
115 lines
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// returns a Promise that resolves with a hex string that is the signature of
// `data` signed with the key of `address`
function sign(address, data) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
web3.eth.sign(address, data, function(err, result) {
if (err !== null) {
return reject(err);
} else {
return resolve(normalizeSignature(result));
//return resolve(result);
module.exports.sign = sign;
// geth && testrpc has different output of eth_sign than parity
// https://github.com/ethereumjs/testrpc/issues/243#issuecomment-326750236
function normalizeSignature(signature) {
signature = strip0x(signature);
// increase v by 27...
return "0x" + signature.substr(0, 128) + (parseInt(signature.substr(128), 16) + 27).toString(16);
module.exports.normalizeSignature = normalizeSignature;
// strips leading "0x" if present
function strip0x(input) {
return input.replace(/^0x/, "");
module.exports.strip0x = strip0x;
// extracts and returns the `v`, `r` and `s` values from a `signature`.
// all inputs and outputs are hex strings with leading '0x'.
function signatureToVRS(signature) {
assert.equal(signature.length, 2 + 32 * 2 + 32 * 2 + 2);
signature = strip0x(signature);
var v = parseInt(signature.substr(64 * 2), 16);
var r = "0x" + signature.substr(0, 32 * 2);
var s = "0x" + signature.substr(32 * 2, 32 * 2);
return {v: v, r: r, s: s};
module.exports.signatureToVRS = signatureToVRS;
// returns BigNumber `num` converted to a little endian hex string
// that is exactly 32 bytes long.
// `num` must represent an unsigned integer
function bigNumberToPaddedBytes32(num) {
var result = strip0x(num.toString(16));
while (result.length < 64) {
result = "0" + result;
return "0x" + result;
module.exports.bigNumberToPaddedBytes32 = bigNumberToPaddedBytes32;
// returns an promise that resolves to an object
// that maps `addresses` to their current balances
function getBalances(addresses) {
return Promise.all(addresses.map(function(address) {
return web3.eth.getBalance(address);
})).then(function(balancesArray) {
let addressToBalance = {};
addresses.forEach(function(address, index) {
addressToBalance[address] = balancesArray[index];
return addressToBalance;
module.exports.getBalances = getBalances;
// returns hex string of the bytes of the message
// composed from `recipient`, `value` and `transactionHash`
// that is relayed from `foreign` to `home` on withdraw
function createMessage(recipient, value, transactionHash, homeGasPrice) {
recipient = strip0x(recipient);
assert.equal(recipient.length, 20 * 2);
var value = strip0x(bigNumberToPaddedBytes32(value));
assert.equal(value.length, 64);
transactionHash = strip0x(transactionHash);
assert.equal(transactionHash.length, 32 * 2);
homeGasPrice = strip0x(bigNumberToPaddedBytes32(homeGasPrice));
assert.equal(homeGasPrice.length, 64);
var message = "0x" + recipient + value + transactionHash + homeGasPrice;
var expectedMessageLength = (20 + 32 + 32 + 32) * 2 + 2;
assert.equal(message.length, expectedMessageLength);
return message;
module.exports.createMessage = createMessage;
// returns array of integers progressing from `start` up to, but not including, `end`
function range(start, end) {
var result = [];
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
return result;
module.exports.range = range;
// just used to signal/document that we're explicitely ignoring/expecting an error
function ignoreExpectedError() {
module.exports.ignoreExpectedError = ignoreExpectedError;