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# poagov
A tool to monitor the POA Network's blockchain for
[governance events](https://github.com/poanetwork/wiki/wiki/Governance-Overview).
# Building
To build the `poagov` CLI tool, run the following:
$ git clone https://gitlab.com/DrPeterVanNostrand/poagov.git
$ cd poagov
$ cargo build --release
# Usage
Once you have built `poagov`, you can print out the CLI usage by running:
$ ./target/release/poagov --help
poagov 1.0
Monitores the POA Network's blockchain for governance events.
poagov [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
--core monitor voting contracts deployed to the Core network (same as using --network=core)
--earliest start monitoring for goverance events starting from the first block in the chain
--email send governance notifications via email
-h, --help prints help information
-k monitor the blockchain for ballots to change keys (same as --monitor=keys)
--latest start monitoring for goverance events starting from the most recently mined block in the chain
--local monitor voting contracts deployed to a locally running POA chain (same as using --network=local)
-p monitor the change for ballots to change the proxy address (same as --monitor=proxy)
--push send governance notifications via push notification
--sokol monitor voting contracts deployed to the Sokol test network (same as using --network=sokol)
-t monitor the chain for ballots to change the minimum threshold (same as --monitor=threshold)
-V, --version prints version information
--block-time <value> the average time it takes to mine a new block
--monitor <value> a comma-separated list of ballot types to monitor for governance events; the available values are: keys, threshold, proxy
--network <value> the name of the network to monitor for ballots; the values available for this option are: core, sokol, local
--rpc <value> the URL for the RPC endpoint
--start <value> start monitoring for governance events at this block (inclusive)
--tail <value> start monitoring for governance events for the `n` blocks prior to the last mined block in the chain
# Setting up Email Notifications
In order to enable email notifications, you must change the name of the
`sample.env` file to `.env`. Then, you must add values for the following
SMTP config options in your `.env` file:
Add a comma-separated list of email address to the "VALIDATORS" config
option in your .env file. These addresses will be sent emails when `poagov`
encounters governance events on the POA blockchain.
# An Explained Example
$ ./target/release/poagov --sokol --earliest -kt --email
- `--sokol` is used to monitor contracts deployed to POA's test network.
- `--earliest` starts monitoring from the first block in the blockchain.
- `-k` get notifications for ballots to change keys.
- `-t` get notifications for ballots to change the min threshold.
- `--email` sends out email notifications to each address in the
"VALIDATORS" config value (located in the .env file).
Press [ctrl-c] to exit `poagov`.
# Logs
Logs are output to stderr. Any notifications that were generated, sent,
or failed to be sent will be logged. The following is an example log for a
a notification for a ballot to change the min threshold that was generated
using the command `$ poagov --earliest -t`:
Apr 21 08:31:54.219 INFO notification, data: Threshold(
ThresholdNotification {
network: Sokol,
endpoint: "https://sokol.poa.network",
block_number: 1078816,
contract_type: Threshold,
ballot_type: ChangeMinThreshold,
ballot_id: 2,
start_time: 2018-02-23T05:28:22Z,
end_time: 2018-02-25T05:33:00Z,
memo: "*TEST* ballot to increase the consensus threshold to 51% (rounded to the higher integer) of the total number of validators. The idea is to legitimize passing the ballot by the majority participation.",
proposed_value: 4