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A tool to monitor the POA Network's blockchain for goverance events governance events.


To build the poagov CLI tool, run the following:

$ git clone https://gitlab.com/DrPeterVanNostrand/poagov.git
$ cd poagov
$ cargo build --release


Once you have built poagov, you can print out the CLI usage by running:

$ ./target/release/poagov --help

poagov 1.0
Monitores the POA Network's blockchain for governance events.

    poagov [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

        --core        monitor voting contracts deployed to the Core network (same as using --network=core)
        --earliest    start monitoring for goverance events starting from the first block in the chain
        --email       send governance notifications via email
    -h, --help        prints help information
    -k                monitor the blockchain for ballots to change keys (same as --monitor=keys)
        --latest      start monitoring for goverance events starting from the most recently mined block in the chain
        --local       monitor voting contracts deployed to a locally running POA chain (same as using --network=local)
    -p                monitor the change for ballots to change the proxy address (same as --monitor=proxy)
        --push        send governance notifications via push notification
        --sokol       monitor voting contracts deployed to the Sokol test network (same as using --network=sokol)
    -t                monitor the chain for ballots to change the minimum threshold (same as --monitor=threshold)
    -V, --version     prints version information

    --block-time <value>    the average time it takes to mine a new block
    --monitor <value>       a comma-separated list of ballot types to monitor for governance events; the available values are: keys, threshold, proxy
    --network <value>       the name of the network to monitor for ballots; the values available for this option are: core, sokol, local
    --rpc <value>           the URL for the RPC endpoint
    --start <value>         start monitoring for governance events at this block (inclusive)
    --tail <value>          start monitoring for governance events for the `n` blocks prior to the last mined block in the chain

Setting up Email Notifications

In order to enable email notifications, you must change the name of the sample.env file to .env. Then, you must add values for the following SMTP config options in your .env file:


Add a comma-separated list of email address to the "VALIDATORS" config option in your .env file. These addresses will be sent emails when poagov encounters governance events on the POA blockchain.

An Explained Example

$ ./target/release/poagov --sokol --earliest -kt --email
  • --sokol is used to monitor contracts deployed to POA's test network.
  • --earliest starts monitoring from the first block in the blockchain.
  • -k get notifications for ballots to change keys.
  • -t get notifications for ballots to change the min threshold.
  • --email sends out email notifications to each address in the "VALIDATORS" config value (located in the .env file).

Press [ctrl-c] to exit poagov.


Logs are output to stderr. Any notifications that were generated, sent, or failed to be sent will be logged. The following is an example log for a a notification for a ballot to change the min threshold that was generated using the command $ poagov --earliest -t:

Apr 21 08:31:54.219 INFO notification, data: Threshold(
    ThresholdNotification {
        network: Sokol,
        endpoint: "https://sokol.poa.network",
        block_number: 1078816,
        contract_type: Threshold,
        ballot_type: ChangeMinThreshold,
        ballot_id: 2,
        start_time: 2018-02-23T05:28:22Z,
        end_time: 2018-02-25T05:33:00Z,
        memo: "*TEST* ballot to increase the consensus threshold to 51% (rounded to the higher integer) of the total number of validators. The idea is to legitimize passing the ballot by the majority participation.",
        proposed_value: 4