
953 B

Release Notes

Binaries for the C++ binding file (which includes libbitcoind statically linked in) are distributed with the help of node-pre-gyp. Node-pre-gyp publishes pre-built binaries to S3 for later download and installation. Source files can also be built if binaries are not desired.

How to release

Ensure you've followed the instructions in the for building the project from source. You will be using the node-pre-gyp to package and publish the project to S3. You will also need credentials for Bitpay's bitcore-node S3 bucket and be listed as an author for the bitcore-node's npm module.

  • Create a file, ".node_pre_gyprc" in your home directory
  • The format of this file should be:
  "accessKeyId": "xxx",
  "secretAccessKey": "yyy"
  • then run the commands to push binaries corresponding to the version in package.json to S3 and npm
npm install
node-pre-gyp package publish
npm publish