quorum/docs/Getting Started/Getting-Started-From-Scratc...

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Getting started from scratch

Quorum with Raft consensus

  1. Build Quorum as described in the getting set up section. Ensure that PATH contains geth and bootnode
  2. Create a working directory which will be the base for the new node(s) and change into it
  3. Generate one or more accounts for this node using geth --datadir new-node-1 account new and take down the account address. A funded account may be required depending what you are trying to accomplish
  4. Create a genesis.json file see example here. The alloc field should be pre-populated with the account you generated at previous step
  5. Generate node key bootnode --genkey=nodekey and copy it into datadir
  6. Execute bootnode --nodekey=new-node-1/nodekey --writeaddress and take note of the displayed output. This is the enode id of the new node
  7. Create a file called static-nodes.json and edit it to match this example. Your file should contain a single line for your node with your enode's id and the ports you are going to use for devp2p and raft. Ensure that this file is in your nodes data directory
  8. Initialize new node with geth --datadir new-node-1 init genesis.json
  9. Start your node and send into background with PRIVATE_CONFIG=ignore nohup geth --datadir new-node-1 --nodiscover --verbosity 5 --networkid 31337 --raft --raftport 50000 --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport 22000 --rpcapi admin,db,eth,debug,miner,net,shh,txpool,personal,web3,quorum,raft --emitcheckpoints --port 21000 2>>node.log &

Your node is now operational and you may attach to it with geth attach new-node-1/geth.ipc. This configuration starts Quorum without privacy support as could be evidenced in prefix PRIVATE_CONFIG=ignore, please see below sections on how to enable privacy with privacy transaction managers.

Adding additional node

  1. Complete steps 1, 2, 5, and 6 from the previous guide
  2. Retrieve current chains genesis.json and static-nodes.json. static-nodes.json should be placed into new nodes data dir
  3. Initialize new node with geth --datadir new-node-2 init genesis.json
  4. Edit static-nodes.json and add new entry for the new node you are configuring (should be last)
  5. Connect to an already running node of the chain and execute raft.addPeer('enode://new-nodes-enode-address-from-step-6-of-the-above@')
  6. Start your node and send into background with PRIVATE_CONFIG=ignore nohup geth --datadir new-node-2 --nodiscover --verbosity 5 --networkid 31337 --raft --raftport 50001 --raftjoinexisting RAFT_ID --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport 22001 --rpcapi admin,db,eth,debug,miner,net,shh,txpool,personal,web3,quorum,raft --emitcheckpoints --port 21001 2>>node.log &, where RAFT_ID is the response of the raft.addPeer() command in step 5.
  7. Optional: share new static-nodes.json with all other chain participants

Your additional node is now operational and is part of the same chain as the previously set up node.

Removing node

  1. Connect to an already running node of the chain and execute raft.cluster and get the RAFT_ID corresponding to the node that needs to be removed
  2. Run raft.removePeer(RAFT_ID)
  3. Stop the geth process corresponding to the node that was removed.

Quorum with Istanbul BFT consensus

  1. Build Quorum as described in the getting set up section. Ensure that PATH contains geth and bootnode
  2. Install istanbul-tools and place istanbul binary into PATH
  3. Create a working directory for each of the X number of initial validator nodes
  4. Change into the lead (whichever one you consider first) node's working directory and generate the setup files for X initial validator nodes by executing istanbul setup --num X --nodes --quorum --save --verbose only execute this instruction once, i.e. not X times. This command will generate several items of interest: static-nodes.json, genesis.json, and nodekeys for all the initial validator nodes which will sit in numbered directories from 0 to X-1
  5. Update static-nodes.json to include the intended IP and port numbers of all initial validator nodes. In static-nodes.json, you will see a different row for each node. For the rest of the installation guide, row Y refers to node Y and row 1 is assumed to correspond to the lead node
  6. In each node's working directory, create a data directory called data, and inside data create the geth directory
  7. Now we will generate initial accounts for any of the nodes by executing geth --datadir data account new in the required node's working directory. The resulting public account address printed in the terminal should be recorded. Repeat as many times as necessary. A set of funded accounts may be required depending what you are trying to accomplish
  8. To add accounts to the initial block, edit the genesis.json file in the lead node's working directory and update the alloc field with the account(s) that were generated at previous step
  9. Next we need to distribute the files created in part 4, which currently reside in the lead node's working directory, to all other nodes. To do so, place genesis.json in the working directory of all nodes, place static-nodes.json in the data folder of each node and place X/nodekey in node (X-1)'s data/geth directory
  10. Switch into working directory of lead node and initialize it with geth --datadir data init genesis.json. Repeat for every working directory X created in step 3. The resulting hash given by executing geth init must match for every node
  11. Start all nodes and send into background with PRIVATE_CONFIG=ignore nohup geth --datadir data --permissioned --nodiscover --istanbul.blockperiod 5 --syncmode full --mine --minerthreads 1 --verbosity 5 --networkid 10 --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport YOUR_NODES_RPC_PORT_NUMBER --rpcapi admin,db,eth,debug,miner,net,shh,txpool,personal,web3,quorum,istanbul --emitcheckpoints --port YOUR_NODES_PORT_NUMBER 2>>node.log &, remember to replace YOUR_NODES_RPC_PORT_NUMBER and YOUR_NODES_PORT_NUMBER with your node's designated port numbers. YOUR_NODES_PORT_NUMBER must match the port number for this node decided on in part 5

Your node is now operational and you may attach to it with geth attach data/geth.ipc. This configuration starts Quorum without privacy support as could be evidenced in prefix PRIVATE_CONFIG=ignore, please see below sections on how to enable privacy with privacy transaction managers.

Please note that istanbul-tools may be used to generate X number of nodes, more information is available in the docs.

Adding additional validator

  1. Create a working directory for the new node that needs to be added
  2. Change into the working directory for the new node and run istanbul setup --num 1 --verbose --quorum --save. This will generate the validator details including Address, NodeInfo and genesis.json
  3. Copy the address of the validator and run istanbul.propose(<address>, true) from more than half the number of current validators.
  4. Verify that the new validator has been added to the list of validators by running istanbul.getValidators()
  5. Build Quorum as described in the getting set up section. Ensure that PATH contains geth
  6. Copy static-nodes.json and genesis.json from the existing chain. static-nodes.json should be placed into new nodes data dir
  7. Edit static-nodes.json and add the new validators node info to the end of the file. New validators node info can be got from the output of istanbul setup --num 1 --verbose --quorum --save command that was run in step 2. Update the IP address and port of the node info to match the IP address of the validator and port you want to use.
  8. Copy the nodekey that was generated by istanbul setup command to the geth directory inside the working directory
  9. Generate one or more accounts for this node using geth --datadir new-node-1 account new and take down the account address.
  10. Initialize new node with geth --datadir new-node-1 init genesis.json
  11. Start the node and send into background with PRIVATE_CONFIG=ignore nohup geth --datadir data --permissioned --nodiscover --istanbul.blockperiod 5 --syncmode full --mine --minerthreads 1 --verbosity 5 --networkid 10 --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport YOUR_NODES_RPC_PORT_NUMBER --rpcapi admin,db,eth,debug,miner,net,shh,txpool,personal,web3,quorum,istanbul --emitcheckpoints --port YOUR_NODES_PORT_NUMBER 2>>node.log &, remember to replace YOUR_NODES_RPC_PORT_NUMBER and YOUR_NODES_PORT_NUMBER with your node's designated port numbers. YOUR_NODES_PORT_NUMBER must match the port number for this node decided on in part 7

Removing validator

  1. Attach to a running validator and run istanbul.getValidators() and identify the address of the validator that needs to be removed
  2. Run istanbul.propose(<address>, false) by passing the address of the validator that needs to be removed from more than half current validators
  3. Verify that the validator has been removed by running istanbul.getValidators()
  4. Stop the geth process corresponding to the validator that was removed.

Adding non-validator node

  1. Create a working directory for the new node that needs to be added
  2. Change into the working directory for the new node and run istanbul setup --num 1 --verbose --quorum --save. This will generate the node details including Address, NodeInfo and genesis.json
  3. Build Quorum as described in the getting set up section. Ensure that PATH contains geth
  4. Copy static-nodes.json and genesis.json from the existing chain. static-nodes.json should be placed into new nodes data dir
  5. Edit static-nodes.json and add the new node info to the end of the file. New node info can be got from the output of istanbul setup --num 1 --verbose --quorum --save command that was run in step 2. Update the IP address and port of the node info to match the IP address of the validator and port you want to use.
  6. Copy the nodekey that was generated by istanbul setup command to the geth directory inside the working directory
  7. Generate one or more accounts for this node using geth --datadir new-node-1 account new and take down the account address.
  8. Initialize new node with geth --datadir new-node-1 init genesis.json
  9. Start the node and send into background with PRIVATE_CONFIG=ignore nohup geth --datadir data --permissioned --nodiscover --istanbul.blockperiod 5 --syncmode full --verbosity 5 --networkid 10 --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport YOUR_NODES_RPC_PORT_NUMBER --rpcapi admin,db,eth,debug,net,shh,txpool,personal,web3,quorum,istanbul --emitcheckpoints --port YOUR_NODES_PORT_NUMBER 2>>node.log &, remember to replace YOUR_NODES_RPC_PORT_NUMBER and YOUR_NODES_PORT_NUMBER with your node's designated port numbers. YOUR_NODES_PORT_NUMBER must match the port number for this node decided on in step 5

Removing non-validator node

  1. Stop the geth process corresponding to the node that needs to be removed.

Adding privacy transaction manager


  1. Build Quorum and install Tessera as described in the getting set up section. Ensure that PATH contains geth and bootnode. Be aware of the location of the tessera.jar release file
  2. Generate new keys using java -jar /path-to-tessera/tessera.jar -keygen -filename new-node-1
  3. Create new configuration file referencing samples here with newly generated keys referenced. Note the name of the file or name it config.json as done in this example
  4. Start your tessera node and send it into background with java -jar /path-to-tessera/tessera.jar -configfile config.json >> tessera.log 2>&1 &
  5. Start your node and send it into background with PRIVATE_CONFIG=tm.ipc nohup geth --datadir new-node-1 --nodiscover --verbosity 5 --networkid 31337 --raft --raftport 50000 --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport 22000 --rpcapi admin,db,eth,debug,miner,net,shh,txpool,personal,web3,quorum,raft --emitcheckpoints --port 21000 2>>node.log &

Your node is now operational and you may attach to it with geth attach new-node-1/geth.ipc. Tessera IPC bridge will be over a file name defined in your config.json, usually named tm.ipc as evidenced in prefix PRIVATE_CONFIG=tm.ipc. Your node is now able to send and receive private transactions, advertised public node key will be in the new-node-1.pub file. Tessera offers a lot of configuration flexibility, please refer Configuration section under Tessera for complete and up to date configuration options.


  1. Build Quorum and install Constellation as described in the getting set up section. Ensure that PATH contains geth, bootnode, and constellation-node binaries
  2. Generate new keys with constellation-node --generatekeys=new-node-1
  3. Start your constellation node and send it into background with constellation-node --url= --port=9001 --workdir=. --socket=tm.ipc --publickeys=new-node-1.pub --privatekeys=new-node-1.key --othernodes= >> constellation.log 2>&1 &
  4. Start your node and send it into background with PRIVATE_CONFIG=tm.ipc nohup geth --datadir new-node-1 --nodiscover --verbosity 5 --networkid 31337 --raft --raftport 50000 --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport 22000 --rpcapi admin,db,eth,debug,miner,net,shh,txpool,personal,web3,quorum,raft --emitcheckpoints --port 21000 2>>node.log &

Your node is now operational and you may attach to it with geth attach new-node-1/geth.ipc. Constellation IPC bridge will be over a file name defined in your configuration: in above step #3 see option --socket=file-name.ipc. Your node is now able to send and receive private transactions, advertised public node key will be in the new-node-1.pub file.

Enabling permissioned configuration

Quorum ships with a permissions system based on a custom whitelist. Detailed documentation is available in Network Permissioning.