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A tool to monitor a POA Network blockchain for governance events.

The poagov command line tool is distributed as a binary for Linux and OSX; it can also be built from source for both platforms.

Installing the poagov Binary

Note: the poagov binary requires libssl to be installed prior to usage, if you do not have libssl installed, go to the "Requires libssl" section in this README to find out how to download it.

On Debian/Ubuntu:

$ curl -OL https://github.com/poanetwork/poa-governance-notifications/releases/download/v1.0.0/poagov-1.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ tar -xvzf poagov-1..0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ rm poagov-1.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ cd poagov
$ chmod +x poagov
$ ./poagov --help


$ curl -OL https://github.com/poanetwork/poa-governance-notifications/releases/download/v1.0.0/poagov-1.0.0-osx-x86_64.tar.gz
$ tar -xvzf poagov-1.0.0-osx-x86_64.tar.gz
$ rm poagov-1.0.0-osx-x86_64.tar.gz
$ cd poagov
$ chmod +x poagov
$ ./poagov --help

Make sure you have an .env file in the same directory as the poagov binary; see the section "Setting up the .env File" for more information.

Building poagov from Source

To build the poagov CLI tool, run the following:

$ git clone https://github.com/poanetwork/poa-governance-notifications.git
$ cd poa-governance-notifications
$ cargo build --release

poagov can be built using Rust 1.29 stable and requires libssl to be installed; see the following "Requires libssl" section for more information.

You can run poagov's tests via the following command (make sure to copy sample.env into .env before testing):

$ cargo test

Requires libssl

SMTP over TLS requires that you have a native TLS library installed on your machine, the preferred library for Linux and OSX is OpenSSL >= 1.0.1, otherwise known as libssl (you will need more than just the OpenSSL binary that you may or may not already have installed at /usr/bin/openssl).

If running cargo build [--release] panics with an error like:

"error: failed to run custom build command for `openssl-sys v0.9.28
Could not find directory of OpenSSL installation

you probably do not have libssl installed.

To install libssl on Debian/Ubuntu run the following:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config libssl-dev

To install libssl on MacOS run the following:

$ brew update
$ brew install openssl

Then try to rebuild poagov using:

$ cargo clean
$ cargo build --release

If you are on OSX and installed OpenSSL using Homebrew and continue to get compilation errors for any of the Rust crates: openssl, openssl-sys, or openssl-sys-extras, try building with the following:

$ cargo clean
$ OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=$(brew --prefix openssl)/include \
      OPENSSL_LIB_DIR=$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib \
      cargo build [--release]

There is a known issue regarding the openssl-sys crate not being able to find libssl installed with Homebrew on OSX; more information can be found on Stack Overflow. The above solution comes from the linked Stack Overflow thread.

More information on common issues encountered while installing the openssl Rust crate can be found here.


Once you have built or downloaded poagov, you can print out the CLI usage by running:

$ poagov --help
# If built from source run:
# $ ./target/{debug, release}/poagov --help

poagov 1.0.0
Monitors a POA Network blockchain for governance events.

    poagov [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    --core             monitor voting contracts deployed to the Core network
--earliest         begin monitoring for governance events starting at the first block in the blockchain
--email            enables email notifications (SMTP configurations must be set in your `.env` file)
-e, --emission     monitors the blockchain for ballots to manage emission funds
-h, --help         Prints help information
-k, --keys         monitors the blockchain for ballots to change keys
--latest           begin monitoring for governance events starting at the last block mined
-p, --proxy        monitors the blockchain for ballots to change the proxy address
--sokol            monitor voting contracts deployed to the Sokol network
-t, --threshold    monitors the blockchain for ballots to change the minimum threshold
--v1               monitors the v1 voting contracts
--v2               monitors the v2 voting contracts
-V, --version      Prints version information
--verbose          prints the full notification email's body when logging

--block-time <value>    the average number of seconds it takes to mine a new block
    -n, --limit <value>     shutdown `poagov` after this many notifications have been generated
--start <value>         start monitoring for governance events at this block (inclusive)
--tail <value>          start monitoring for governance events for the `n` blocks prior to the last block minedV

Required Arguments

Each time you run poagov, four CLI arguments are required:

  1. The chain that you want to monitor. Uou must specify one and only one of the following arguments: --core or --sokol.
  2. The hardfork version. You must specify one of the following: --v1 or --v2.
    • --v1 indicates that you want to monitor for governance events prior to the Sokol and Core hardforks that will occur in September-2018 and November-2018 respectively.
    • --v2 indicates that you want to monitor for governance events that occured after the above hardfork dates.
    • More information regarding the planned hardforks for the Sokol and Core chains in September and November 2018 can be found here.
  3. The ballots that you want to monitor for governance events. You must specify one or more of the following arguments: -k/--keys, -t/--threshold, -p/--proxy, and/or -e/--emission.
    • Note that the VotingToManageEmissionFunds.sol contract (i.e. the --emission option) is not available in --v1.
  4. The point in the chain for where to start monitoring. You must specify one and only one of the following: --earliest, --latest, --start=<value>, or --tail=<value>.

Optional Arguments

Providing the --email flag will enable governance notification emails. To use this option, you must first configure SMTP in your .env.

Providing the --block-time=<value> will set how often poagov will query the blockchain for new governance events. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Providing the --verbose flag will print the full text for a notification email to stderr when governance events are found. When this option is set, email text will be logged regardless of whether or not the --email flag is set.

Setting up the .env File

When the poagov CLI tool is run, the process' environment variables are loaded via an .env file. Before running poagove copy sample.env into .env:

$ cp sample.env .env

This will enable poagov's default configuration. Before enabling email notifications, you must add the required SMTP configuration values to your .env file.

Setting up Email Notifications

In order to enable email notifications, you must change the name of the sample.env file to .env. Then, you must add values for the following SMTP config options in your .env file:


Add a comma-separated list of email address to the "VALIDATORS" config option in your .env file. These addresses will be sent emails when poagov encounters governance events on the POA blockchain.

Note poagov forces SMTP email notifcations to be sent over an encrypted channel, if your SMTP Host does not support TLS or STARTTLS, poagov will panic. You may notice that we default SMTP_PORT to port 587 for STARTTLS, but you may use port 465 for TLS, or any other port that your outgoing email server is lisening for secure connections. If you require unencrypted SMTP, submit an issue and I can add it.

Your SMTP configuration should look something like the following:


An Explained Example

$ poagov --sokol --earliest -kt --email --verbose
  • --sokol is used to monitor contracts deployed to POA's test network.
  • --earliest starts monitoring from the first block in the blockchain.
  • -k get notifications for ballots to change keys.
  • -t get notifications for ballots to change the min threshold.
  • --email sends out email notifications to each address in the EMAIL_RECIPIENTS env-var.
  • --verbose writes each governance notification email to stderr.

Press [ctrl-c] to exit poagov.


Logs are output to stderr. Logs include: governance notifications, email successes/failures, and blocks that have been successfully monitored for governance events. The following is an example command with its corresponding logs:

$ poagov --sokol --v1 --threshold --earliest

Sep 25 13:43:16.712 INFO governance notification, block_number: 525296, ballot_id: 0, ballot: Threshold
Sep 25 13:43:16.712 INFO governance notification, block_number: 599789, ballot_id: 1, ballot: Threshold
Sep 25 13:43:16.712 INFO governance notification, block_number: 1078816, ballot_id: 2, ballot: Threshold
Sep 25 13:43:16.712 INFO finished checking blocks, block_range: Number(0)...Number(4729306)
Sep 25 13:43:46.761 INFO finished checking blocks, block_range: Number(4729307)...Number(4729312)
Sep 25 13:43:48.503 WARN recieved ctrl-c signal, gracefully shutting down...