
242 lines
7.9 KiB

extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate docopt;
extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate log;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate bridge;
extern crate ctrlc;
extern crate jsonrpc_core as rpc;
use std::{env, fs, io};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use docopt::Docopt;
use futures::{Stream, future};
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
use bridge::app::App;
use bridge::bridge::{create_bridge, create_deploy, create_chain_id_retrieval, Deployed};
use bridge::config::Config;
use bridge::error::{Error, ErrorKind};
use bridge::web3;
const ERR_UNKNOWN: i32 = 1;
const ERR_IO_ERROR: i32 = 2;
const ERR_GAS_TOO_LOW: i32 = 5;
const ERR_GAS_PRICE_TOO_LOW: i32 = 6;
const ERR_NONCE_REUSE: i32 = 7;
const ERR_CANNOT_CONNECT: i32 = 10;
const ERR_CONNECTION_LOST: i32 = 11;
const ERR_BRIDGE_CRASH: i32 = 12;
const ERR_RPC_ERROR: i32 = 20;
pub struct UserFacingError(i32, Error);
impl From<Error> for UserFacingError {
fn from(err: Error) -> Self {
UserFacingError(ERR_UNKNOWN, err)
impl From<String> for UserFacingError {
fn from(err: String) -> Self {
UserFacingError(ERR_UNKNOWN, err.into())
impl From<io::Error> for UserFacingError {
fn from(err: io::Error) -> Self {
UserFacingError(ERR_IO_ERROR, err.into())
impl From<(i32, Error)> for UserFacingError {
fn from((code, err): (i32, Error)) -> Self {
UserFacingError(code, err)
const USAGE: &'static str = r#"
POA-Ethereum bridge.
Copyright 2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Limited
Copyright 2018 POA Networks Ltd.
bridge --config <config> --database <database>
bridge -h | --help
-h, --help Display help message and exit.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct Args {
arg_config: PathBuf,
arg_database: PathBuf,
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
fn main() {
let _ = env_logger::init();
let running = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true));
let r = running.clone();
ctrlc::set_handler(move || {
r.store(false, Ordering::SeqCst);
}).expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler");
let result = execute(env::args(), running);
match result {
Ok(s) => println!("{}", s),
Err(UserFacingError(code, err)) => {
fn print_err(err: Error) {
let message = err.iter().map(|e| e.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>().join("\n\nCaused by:\n ");
println!("{}", message);
fn execute<S, I>(command: I, running: Arc<AtomicBool>) -> Result<String, UserFacingError> where I: IntoIterator<Item=S>, S: AsRef<str> {
info!(target: "bridge", "Parsing cli arguments");
let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE)
.and_then(|d| d.argv(command).deserialize()).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
info!(target: "bridge", "Loading config");
let config = Config::load(args.arg_config)?;
info!(target: "bridge", "Starting event loop");
let mut event_loop = Core::new().unwrap();
info!(target: "bridge", "Home rpc host {}", config.clone().home.rpc_host);
info!(target: "bridge", "Foreign rpc host {}", config.clone().foreign.rpc_host);
info!(target: "bridge", "Establishing connection:");
info!(target:"bridge", " using RPC connection");
let app = match App::new_http(config.clone(), &args.arg_database, &event_loop.handle(), running.clone()) {
Ok(app) => app,
Err(e) => {
warn!("Can't establish an RPC connection: {:?}", e);
return Err((ERR_CANNOT_CONNECT, e).into());
let app = Arc::new(app);
info!(target: "bridge", "Acquiring home & foreign chain ids");
let home_chain_id = event_loop.run(create_chain_id_retrieval(app.clone(), app.connections.home.clone(), app.config.home.clone())).expect("can't retrieve home chain_id");
let foreign_chain_id = event_loop.run(create_chain_id_retrieval(app.clone(), app.connections.foreign.clone(), app.config.foreign.clone())).expect("can't retrieve foreign chain_id");
info!(target: "bridge", "Home chain ID: {} Foreign chain ID: {}", home_chain_id, foreign_chain_id);
use bridge::api;
let mut home_nonce = app.config.home.info.nonce.write().unwrap();
let mut foreign_nonce = app.config.foreign.info.nonce.write().unwrap();
*home_nonce = event_loop.run(api::eth_get_transaction_count(app.connections.home.clone(), app.config.home.account, None)).expect("can't initialize home nonce");
*foreign_nonce = event_loop.run(api::eth_get_transaction_count(app.connections.foreign.clone(), app.config.foreign.account, None)).expect("can't initialize foreign nonce");
#[cfg(feature = "deploy")]
info!(target: "bridge", "Deploying contracts (if needed)");
#[cfg(not(feature = "deploy"))]
info!(target: "bridge", "Reading the database");
let deployed = event_loop.run(create_deploy(app.clone(), home_chain_id, foreign_chain_id))?;
let database = match deployed {
Deployed::New(database) => {
info!(target: "bridge", "Deployed new bridge contracts");
info!(target: "bridge", "\n\n{}\n", database);
Deployed::Existing(database) => {
info!(target: "bridge", "Loaded database");
info!(target: "bridge", "Starting listening to events");
let bridge = create_bridge(app.clone(), &database, home_chain_id, foreign_chain_id)
.and_then(|_| future::ok(true)).collect();
let mut result = event_loop.run(bridge);
loop {
match result {
Err(Error(ErrorKind::ContextualizedError(e, context), _)) => {
error!("ERROR CONTEXT: {}", context);
result = Err(*e);
Err(Error(ErrorKind::Web3(web3::error::Error(web3::error::ErrorKind::Io(e), _)), _)) => {
if e.kind() == ::std::io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {
error!("Connection to a node has been severed");
return Err((ERR_CONNECTION_LOST, e.into()).into());
} else {
error!("I/O error: {:?}", e);
return Err((ERR_IO_ERROR, e.into()).into());
Err(e @ Error(ErrorKind::ShutdownRequested, _)) => {
info!("Shutdown requested, terminating");
return Err((ERR_SHUTDOWN_REQUESTED, e.into()).into());
Err(e @ Error(ErrorKind::InsufficientFunds, _)) => {
error!("Insufficient funds, terminating");
return Err((ERR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, e.into()).into());
Err(Error(ErrorKind::Web3(web3::error::Error(web3::error::ErrorKind::Rpc(e), _)), _)) => {
if e.code == rpc::ErrorCode::ServerError(-32010) && e.message.starts_with("Insufficient funds") {
error!("Insufficient funds, terminating");
return Err((ERR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, ErrorKind::Web3(web3::error::ErrorKind::Rpc(e).into()).into()).into());
} else if e.code == rpc::ErrorCode::ServerError(-32010) && e.message.starts_with("Transaction gas is too low") {
error!("Transaction gas is too low");
return Err((ERR_GAS_TOO_LOW, ErrorKind::Web3(web3::error::ErrorKind::Rpc(e).into()).into()).into());
} else if e.code == rpc::ErrorCode::ServerError(-32010) && e.message.starts_with("Transaction gas price is too low") {
error!("Transaction gas price is too low");
return Err((ERR_GAS_PRICE_TOO_LOW, ErrorKind::Web3(web3::error::ErrorKind::Rpc(e).into()).into()).into());
} else if e.code == rpc::ErrorCode::ServerError(-32010) && e.message.starts_with("Transaction gas price is too low. There is another") {
error!("Nonce reuse");
return Err((ERR_NONCE_REUSE, ErrorKind::Web3(web3::error::ErrorKind::Rpc(e).into()).into()).into());
} else if e.code == rpc::ErrorCode::ServerError(-32010) && e.message.starts_with("Transaction nonce is too low") {
error!("Nonce reuse");
return Err((ERR_NONCE_REUSE, ErrorKind::Web3(web3::error::ErrorKind::Rpc(e).into()).into()).into());
} else {
error!("RPC error {:?}", e);
return Err((ERR_RPC_ERROR, ErrorKind::Web3(web3::error::ErrorKind::Rpc(e).into()).into()).into());
Err(e) => {
error!("Bridge crashed with {}", e);
return Err((ERR_BRIDGE_CRASH, e).into());
Ok(_) => break,
mod tests {