
401 lines
14 KiB

/// spins up two parity nodes with the dev chain.
/// starts one bridge authority that connects the two.
/// does a deposit by sending ether to the HomeBridge.
/// asserts that the deposit got relayed to foreign chain.
/// does a withdraw by executing ForeignBridge.transferToHomeBridge.
/// asserts that the withdraw got relayed to home chain.
extern crate tempdir;
extern crate web3;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate bridge;
extern crate ethabi;
extern crate serde_json;
#[macro_use] extern crate ethabi_contract;
#[macro_use] extern crate ethabi_derive;
use_contract!(token, "Token", "../compiled_contracts/Token.abi");
use std::process::Command;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::thread;
use std::path::Path;
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
use web3::transports::ipc::Ipc;
use web3::api::Namespace;
use web3::types::{Address, U256};
extern crate rustc_hex;
use rustc_hex::FromHex;
const TMP_PATH: &str = "tmp";
fn parity_home_command() -> Command {
let mut command = Command::new("parity");
.arg("--base-path").arg(format!("{}/home", TMP_PATH))
fn parity_foreign_command() -> Command {
let mut command = Command::new("parity");
.arg("--base-path").arg(format!("{}/foreign", TMP_PATH))
fn address_from_str(string: &'static str) -> web3::types::Address {
fn test_insufficient_funds() {
if Path::new(TMP_PATH).exists() {
std::fs::remove_dir_all(TMP_PATH).expect("failed to remove tmp dir");
let _tmp_dir = tempdir::TempDir::new(TMP_PATH).expect("failed to create tmp dir");
println!("\nbuild the bridge cli executable so we can run it later\n");
.env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "1")
.args(&["build", "--features", "deploy"])
.expect("failed to build bridge cli")
// start a parity node that represents the home chain
let mut parity_home = parity_home_command()
.expect("failed to spawn parity home node");
// start a parity node that represents the foreign chain
let mut parity_foreign = parity_foreign_command()
.expect("failed to spawn parity foreign node");
// give the clients time to start up
// A address containing a lot of tokens (0x00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea72) should be
// automatically added with a password being an empty string.
// source: https://paritytech.github.io/wiki/Private-development-chain.html
let user_address = "0x00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea72";
let authority_address = "0x00bd138abd70e2f00903268f3db08f2d25677c9e";
// create authority account on home
let exit_status = Command::new("curl")
.arg("--data").arg(r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"parity_newAccountFromPhrase","params":["node0", ""],"id":0}"#)
.arg("-H").arg("Content-Type: application/json")
.expect("failed to create authority account on home");
// TODO [snd] assert that created address matches authority_address
// create authority account on foreign
let exit_status = Command::new("curl")
.arg("--data").arg(r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"parity_newAccountFromPhrase","params":["node0", ""],"id":0}"#)
.arg("-H").arg("Content-Type: application/json")
.expect("failed to create/unlock authority account on foreign");
// TODO [snd] assert that created address matches authority_address
// give the operations time to complete
// kill the clients so we can restart them with the accounts unlocked
// wait for clients to shut down
// start a parity node that represents the home chain with accounts unlocked
let mut parity_home = parity_home_command()
.arg("--unlock").arg(format!("{},{}", user_address, authority_address))
.expect("failed to spawn parity home node");
// start a parity node that represents the foreign chain with accounts unlocked
let mut parity_foreign = parity_foreign_command()
.arg("--unlock").arg(format!("{},{}", user_address, authority_address))
.expect("failed to spawn parity foreign node");
// give nodes time to start up
println!("\nfund foreign authority address\n");
let exit_status = Command::new("curl")
"from": "{}",
"to": "{}",
"value": "{}"
}}],"id":0}}"#, user_address, authority_address, "0xffffffff"))
.arg("-H").arg("Content-Type: application/json")
.expect("failed to deposit into HomeBridge");
println!("\nfund foreign authority address (foreign)\n");
let exit_status = Command::new("curl")
"from": "{}",
"to": "{}",
"value": "{}"
}}],"id":0}}"#, user_address, authority_address, "0xffffffff"))
.arg("-H").arg("Content-Type: application/json")
.expect("failed to deposit into HomeBridge");
// start bridge authority 1
let mut bridge1 = Command::new("env")
.env("RUST_LOG", "info")
.expect("failed to spawn bridge process");
// give the bridge time to start up and deploy the contracts
let home_contract_address = "0xebd3944af37ccc6b67ff61239ac4fef229c8f69f";
let foreign_contract_address = "0xebd3944af37ccc6b67ff61239ac4fef229c8f69f";
// connect to foreign and home via IPC
let mut event_loop = Core::new().unwrap();
let foreign_transport = Ipc::with_event_loop("foreign.ipc", &event_loop.handle())
.expect("failed to connect to foreign.ipc");
let foreign = bridge::contracts::foreign::ForeignBridge::default();
let foreign_eth = web3::api::Eth::new(foreign_transport);
let home_transport = Ipc::with_event_loop("home.ipc", &event_loop.handle())
.expect("failed to connect to home.ipc");
let home_eth = web3::api::Eth::new(home_transport);
// deploy the token
println!("== deploy the token");
let token_constructor = token::Token::default().constructor(include_str!("../../compiled_contracts/Token.bin").from_hex().unwrap());
let future = foreign_eth.send_transaction(web3::types::TransactionRequest {
from: address_from_str(authority_address),
to: None,
gas: None,
gas_price: None,
value: None,
data: Some(token_constructor.into()),
condition: None,
nonce: None,
let tx = event_loop.run(future).unwrap();
let future = foreign_eth.transaction_receipt(tx);
let token_receipt = event_loop.run(future).unwrap();
let token_addr = token_receipt.unwrap().contract_address.unwrap();
// check token validity
let is_token = token::Token::default().functions().is_token().input();
let future = foreign_eth.call(web3::types::CallRequest {
from: None,
to: token_addr,
gas: None,
gas_price: None,
value: None,
data: Some(web3::types::Bytes(is_token)),
}, None);
// set the token
println!("== set the token");
let set_token = foreign.functions().set_token_address().input(token_addr);
let future = foreign_eth.send_transaction(web3::types::TransactionRequest {
from: address_from_str(authority_address),
to: Some(address_from_str(foreign_contract_address)),
gas: None,
gas_price: None,
value: None,
data: Some(web3::types::Bytes(set_token)),
condition: None,
nonce: None,
// check that the token has been set correctly
println!("== check token setup");
let token = foreign.functions().erc20token().input();
let future = foreign_eth.call(web3::types::CallRequest {
from: None,
to: address_from_str(foreign_contract_address),
gas: None,
gas_price: None,
value: None,
data: Some(web3::types::Bytes(token)),
}, None);
let response = event_loop.run(future).unwrap();
assert_eq!(Address::from(&response.0.as_slice()[(response.0.len()-20)..]), token_addr);
let erc20 = bridge::contracts::erc20::ERC20::default();
// fund the contract
println!("== set mint agent");
let set_mint_agent = token::Token::default().functions().set_mint_agent().input(address_from_str(authority_address), true);
let future = foreign_eth.send_transaction(web3::types::TransactionRequest {
from: address_from_str(authority_address),
to: Some(token_addr),
gas: None,
gas_price: None,
value: None,
data: Some(web3::types::Bytes(set_mint_agent)),
condition: None,
nonce: None,
println!("== fund contract through minting");
let fund = token::Token::default().functions().mint().input(address_from_str(foreign_contract_address), ::std::u32::MAX);
let future = foreign_eth.send_transaction(web3::types::TransactionRequest {
from: address_from_str(authority_address),
to: Some(token_addr),
gas: None,
gas_price: None,
value: None,
data: Some(web3::types::Bytes(fund)),
condition: None,
nonce: None,
println!("== check token supply");
let supply_payload = token::Token::default().functions().total_supply().input();
let supply_call = web3::types::CallRequest {
from: None,
to: token_addr,
gas: None,
gas_price: None,
value: None,
data: Some(web3::types::Bytes(supply_payload)),
assert!(!U256::from(event_loop.run(foreign_eth.call(supply_call, None)).unwrap().0.as_slice()).is_zero());
println!("== check contract balance");
let balance_payload = erc20.functions().balance_of().input(address_from_str(foreign_contract_address));
let balance_call = web3::types::CallRequest {
from: None,
to: token_addr,
gas: None,
gas_price: None,
value: None,
data: Some(web3::types::Bytes(balance_payload)),
assert!(!U256::from(event_loop.run(foreign_eth.call(balance_call, None)).unwrap().0.as_slice()).is_zero());
// TODO: remove the balance from the foreign bridge
println!("\nchecking foreign balance");
let balance_check = Command::new("curl")
.arg("--data").arg(format!(r#"{{"id": "balance", "jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBalance","params":["{}"]}}"#, authority_address))
.arg("-H").arg("Content-Type: application/json")
.expect("failed to get balance");
let response: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_reader(&balance_check.stdout[..]).unwrap();
let balance = &response["result"];
println!("\nbalance: {}", balance);
println!("\nremoving funding from the foreign authority address\n");
let exit_status = Command::new("curl")
"from": "{}",
"to": "{}",
"value": {},
"gasPrice": "0x0"
}}],"id":0}}"#, authority_address, "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", balance))
.arg("-H").arg("Content-Type: application/json")
.expect("failed to deposit into HomeBridge");
println!("\nchecking foreign balance again");
let balance_check = Command::new("curl")
.arg("--data").arg(format!(r#"{{"id": "balance", "jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBalance","params":["{}"]}}"#, authority_address))
.arg("-H").arg("Content-Type: application/json")
.expect("failed to get balance");
let response: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_reader(&balance_check.stdout[..]).unwrap();
let balance = &response["result"];
println!("\nbalance: {}", balance);
assert_eq!(balance, &serde_json::Value::String("0x0".into()));
println!("\nuser deposits ether into HomeBridge\n");
// TODO [snd] use rpc client here instead of curl
let exit_status = Command::new("curl")
"from": "{}",
"to": "{}",
"value": "0x186a0"
}}],"id":0}}"#, user_address, home_contract_address))
.arg("-H").arg("Content-Type: application/json")
.expect("failed to deposit into HomeBridge");
// TODO: bridge should exit
let status = bridge1.wait().unwrap();
assert_eq!(status.code().unwrap(), 4); // 4 stands for INSUFFICENT_FUNDS