[book] note-commit.md: y-coordinate canonicity constraints.

Co-authored-by: Daira Hopwood <daira@jacaranda.org>
This commit is contained in:
therealyingtong 2021-07-26 18:18:19 +08:00
parent 3833d665de
commit f1ccc58d9a
3 changed files with 79 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -25,5 +25,4 @@
- [MerkleCRH](design/circuit/gadgets/sinsemilla/merkle-crh.md)
- [CommitIvk](design/circuit/gadgets/sinsemilla/commit-ivk.md)
- [NoteCommit](design/circuit/gadgets/sinsemilla/note-commit.md)
- [Lookup Range Check](design/circuit/gadgets/lookup_range_check.md)
- [Decomposition](design/circuit/gadgets/decomposition.md)

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ $$
where $\BoolCheck{x} = x \cdot (1 - x)$ and $\ShortLookupRangeCheck{}$ is a
[short lookup range check](../lookup_range_check.md#short-range-check).
[short lookup range check](../decomposition.md#short-range-check).
## Decomposition constraints

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@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ $$
- $\BoolCheck{x} = x \cdot (1 - x)$.
- $\ShortLookupRangeCheck{}$ is a [short lookup range check](../lookup_range_check.md#short-range-check).
- $\ShortLookupRangeCheck{}$ is a [short lookup range check](../decomposition.md#short-range-check).
- $z_{d,1}$ is the index-1 running sum output of $\SinsemillaHash(d),$ constrained by the
hash to be 50 bits.
- $z_{g,1}$ is the index-1 running sum output of $\SinsemillaHash(g),$ constrained by the
@ -186,6 +186,45 @@ $$
Note that only the $ỹ$ LSB of the $y$-coordinates $\mathsf{y(g_d), y(pk_d)}$ was input to the hash, while the other bits of the $y$-coordinate were unused. However, we must still check that the witnessed $ỹ$ bit matches the original point's $y$-coordinate. The checks for $\mathsf{y(g_d), y(pk_d)}$ will follow the same format. For each $y$-coordinate, we witness:
y &= \textsf{LSB} \bconcat k_0 \bconcat k_1 \bconcat k_2 \bconcat k_3\\
&= \textsf{LSB}
\bconcat \text{ (bits $1..=9$ of $y$) }
\bconcat \text{ (bits $10..=249$ of $y$) }
\bconcat \text{ (bits $250..=253$ of $y$) }
\bconcat \text{ (bit $254$ of $y$) },
where $\textsf{LSB}$ is $b_2$ for $\mathsf{y(g_d)}$, and $d_1$ for $\mathsf{y(pk_d)}$. Let $$j = \textsf{LSB} + 2 \cdot k_0 + 10 \cdot k_1.$$ We decompose $j$ to be $250$ bits using $25$ [ten-bit lookups](../decomposition.md#lookup-decomposition).
Recall that $b_2 = ỹ(g_d)$ and $d_1 = ỹ(pk_d)$ were pieces input to the Sinsemilla hash and have already been boolean-constrained. To constrain the remaining chunks, we use the following constraints:
\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
& \ShortLookupRangeCheck{k_0, 9} \\\hline
& \ShortLookupRangeCheck{k_2, 4} \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,3} \cdot \BoolCheck{k_3} = 0 \\\hline
& k_1 := z_{j,1} \\\hline
Then, to check that the decomposition was correct:
\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,3} \cdot \left(j - (\textsf{LSB} + 2 \cdot k_0 + 10 \cdot k_1) \right) = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,3} \cdot \left(y - (j + 2^{250} \cdot k_2 + 2^{254} \cdot k_3) \right) = 0 \\\hline
## Canonicity checks
At this point, we have constrained $\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\mathsf{x(g_d)})$,
@ -265,6 +304,41 @@ $$
### $\mathsf{y(g_d)}$ with $k_3 = 1 \implies \mathsf{y(g_d)} \geq 2^{254}$
In these cases, we check that $\mathsf{y(g_d)}_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}$:
1. $k_3 = 1 \implies k_2 = 0.$
Since $k_3 = 1 \implies \mathsf{y(g_d)}_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{126},$ we know that
$\mathsf{y(g_d)}_{126..=253} = 0,$ and in particular
$$k_2 := \mathsf{y(g_d)}_{250..=253} = 0.$$
2. $k_3 = 1 \implies 0 \leq j < t_\mathbb{P}.$
To check that $j < t_\mathbb{P}$, we use two constraints:
a) $0 \leq j < 2^{130}$. This is expressed in the custom gate as
$$k_3 \cdot z_{j,13} = 0,$$
where $z_{j,13}$ is the index-13 running sum output by the $10$-bit lookup decomposition of $j$.
b) $0 \leq j + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{130}$. To check this, we decompose
$j' = j + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P}$ into thirteen 10-bit words (little-endian) using
a running sum $z_{j'}$, looking up each word in a $10$-bit lookup table. We then
enforce in the custom gate that
$$k_3 \cdot z_{j',13} = 0.$$
\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,3} \cdot k_3 \cdot k_2 = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,3} \cdot k_3 \cdot z_{j,13} = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,3} \cdot (j + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P} - j') = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,3} \cdot k_3 \cdot z_{j',13} = 0 \\\hline
### $\mathsf{x(pk_d)}$ with $d_0 = 1 \implies \mathsf{x(pk_d)} \geq 2^{254}$
In these cases, we check that $\mathsf{x(pk_d)}_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}$:
@ -294,6 +368,9 @@ $$
### $\mathsf{y(pk_d)}$
This can be checked in exactly the same way as $\mathsf{y(g_d)}$, with $b_2$ replaced by $d_1$.
### $\rho$ with $g_0 = 1 \implies \rho \geq 2^{254}$
In these cases, we check that $\rho_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}$: