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#ECSS (Enduring CSS) will be used


##ECSS naming convention

.namespace-ModuleOrComponent_ChildNode-variant {}

  • namespace: This is a required part of every selector. The micro-namespace should be all lowercase/train-case. It is typically an abbreviation to denote context or originating logic.

  • ModuleOrComponent: This is a upper camel case/pascal case. It should always be preceded by a hyphen character (-).

  • ChildNode: This is an optional section of the selector. It should be upper camel case/pascal case and preceded by an underscore (_).

  • variant: This is a further optional section of the selector. It should be written all lowercase/train-case.

For example:

.hm-Item_Header {} .hm-Item_Header-bg1 {} /* Image background 1 */

##ECSS component states

.is-Suspended {} .is-Live {} .is-Selected {} .is-Busy {}


#CSS Overrides

Should be self contained.

For example:

.ip-Carousel { font-size: $text13; /* The override is here for when this key-selector sits within a ip-HomeCallouts element */ .ip-HomeCallouts & { font-size: $text15; } }