self.echos.get(id).and_then(|p| {
if p.root_hash.as_slice() == hash {
} else {
if let Some(value) =
decode_from_shards(&mut leaf_values, &self.coding, self.data_shard_num, hash)
self.decided = true;
} else {
/// Returns `true` if the proof is valid and has the same index as the node ID. Otherwise
/// logs an info message.
fn validate_proof(&self, p: &Proof<Vec<u8>>, id: &NodeUid) -> bool {
if !p.validate(&p.root_hash) {
"Node {:?} received invalid proof: {:?}",
2018-07-17 06:54:12 -07:00
} else if self.netinfo.node_index(id) != Some(p.value[0] as usize)
|| p.index(self.netinfo.num_nodes()) != p.value[0] as usize
"Node {:?} received proof for wrong position: {:?}.",
} else {
/// Returns the number of nodes that have sent us an `Echo` message with this hash.
fn count_echos(&self, hash: &[u8]) -> usize {
.filter(|p| p.root_hash.as_slice() == hash)
/// Returns the number of nodes that have sent us a `Ready` message with this hash.
fn count_readys(&self, hash: &[u8]) -> usize {
.filter(|h| h.as_slice() == hash)
/// A wrapper for `ReedSolomon` that doesn't panic if there are no parity shards.
enum Coding {
/// A `ReedSolomon` instance with at least one parity shard.
/// A no-op replacement that doesn't encode or decode anything.
impl Coding {
/// Creates a new `Coding` instance with the given number of shards.
fn new(data_shard_num: usize, parity_shard_num: usize) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(if parity_shard_num > 0 {
let rs = ReedSolomon::new(data_shard_num, parity_shard_num)
} else {
/// Returns the number of data shards.
fn data_shard_count(&self) -> usize {
match *self {
Coding::ReedSolomon(ref rs) => rs.data_shard_count(),
Coding::Trivial(dsc) => dsc,
/// Returns the number of parity shards.
fn parity_shard_count(&self) -> usize {
match *self {
Coding::ReedSolomon(ref rs) => rs.parity_shard_count(),
Coding::Trivial(_) => 0,
/// Constructs (and overwrites) the parity shards.
fn encode(&self, slices: &mut [&mut [u8]]) -> Result<()> {
match *self {
Coding::ReedSolomon(ref rs) => {
Coding::Trivial(_) => (),
/// If enough shards are present, reconstructs the missing ones.
fn reconstruct_shards(&self, shards: &mut [Option<Box<[u8]>>]) -> Result<()> {
match *self {
Coding::ReedSolomon(ref rs) => rs
Coding::Trivial(_) => {
if shards.iter().any(Option::is_none) {
return Err(Error::CodingReconstructShardsTrivialReedSolomon(
fn decode_from_shards(
leaf_values: &mut [Option<Box<[u8]>>],
coding: &Coding,
2018-04-30 08:55:51 -07:00
data_shard_num: usize,
root_hash: &[u8],
) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
// Try to interpolate the Merkle tree using the Reed-Solomon erasure coding scheme.
2018-05-31 00:12:15 -07:00
if let Err(err) = coding.reconstruct_shards(leaf_values) {
error!("Shard reconstruction failed: {:?}", err); // Faulty proposer
2018-05-31 00:12:15 -07:00
return None;
// Recompute the Merkle tree root.
// Collect shards for tree construction.
2018-05-10 08:50:07 -07:00
let shards: Vec<Vec<u8>> = leaf_values
.filter_map(|l| l.as_ref().map(|v| v.to_vec()))
debug!("Reconstructed shards: {:?}", HexList(&shards));
// Construct the Merkle tree.
let mtree = MerkleTree::from_vec(&digest::SHA256, shards);
// If the root hash of the reconstructed tree does not match the one
// received with proofs then abort.
2018-04-29 06:27:40 -07:00
if &mtree.root_hash()[..] != root_hash {
2018-05-30 06:33:33 -07:00
None // The proposer is faulty.
2018-04-30 08:55:51 -07:00
} else {
// Reconstruct the value from the data shards.
glue_shards(mtree, data_shard_num)
/// Concatenates the first `n` leaf values of a Merkle tree `m` in one value of
/// type `T`. This is useful for reconstructing the data value held in the tree
/// and forgetting the leaves that contain parity information.
fn glue_shards(m: MerkleTree<Vec<u8>>, n: usize) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
// Create an iterator over the shard payload, drop the index bytes.
let mut bytes = m.into_iter().take(n).flat_map(|s| s.into_iter().skip(1));
let payload_len = match (bytes.next(), bytes.next(), bytes.next(), bytes.next()) {
(Some(b0), Some(b1), Some(b2), Some(b3)) => BigEndian::read_u32(&[b0, b1, b2, b3]) as usize,
_ => return None, // The proposing node is faulty: no payload size.
let payload: Vec<u8> = bytes.take(payload_len).collect();
debug!("Glued data shards {:?}", HexBytes(&payload));