
744 B

How to use

  1. Provide csv file in the following format: 0x2c57E1E3AD53F0b971422696c1470cEB84F83B1B,100
  2. Run npm install
  3. Edit .env file


  • RPC port where Oracles node will be running HOST=localhost
  • HOST name of Oracles' node FAT_BALANCE=0x0039F22efB07A647557C7C5d17854CFD6D489eF3
  • address from which you have unlocked your account FILENAME_CSV_INVESTORS=example.csv
  • name of the file with list of contributors and balances to send GAS_PRICE=1
  • gas price for each tx in gwei
  1. Run node distribute.js


All errors will be stored in errors.csv


All succesful txs will be stored in success.csv with block number and txhash