
511 lines
19 KiB

pragma solidity ^0.4.19;
/// general helpers.
/// `internal` so they get compiled into contracts using them.
library Helpers {
/// returns whether `array` contains `value`.
function addressArrayContains(address[] array, address value) internal pure returns (bool) {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] == value) {
return true;
return false;
// returns the digits of `inputValue` as a string.
// example: `uintToString(12345678)` returns `"12345678"`
function uintToString(uint256 inputValue) internal pure returns (string) {
// figure out the length of the resulting string
uint256 length = 0;
uint256 currentValue = inputValue;
do {
currentValue /= 10;
} while (currentValue != 0);
// allocate enough memory
bytes memory result = new bytes(length);
// construct the string backwards
uint256 i = length - 1;
currentValue = inputValue;
do {
result[i--] = byte(48 + currentValue % 10);
currentValue /= 10;
} while (currentValue != 0);
return string(result);
/// returns whether signatures (whose components are in `vs`, `rs`, `ss`)
/// contain `requiredSignatures` distinct correct signatures
/// where signer is in `allowed_signers`
/// that signed `message`
function hasEnoughValidSignatures(bytes message, uint8[] vs, bytes32[] rs, bytes32[] ss, address[] allowed_signers, uint256 requiredSignatures) internal pure returns (bool) {
// not enough signatures
if (vs.length < requiredSignatures) {
return false;
var hash = MessageSigning.hashMessage(message);
var encountered_addresses = new address[](allowed_signers.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < requiredSignatures; i++) {
var recovered_address = ecrecover(hash, vs[i], rs[i], ss[i]);
// only signatures by addresses in `addresses` are allowed
if (!addressArrayContains(allowed_signers, recovered_address)) {
return false;
// duplicate signatures are not allowed
if (addressArrayContains(encountered_addresses, recovered_address)) {
return false;
encountered_addresses[i] = recovered_address;
return true;
/// Library used only to test Helpers library via rpc calls
library HelpersTest {
function addressArrayContains(address[] array, address value) public pure returns (bool) {
return Helpers.addressArrayContains(array, value);
function uintToString(uint256 inputValue) public pure returns (string str) {
return Helpers.uintToString(inputValue);
function hasEnoughValidSignatures(bytes message, uint8[] vs, bytes32[] rs, bytes32[] ss, address[] addresses, uint256 requiredSignatures) public pure returns (bool) {
return Helpers.hasEnoughValidSignatures(message, vs, rs, ss, addresses, requiredSignatures);
// helpers for message signing.
// `internal` so they get compiled into contracts using them.
library MessageSigning {
function recoverAddressFromSignedMessage(bytes signature, bytes message) internal pure returns (address) {
require(signature.length == 65);
bytes32 r;
bytes32 s;
bytes1 v;
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly {
r := mload(add(signature, 0x20))
s := mload(add(signature, 0x40))
v := mload(add(signature, 0x60))
return ecrecover(hashMessage(message), uint8(v), r, s);
function hashMessage(bytes message) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
bytes memory prefix = "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n";
return keccak256(prefix, Helpers.uintToString(message.length), message);
/// Library used only to test MessageSigning library via rpc calls
library MessageSigningTest {
function recoverAddressFromSignedMessage(bytes signature, bytes message) public pure returns (address) {
return MessageSigning.recoverAddressFromSignedMessage(signature, message);
library Message {
// layout of message :: bytes:
// offset 0: 32 bytes :: uint256 - message length
// offset 32: 20 bytes :: address - recipient address
// offset 52: 32 bytes :: uint256 - value
// offset 84: 32 bytes :: bytes32 - transaction hash
// offset 116: 32 bytes :: uint256 - home gas price
// bytes 1 to 32 are 0 because message length is stored as little endian.
// mload always reads 32 bytes.
// so we can and have to start reading recipient at offset 20 instead of 32.
// if we were to read at 32 the address would contain part of value and be corrupted.
// when reading from offset 20 mload will read 12 zero bytes followed
// by the 20 recipient address bytes and correctly convert it into an address.
// this saves some storage/gas over the alternative solution
// which is padding address to 32 bytes and reading recipient at offset 32.
// for more details see discussion in:
// https://github.com/paritytech/parity-bridge/issues/61
function getRecipient(bytes message) internal pure returns (address) {
address recipient;
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly {
recipient := mload(add(message, 20))
return recipient;
function getValue(bytes message) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 value;
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly {
value := mload(add(message, 52))
return value;
function getTransactionHash(bytes message) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
bytes32 hash;
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly {
hash := mload(add(message, 84))
return hash;
function getHomeGasPrice(bytes message) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 gasPrice;
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly {
gasPrice := mload(add(message, 116))
return gasPrice;
/// Library used only to test Message library via rpc calls
library MessageTest {
function getRecipient(bytes message) public pure returns (address) {
return Message.getRecipient(message);
function getValue(bytes message) public pure returns (uint256) {
return Message.getValue(message);
function getTransactionHash(bytes message) public pure returns (bytes32) {
return Message.getTransactionHash(message);
function getHomeGasPrice(bytes message) public pure returns (uint256) {
return Message.getHomeGasPrice(message);
contract HomeBridge {
/// Number of authorities signatures required to withdraw the money.
/// Must be lesser than number of authorities.
uint256 public requiredSignatures;
/// The gas cost of calling `HomeBridge.withdraw`.
/// Is subtracted from `value` on withdraw.
/// recipient pays the relaying authority for withdraw.
/// this shuts down attacks that exhaust authorities funds on home chain.
uint256 public estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw;
/// Contract authorities.
address[] public authorities;
/// Used foreign transaction hashes.
mapping (bytes32 => bool) withdraws;
/// Event created on money deposit.
event Deposit (address recipient, uint256 value);
/// Event created on money withdraw.
event Withdraw (address recipient, uint256 value);
/// Constructor.
function HomeBridge(
uint256 requiredSignaturesParam,
address[] authoritiesParam,
uint256 estimatedGasCostOfWithdrawParam
) public
require(requiredSignaturesParam != 0);
require(requiredSignaturesParam <= authoritiesParam.length);
requiredSignatures = requiredSignaturesParam;
authorities = authoritiesParam;
estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = estimatedGasCostOfWithdrawParam;
/// Should be used to deposit money.
function () public payable {
Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);
/// final step of a withdraw.
/// checks that `requiredSignatures` `authorities` have signed of on the `message`.
/// then transfers `value` to `recipient` (both extracted from `message`).
/// see message library above for a breakdown of the `message` contents.
/// `vs`, `rs`, `ss` are the components of the signatures.
/// anyone can call this, provided they have the message and required signatures!
/// only the `authorities` can create these signatures.
/// `requiredSignatures` authorities can sign arbitrary `message`s
/// transfering any ether `value` out of this contract to `recipient`.
/// bridge users must trust a majority of `requiredSignatures` of the `authorities`.
function withdraw(uint8[] vs, bytes32[] rs, bytes32[] ss, bytes message) public {
require(message.length == 116);
// check that at least `requiredSignatures` `authorities` have signed `message`
require(Helpers.hasEnoughValidSignatures(message, vs, rs, ss, authorities, requiredSignatures));
address recipient = Message.getRecipient(message);
uint256 value = Message.getValue(message);
bytes32 hash = Message.getTransactionHash(message);
uint256 homeGasPrice = Message.getHomeGasPrice(message);
// if the recipient calls `withdraw` they can choose the gas price freely.
// if anyone else calls `withdraw` they have to use the gas price
// `homeGasPrice` specified by the user initiating the withdraw.
// this is a security mechanism designed to shut down
// malicious senders setting extremely high gas prices
// and effectively burning recipients withdrawn value.
// see https://github.com/paritytech/parity-bridge/issues/112
// for further explanation.
require((recipient == msg.sender) || (tx.gasprice == homeGasPrice));
// The following two statements guard against reentry into this function.
// Duplicated withdraw or reentry.
// Order of operations below is critical to avoid TheDAO-like re-entry bug
withdraws[hash] = true;
uint256 estimatedWeiCostOfWithdraw = estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw * homeGasPrice;
// charge recipient for relay cost
uint256 valueRemainingAfterSubtractingCost = value - estimatedWeiCostOfWithdraw;
// pay out recipient
// refund relay cost to relaying authority
Withdraw(recipient, valueRemainingAfterSubtractingCost);
contract ERC20 {
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
function allowance(address owner, address spender) public constant returns (uint256);
contract ForeignBridge {
/// Number of authorities signatures required to withdraw the money.
/// Must be less than number of authorities.
uint256 public requiredSignatures;
uint256 public estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw;
// Original parity-bridge assumes that anyone could forward final
// withdraw confirmation to the HomeBridge contract. That's why
// they need to make sure that no one is trying to steal funds by
// setting a big gas price of withdraw transaction. So,
// funds sender is responsible to limit this by setting gasprice
// as part of withdraw request.
// Since it is not the case for POA CCT bridge, gasprice is set
// to 1 Gwei which is minimal gasprice for POA network.
uint256 homeGasPrice = 1000000000 wei;
/// Contract authorities.
mapping (address => bool) authorities;
/// Pending mesages
mapping (bytes32 => bytes) messages;
/// ???
mapping (bytes32 => bytes) signatures;
/// Pending deposits and authorities who confirmed them
mapping (bytes32 => bool) messages_signed;
mapping (bytes32 => uint) num_messages_signed;
/// Pending deposits and authorities who confirmed them
mapping (bytes32 => bool) deposits_signed;
mapping (bytes32 => uint) num_deposits_signed;
/// Token to work with
ERC20 public erc20token;
/// List of authorities confirmed to set up ERC-20 token address
mapping (bytes32 => bool) tokenAddressAprroval_signs;
mapping (address => uint256) num_tokenAddressAprroval_signs;
/// triggered when relay of deposit from HomeBridge is complete
event Deposit(address recipient, uint256 value);
/// Event created on money withdraw.
event Withdraw(address recipient, uint256 value, uint256 homeGasPrice);
/// Collected signatures which should be relayed to home chain.
event CollectedSignatures(address authorityResponsibleForRelay, bytes32 messageHash);
/// Event created when new token address is set up.
event TokenAddress(address token);
/// Constructor.
function ForeignBridge(
uint256 _requiredSignatures,
address[] _authorities,
uint256 _estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw
) public
require(_requiredSignatures != 0);
require(_requiredSignatures <= _authorities.length);
requiredSignatures = _requiredSignatures;
for (uint i = 0; i < _authorities.length; i++) {
authorities[_authorities[i]] = true;
estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw = _estimatedGasCostOfWithdraw;
/// require that sender is an authority
modifier onlyAuthority() {
/// Set up the token address. It allows to set up or change
/// the ERC20 token address only if authorities confirmed this.
/// Usage maps instead of arrey allows to reduce gas consumption
/// token address (address)
function setTokenAddress (ERC20 token) public onlyAuthority() {
// Duplicated deposits
bytes32 token_sender = keccak256(msg.sender, token);
tokenAddressAprroval_signs[token_sender]= true;
uint signed = num_tokenAddressAprroval_signs[address(token)] + 1;
num_tokenAddressAprroval_signs[address(token)] = signed;
// TODO: this may cause troubles if requriedSignatures len is changed
if (signed == requiredSignatures) {
erc20token = ERC20(token);
/// Used to transfer tokens to the `recipient`.
/// The bridge contract must own enough tokens to release them for
/// recipients. Tokens must be transfered to the bridge contract BEFORE
/// the first deposit will be performed.
/// Usage maps instead of array allows to reduce gas consumption
/// from 91169 to 89348 (solc 0.4.19).
/// deposit recipient (bytes20)
/// deposit value (uint256)
/// mainnet transaction hash (bytes32) // to avoid transaction duplication
function deposit(address recipient, uint value, bytes32 transactionHash) public onlyAuthority() {
require(erc20token != address(0x0));
// Protection from misbehaing authority
bytes32 hash_msg = keccak256(recipient, value, transactionHash);
bytes32 hash_sender = keccak256(msg.sender, hash_msg);
// Duplicated deposits
deposits_signed[hash_sender]= true;
uint signed = num_deposits_signed[hash_msg] + 1;
num_deposits_signed[hash_msg] = signed;
// TODO: this may cause troubles if requriedSignatures len is changed
if (signed == requiredSignatures) {
// If the bridge contract does not own enough tokens to transfer
// it will couse funds lock on the home side of the bridge
erc20token.transfer(recipient, value);
Deposit(recipient, value);
/// Used to transfer `value` of tokens from `_from`s balance on local
/// (`foreign`) chain to the same address (`_from`) on `home` chain.
/// Transfer of tokens within local (`foreign`) chain performed by usual
/// way through transfer method of the token contract.
/// In order to swap tokens to coins the owner (`_from`) must allow this
/// explicitly in the token contract by calling approveAndCall with address
/// of the bridge account.
/// The method locks tokens and emits a `Withdraw` event which will be
/// picked up by the bridge authorities.
/// Bridge authorities will then sign off (by calling `submitSignature`) on
/// a message containing `value`, the recipient (`_from`) and the `hash` of
/// the transaction on `foreign` containing the `Withdraw` event.
/// Once `requiredSignatures` are collected a `CollectedSignatures` event
/// will be emitted.
/// An authority will pick up `CollectedSignatures` an call
/// `HomeBridge.withdraw` which transfers `value - relayCost` to the
/// recipient completing the transfer.
function receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, ERC20 _tokenContract, bytes _msg) external returns(bool) {
require(erc20token != address(0x0));
require(msg.sender == address(erc20token));
require(erc20token.allowance(_from, this) >= _value);
erc20token.transferFrom(_from, this, _value);
Withdraw(_from, _value, homeGasPrice);
return true;
/// Should be used as sync tool
/// Message is a message that should be relayed to main chain once authorities sign it.
/// Usage several maps instead of structure allows to reduce gas consumption
/// from 265102 to 242334 (solc 0.4.19).
/// for withdraw message contains:
/// withdrawal recipient (bytes20)
/// withdrawal value (uint256)
/// foreign transaction hash (bytes32) // to avoid transaction duplication
function submitSignature(bytes signature, bytes message) public onlyAuthority() {
// ensure that `signature` is really `message` signed by `msg.sender`
require(msg.sender == MessageSigning.recoverAddressFromSignedMessage(signature, message));
require(message.length == 116);
bytes32 hash = keccak256(message);
bytes32 hash_sender = keccak256(msg.sender, hash);
uint signed = num_messages_signed[hash_sender] + 1;
if (signed > 1) {
// Duplicated signatures
else {
// check if it will really reduce gas usage in case of the second transaction
// with the same hash
messages[hash] = message;
messages_signed[hash_sender] = true;
bytes32 sign_idx = keccak256(hash, (signed-1));
signatures[sign_idx]= signature;
num_messages_signed[hash_sender] = signed;
// TODO: this may cause troubles if requiredSignatures len is changed
if (signed == requiredSignatures) {
CollectedSignatures(msg.sender, hash);
/// Get signature
function signature(bytes32 hash, uint index) public view returns (bytes) {
bytes32 sign_idx = keccak256(hash, index);
return signatures[sign_idx];
/// Get message
function message(bytes32 hash) public view returns (bytes) {
return messages[hash];