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Zero-knowledge proofs allow you to demonstrate that you performed a computation correctly without revealing all of the inputs to that computation. We can think of the computation as some $f(x, w), where the **statement** xis known to both the verifier and the prover, but the **witness**w$ is known only to the prover.

The fundamental tool underlying Zcash is an advanced zero-knowledge proof called a zk-SNARK. These proofs are only hundreds of bytes long and are inexpensive to verify, even if the underlying computation $f(x, w)$ is large in complexity. These proofs are also non-interactive, so the prover can publish the proof and anyone can verify it without interacting with the prover, making them very useful for cryptocurrencies.

zk-SNARKs do come with some downsides, which are being addressed by the Sapling upgrade:

  • zk-SNARKs require a setup phase where, for a given computation $f(x, w)$, some public parameters are constructed. These parameters are needed to create and verify proofs, but if the creator of the parameters "remembers" how they were constructed, they can create false proofs.
    • Sapling uses a gigantic and public multi-party computation (MPC) ceremony to construct the parameters. In order to corrupt the parameters, a large number of reputable individuals must all be colluding in secret or compromised.
  • Pairing-friendly elliptic curves are needed, and relatively strong cryptographic assumptions are made.
    • Sapling switches to a more secure and more rigid pairing-friendly elliptic curve.
  • The proofs have a reputation for being expensive to create, both in terms of time and memory.
    • Sapling uses a more efficient proving system and novel cryptographic primitives to improve performance. Proving time is reduced by 20x, and memory usage is reduced by orders of magnitude.