
583 lines
21 KiB

var HomeBridge = artifacts.require("HomeBridge");
var helpers = require("./helpers/helpers");
contract('HomeBridge', function(accounts) {
it("should deploy contract", function() {
var meta;
var requiredSignatures = 1;
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
var estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = 0;
return HomeBridge.new(
).then(function(instance) {
meta = instance;
return meta.requiredSignatures.call();
}).then(function(result) {
assert.equal(requiredSignatures, result, "Contract has invalid number of requiredSignatures");
return Promise.all(authorities.map((_, index) => meta.authorities.call(index)));
}).then(function(result) {
assert.deepEqual(authorities, result, "Contract has invalid authorities");
it("should fail to deploy contract with not enough required signatures", function() {
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
return HomeBridge.new(0, authorities).then(function(_) {
assert(false, "Contract should fail to deploy");
}, function(err) {
// do nothing
it("should fail to deploy contract with too many signatures", function() {
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
return HomeBridge.new(3, authorities, 0).then(function(_) {
assert(false, "Contract should fail to deploy");
}, function(err) {
// do nothing
it("should create deposit event", function() {
var meta;
var requiredSignatures = 1;
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
var estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = 0;
let userAccount = accounts[2];
let value = web3.toWei(1, "ether");
return HomeBridge.new(
).then(function(instance) {
meta = instance;
return meta.sendTransaction({
value: value,
from: userAccount
}).then(function(result) {
assert.equal(1, result.logs.length, "Exactly one event should have been created");
assert.equal("Deposit", result.logs[0].event, "Event name should be Deposit");
assert.equal(userAccount, result.logs[0].args.recipient, "Event recipient should be transaction sender");
assert.equal(value, result.logs[0].args.value, "Event value should match deposited ether");
it("isMessageValueSufficientToCoverRelay should work correctly", function() {
var homeBridge;
var gasPrice;
var requiredSignatures = 1;
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
var estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = web3.toBigNumber(100000);
var userAccount = accounts[2];
var recipientAccount = accounts[3];
var estimatedWeiCostOfWithdraw;
var transactionHash = "0x1045bfe274b88120a6b1e5d01b5ec00ab5d01098346e90e7c7a3c9b8f0181c80";
return HomeBridge.new(
).then(function(instance) {
homeBridge = instance;
// do a test transaction so we can figure out the gasPrice
return homeBridge.sendTransaction({
value: 1,
from: userAccount
}).then(function(result) {
return web3.eth.getTransaction(result.tx);
}).then(function(tx) {
// getting the gas price dynamically instead of hardcoding it
// (which would require less code)
// is required because solidity-coverage sets it to 1
// and the usual default is 100000000000
gasPrice = tx.gasPrice;
estimatedWeiCostOfWithdraw = gasPrice.times(estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw);
return homeBridge.getWithdrawRelayCost();
}).then(function(result) {
assert(result.equals(estimatedWeiCostOfWithdraw), "getWithdrawRelayCost should return correct value");
var message = helpers.createMessage(recipientAccount, estimatedWeiCostOfWithdraw, transactionHash);
return homeBridge.isMessageValueSufficientToCoverRelay(message);
}).then(function(result) {
assert.equal(result, false, "exactly estimatedWeiCostOfWithdraw is not sufficient value");
var message = helpers.createMessage(recipientAccount, estimatedWeiCostOfWithdraw.plus(1), transactionHash);
return homeBridge.isMessageValueSufficientToCoverRelay(message);
}).then(function(result) {
assert.equal(result, true, "estimatedWeiCostOfWithdraw + 1 is sufficient value");
it("should allow correct withdraw without recipient paying for gas", function() {
var homeBridge;
var signature;
var requiredSignatures = 1;
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
var estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = 0;
var userAccount = accounts[2];
var recipientAccount = accounts[3];
var value = web3.toBigNumber(web3.toWei(1, "ether"));
var message = helpers.createMessage(recipientAccount, value, "0x1045bfe274b88120a6b1e5d01b5ec00ab5d01098346e90e7c7a3c9b8f0181c80");
return HomeBridge.new(
).then(function(instance) {
homeBridge = instance;
// "charge" HomeBridge so we can withdraw later
return homeBridge.sendTransaction({
value: value,
from: userAccount
}).then(function(result) {
return helpers.sign(authorities[0], message);
}).then(function(result) {
signature = result;
var vrs = helpers.signatureToVRS(signature);
return homeBridge.withdraw.estimateGas(
{from: authorities[0]}
}).then(function(result) {
console.log("estimated gas cost of HomeBridge.withdraw =", result);
var vrs = helpers.signatureToVRS(signature);
return homeBridge.withdraw(
// anyone can call withdraw (provided they have the message and required signatures)
{from: userAccount}
}).then(function(result) {
assert.equal(1, result.logs.length, "Exactly one event should be created");
assert.equal("Withdraw", result.logs[0].event, "Event name should be Withdraw");
assert.equal(recipientAccount, result.logs[0].args.recipient, "Event recipient should match recipient in message");
assert(value.equals(result.logs[0].args.value), "Event value should match value in message");
it("should allow correct withdraw with recipient paying caller for gas", function() {
var homeBridge;
var initialBalances;
var signature;
var requiredSignatures = 1;
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
var estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = web3.toBigNumber(100000);
var actualGasCostOfWithdraw;
var gasPrice;
var transactionResult;
var relayCost;
var relayerAccount = accounts[2];
var recipientAccount = accounts[3];
var chargerAccount = accounts[4];
var value = web3.toBigNumber(web3.toWei(1, "ether"));
var message = helpers.createMessage(recipientAccount, value, "0x1045bfe274b88120a6b1e5d01b5ec00ab5d01098346e90e7c7a3c9b8f0181c80");
return HomeBridge.new(
).then(function(instance) {
homeBridge = instance;
return helpers.getBalances(accounts);
}).then(function(result) {
initialBalances = result;
// "charge" HomeBridge so we can withdraw later
return homeBridge.sendTransaction({
value: value,
from: chargerAccount,
}).then(function(result) {
return helpers.sign(authorities[0], message);
}).then(function(result) {
signature = result;
var vrs = helpers.signatureToVRS(signature);
return homeBridge.withdraw(
// anyone can call withdraw (provided they have the message and required signatures)
{ from: relayerAccount }
}).then(function(result) {
transactionResult = result;
actualGasCostOfWithdraw = web3.toBigNumber(result.receipt.gasUsed);
return web3.eth.getTransaction(result.tx);
}).then(function(tx) {
// getting the gas price dynamically instead of hardcoding it
// (which would require less code)
// is required because solidity-coverage sets it to 1
// and the usual default is 100000000000
gasPrice = tx.gasPrice;
relayCost = gasPrice.times(estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw);
assert.equal(1, transactionResult.logs.length, "Exactly one event should be created");
assert.equal("Withdraw", transactionResult.logs[0].event, "Event name should be Withdraw");
assert.equal(recipientAccount, transactionResult.logs[0].args.recipient, "Event recipient should match recipient in message");
assert(value.minus(relayCost).equals(transactionResult.logs[0].args.value), "Event value should match value in message minus relay cost");
return helpers.getBalances(accounts);
}).then(function(balances) {
let actualWeiCostOfWithdraw = actualGasCostOfWithdraw.times(gasPrice);
"Recipient received value minus relay cost");
"Relayer received relay cost");
it("should revert withdraw if value is insufficient to cover costs", function() {
var homeBridge;
var initialBalances;
var signature;
var requiredSignatures = 1;
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
var estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = web3.toBigNumber(100000);
var relayerAccount = accounts[2];
var recipientAccount = accounts[3];
var chargerAccount = accounts[4];
var value = estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw;
var message = helpers.createMessage(recipientAccount, value, "0x1045bfe274b88120a6b1e5d01b5ec00ab5d01098346e90e7c7a3c9b8f0181c80");
return HomeBridge.new(
).then(function(instance) {
homeBridge = instance;
return helpers.getBalances(accounts);
}).then(function(result) {
initialBalances = result;
// "charge" HomeBridge so we can withdraw later
return homeBridge.sendTransaction({
value: value,
from: chargerAccount,
}).then(function(result) {
return helpers.sign(authorities[0], message);
}).then(function(result) {
signature = result;
var vrs = helpers.signatureToVRS(signature);
return homeBridge.withdraw(
// anyone can call withdraw (provided they have the message and required signatures)
{ from: relayerAccount }
}).then(function(result) {
assert(false, "withdraw if value <= estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw should fail");
}, function (err) {
// nothing
it("should allow second withdraw with different transactionHash but same recipient and value", function() {
var homeBridge;
var requiredSignatures = 1;
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
let estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = 0;
var userAccount = accounts[2];
var recipientAccount = accounts[3];
var value = web3.toBigNumber(web3.toWei(1, "ether"));
var message1 = helpers.createMessage(recipientAccount, value, "0x1045bfe274b88120a6b1e5d01b5ec00ab5d01098346e90e7c7a3c9b8f0181c80");
var message2 = helpers.createMessage(recipientAccount, value, "0x038c79eb958a13aa71996bac27c628f33f227288bd27d5e157b97e55e08fd2b3");
return HomeBridge.new(
).then(function(instance) {
homeBridge = instance;
// "charge" HomeBridge so we can withdraw later
return homeBridge.sendTransaction({
value: value.times(2),
from: userAccount
}).then(function(result) {
return helpers.sign(authorities[0], message1);
}).then(function(signature) {
var vrs = helpers.signatureToVRS(signature);
return homeBridge.withdraw(
{from: authorities[0]}
}).then(function(result) {
assert.equal(1, result.logs.length, "Exactly one event should be created");
assert.equal("Withdraw", result.logs[0].event, "Event name should be Withdraw");
assert.equal(recipientAccount, result.logs[0].args.recipient, "Event recipient should match recipient in message");
assert(value.equals(result.logs[0].args.value), "Event value should match value in message");
return helpers.sign(authorities[0], message2);
}).then(function(signature) {
var vrs = helpers.signatureToVRS(signature);
return homeBridge.withdraw(
{from: authorities[0]}
}).then(function(result) {
assert.equal(1, result.logs.length, "Exactly one event should be created");
assert.equal("Withdraw", result.logs[0].event, "Event name should be Withdraw");
assert.equal(recipientAccount, result.logs[0].args.recipient, "Event recipient should match recipient in message");
assert(value.equals(result.logs[0].args.value), "Event value should match value in message");
it("should not allow second withdraw (replay attack) with same transactionHash but different recipient and value", function() {
var homeBridge;
var requiredSignatures = 1;
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
var estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = 0;
var userAccount = accounts[2];
var recipientAccount = accounts[3];
var value = web3.toBigNumber(web3.toWei(1, "ether"));
var message1 = helpers.createMessage(recipientAccount, value, "0x1045bfe274b88120a6b1e5d01b5ec00ab5d01098346e90e7c7a3c9b8f0181c80");
var message2 = helpers.createMessage(recipientAccount, value, "0x1045bfe274b88120a6b1e5d01b5ec00ab5d01098346e90e7c7a3c9b8f0181c80");
return HomeBridge.new(
).then(function(instance) {
homeBridge = instance;
// "charge" HomeBridge so we can withdraw later
return homeBridge.sendTransaction({
value: value.times(2),
from: userAccount
}).then(function(result) {
return helpers.sign(authorities[0], message1);
}).then(function(signature) {
var vrs = helpers.signatureToVRS(signature);
return homeBridge.withdraw(
{from: authorities[0]}
}).then(function(result) {
assert.equal(1, result.logs.length, "Exactly one event should be created");
assert.equal("Withdraw", result.logs[0].event, "Event name should be Withdraw");
assert.equal(recipientAccount, result.logs[0].args.recipient, "Event recipient should match recipient in message");
assert(value.equals(result.logs[0].args.value), "Event value should match value in message");
return helpers.sign(authorities[0], message2);
}).then(function(signature) {
var vrs = helpers.signatureToVRS(signature);
return homeBridge.withdraw(
{from: authorities[0]}
}).then(function(result) {
assert(false, "should fail");
}, function (err) {
// nothing
it("withdraw without funds on HomeBridge should fail", function() {
var homeBridge;
var signature;
var requiredSignatures = 1;
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
var estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = 0;
var userAccount = accounts[2];
var recipientAccount = accounts[3];
var value = web3.toBigNumber(web3.toWei(1, "ether"));
var message = helpers.createMessage(recipientAccount, value, "0x1045bfe274b88120a6b1e5d01b5ec00ab5d01098346e90e7c7a3c9b8f0181c80");
return HomeBridge.new(
).then(function(instance) {
homeBridge = instance;
return helpers.sign(authorities[0], message);
}).then(function(result) {
signature = result;
var vrs = helpers.signatureToVRS(signature);
return homeBridge.withdraw(
message.substr(0, 83),
{from: authorities[0]}
}).then(function(result) {
assert(false, "should fail");
}, function (err) {
// nothing
it("should not allow withdraw with message.length != 84", function() {
var homeBridge;
var signature;
var requiredSignatures = 1;
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
var estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = 0;
var userAccount = accounts[2];
var recipientAccount = accounts[3];
var value = web3.toBigNumber(web3.toWei(1, "ether"));
var message = helpers.createMessage(recipientAccount, value, "0x1045bfe274b88120a6b1e5d01b5ec00ab5d01098346e90e7c7a3c9b8f0181c80");
// make message too short
message = message.substr(0, 83);
return HomeBridge.new(
).then(function(instance) {
homeBridge = instance;
// "charge" HomeBridge so we can withdraw later
return homeBridge.sendTransaction({
value: value,
from: userAccount
}).then(function(result) {
return helpers.sign(authorities[0], message);
}).then(function(result) {
signature = result;
var vrs = helpers.signatureToVRS(signature);
return homeBridge.withdraw(
// anyone can call withdraw (provided they have the message and required signatures)
{from: userAccount}
}).then(function(result) {
assert(false, "withdraw should fail");
}, function(err) {
it("withdraw should fail if not enough signatures are provided", function() {
var homeBridge;
var signature;
var requiredSignatures = 2;
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
var estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = 0;
var userAccount = accounts[2];
var recipientAccount = accounts[3];
var value = web3.toBigNumber(web3.toWei(1, "ether"));
var message = helpers.createMessage(recipientAccount, value, "0x1045bfe274b88120a6b1e5d01b5ec00ab5d01098346e90e7c7a3c9b8f0181c80");
return HomeBridge.new(
).then(function(instance) {
homeBridge = instance;
// "charge" HomeBridge so we can withdraw later
return homeBridge.sendTransaction({
value: value,
from: userAccount
}).then(function(result) {
return helpers.sign(authorities[0], message);
}).then(function(result) {
signature = result;
var vrs = helpers.signatureToVRS(signature);
return homeBridge.withdraw(
// anyone can call withdraw (provided they have the message and required signatures)
{from: userAccount}
}).then(function(result) {
assert(false, "should fail");
}, function(err) {
it("withdraw should fail if duplicate signature is provided", function() {
var homeBridge;
var signature;
var requiredSignatures = 2;
var authorities = [accounts[0], accounts[1]];
var estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = 0;
var userAccount = accounts[2];
var recipientAccount = accounts[3];
var value = web3.toBigNumber(web3.toWei(1, "ether"));
var message = helpers.createMessage(recipientAccount, value, "0x1045bfe274b88120a6b1e5d01b5ec00ab5d01098346e90e7c7a3c9b8f0181c80");
return HomeBridge.new(
).then(function(instance) {
homeBridge = instance;
// "charge" HomeBridge so we can withdraw later
return homeBridge.sendTransaction({
value: value,
from: userAccount
}).then(function(result) {
return helpers.sign(authorities[0], message);
}).then(function(result) {
signature = result;
var vrs = helpers.signatureToVRS(signature);
return homeBridge.withdraw(
[vrs.v, vrs.v],
[vrs.r, vrs.r],
[vrs.s, vrs.s],
// anyone can call withdraw (provided they have the message and required signatures)
{from: userAccount}
}).then(function(result) {
assert(false, "should fail");
}, function(err) {