
935 B


Test files (sample blocks and transactions) for full-suite integration zcash/lightwalletd-wallet tests

Directory Structure

The block sets contained in this repository are organized as follows:

  • Related block sets should live in the same directory. The directory name should indicate the type of testing that the block sets are useful for, e.g. basic-reorg for basic reorg testing.
  • Inside the directory, there should be one or more .txt files containing the block sets. There will usually be multiple block sets for reorg tests (before the reorg, after the reorg). The filenames should indicate what the blocks are useful for.
  • If the block sets were generated using the genblocks tool in lightwalletd, then there should be a generate.sh script for re-recreating the input to genblocks. This will save everyone time if the block sets need to be regenerated or modified.