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Available Services


Bitcore Node has a service module system that can start up additional services that can include additional:

  • Blockchain indexes (e.g. querying balances for addresses)
  • API methods
  • HTTP routes
  • Event types to publish and subscribe

The bitcore-node.json file describes which services will load for a node:

  "services": [
    "bitcoind", "db", "address", "insight-api"

Services correspond with a Node.js module as described in 'package.json', for example:

  "dependencies": {
    "bitcore": "^0.13.1",
    "bitcore-node": "^0.2.0",
    "insight-api": "^3.0.0"

Note: If you already have a bitcore-node database, and you want to query data from previous blocks in the blockchain, you will need to reindex. Reindexing right now means deleting your bitcore-node database and resyncing.

Writing a Service

A new service can be created by inheriting from Node.Service and implementing these methods and properties:

  • Service.dependencies - An array of services that are needed, this will determine the order that services are started on the node.
  • Service.prototype.start() - Called to start up the service.
  • Service.prototype.stop() - Called to stop the service.
  • Service.prototype.blockHandler() - Will be called when a block is added or removed from the chain, and is useful for updating a database view/index.
  • Service.prototype.getAPIMethods() - Describes which API methods that this service includes, these methods can then be called over the JSON-RPC API, as well as the command-line utility.
  • Service.prototype.getPublishEvents() - Describes which events can be subscribed to for this service, useful to subscribe to events over the included web socket API.
  • Service.prototype.setupRoutes() - A service can extend HTTP routes on an express application by implementing this method.

The package.json for the service module can either export the Node.Service directly, or specify a specific module to load by including "bitcoreNode": "lib/bitcore-node.js".

Please take a look at some of the existing services for implemenation specifics.