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Validator Helm Chart

A validator is an Ethereum client to validate transactions and generate blocks.


  • StatefulSets support
  • Dynamically provisioned persistent volumes

Installing the Chart

To install the chart:

helm install \
  --name ${DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT}-transactor-${NAME} \


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the transactor chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
service.type The Kubernetes service type ClusterIP
service.externalPeerPort Exposed Ethereum P2P port 30303
service.ExternalRPCPort Exposed Ethereum RPC port 8545
service.ExternalWSPort Exposed Ethereum WebSocket port 8546
replicaCount Kubernetes statefulset replicas 1
image.repository Docker image repository ethereum/client-go
image.tag Docker image tag alpine
image.pullPolicy Docker image pulling policy Always
ethereum.identity Custom node name $POD_NAME
ethereum.port Network listening port 30303
ethereum.networkID Network identifier 12345
ethereum.cache Megabytes of memory allocated to internal caching 512
ethereum.rpc.enabled Enable the HTTP-RPC server false
ethereum.rpc.addr HTTP-RPC server listening interface localhost
ethereum.rpc.port HTTP-RPC server listening port 8545
ethereum.rpc.api API's offered over the HTTP-RPC interface "eth,net,web3,personal"
ethereum.rpc.corsdomain Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests * Enable the WS-RPC server false WS-RPC server listening interface localhost WS-RPC server listening port 8546 API's offered over the WS-RPC interface "eth,net,web3,personal" Origins from which to accept websockets requests *
ethereum.mining.enabled Enable mining true
ethereum.mining.threads Number of CPU threads to use for mining 2
ethereum.mining.etherbase Public address for block mining rewards "1a9afb711302c5f83b5902843d1c007a1a137632"
ethereum.ethstats.enabled Enable ethstats reporting true
ethereum.ethstats.addr Ethstats service address ws://eth-netstats
ethereum.ethstats.port Ethstats service port 3000
ethereum.ethstats.secret Ethstats service websocket secret bb98a0b6442386d0cdf8a31b267892c1
ethereum.nodekey.hex P2P node key as hex aaaaaaaaaaaaaa5302ccdd5b6ffa092e148ba497e352c2824f366ec399072068
ethereum.account.address Account address assigned to the validator 1a9afb711302c5f83b5902843d1c007a1a137632 Full account data file as JSON string {"address":"1a9afb711302c5f83b5902843d1c007a1a137632","Crypto":{"cipher":"aes-128-ctr","ciphertext":"132b50d7c8944a115824de7c00911c40a90f84f27c614b7a3ef05ee8fd414312","cipherparams":{"iv":"0f745599d1b3303988ce210fb82b8c7f"},"kdf":"scrypt","kdfparams":{"dklen":32,"n":262144,"p":1,"r":8,"salt":"bce940bac232b4a9c5a2d50e5be51fde5cecfa7da9d49d8f650f91167bebf0de"},"mac":"36d515070b797aec58a574a3e04ea109498ee7674b15d7f952322cda7dcb68e3"},"id":"5d212b4c-3dd0-4c52-a32f-e42bf1b41133","version":3}
volumes.chaindir.size The maximum size usage of Ethereum data directory 10Gi
volumes.chaindir.storageClass The Kubernetes storage class of Ethereum data $NAMESPACE-chaindata
global.computingSpec The computing spec level of node to schedule low
global.nodeType The type of node to schedule generic

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

helm install \
  --name ${DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT}-validator-${NAME} \
  -f values.yaml \

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml