A simple example

Let's start with a simple circuit, to introduce you to the common APIs and how they are used. The circuit will take a public input , and will prove knowledge of two private inputs and such that

Define instructions

Firstly, we need to define the instructions that our circuit will rely on. Instructions are the boundary between high-level gadgets and the low-level circuit operations. Instructions may be as coarse or as granular as desired, but in practice you want to strike a balance between an instruction being large enough to effectively optimize its implementation, and small enough that it is meaningfully reusable.

For our circuit, we will use three instructions:

  • Load a private number into the circuit.
  • Multiply two numbers.
  • Expose a number as a public input to the circuit.

We also need a type for a variable representing a number. Instruction interfaces provide associated types for their inputs and outputs, to allow the implementations to represent these in a way that makes the most sense for their optimization goals.

trait NumericInstructions<F: FieldExt>: Chip<F> {
    /// Variable representing a number.
    type Num;

    /// Loads a number into the circuit as a private input.
    fn load_private(&self, layouter: impl Layouter<F>, a: Option<F>) -> Result<Self::Num, Error>;

    /// Loads a number into the circuit as a fixed constant.
    fn load_constant(&self, layouter: impl Layouter<F>, constant: F) -> Result<Self::Num, Error>;

    /// Returns `c = a * b`.
    fn mul(
        layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
        a: Self::Num,
        b: Self::Num,
    ) -> Result<Self::Num, Error>;

    /// Exposes a number as a public input to the circuit.
    fn expose_public(
        layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
        num: Self::Num,
        row: usize,
    ) -> Result<(), Error>;

Define a chip implementation

For our circuit, we will build a chip that provides the above numeric instructions for a finite field.

/// The chip that will implement our instructions! Chips store their own
/// config, as well as type markers if necessary.
struct FieldChip<F: FieldExt> {
    config: FieldConfig,
    _marker: PhantomData<F>,

Every chip needs to implement the Chip trait. This defines the properties of the chip that a Layouter may rely on when synthesizing a circuit, as well as enabling any initial state that the chip requires to be loaded into the circuit.

impl<F: FieldExt> Chip<F> for FieldChip<F> {
    type Config = FieldConfig;
    type Loaded = ();

    fn config(&self) -> &Self::Config {

    fn loaded(&self) -> &Self::Loaded {

Configure the chip

The chip needs to be configured with the columns, permutations, and gates that will be required to implement all of the desired instructions.

/// Chip state is stored in a config struct. This is generated by the chip
/// during configuration, and then stored inside the chip.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct FieldConfig {
    /// For this chip, we will use two advice columns to implement our instructions.
    /// These are also the columns through which we communicate with other parts of
    /// the circuit.
    advice: [Column<Advice>; 2],

    /// This is the public input (instance) column.
    instance: Column<Instance>,

    // We need a selector to enable the multiplication gate, so that we aren't placing
    // any constraints on cells where `NumericInstructions::mul` is not being used.
    // This is important when building larger circuits, where columns are used by
    // multiple sets of instructions.
    s_mul: Selector,

    /// The fixed column used to load constants.
    constant: Column<Fixed>,

impl<F: FieldExt> FieldChip<F> {
    fn construct(config: <Self as Chip<F>>::Config) -> Self {
        Self {
            _marker: PhantomData,

    fn configure(
        meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>,
        advice: [Column<Advice>; 2],
        instance: Column<Instance>,
        constant: Column<Fixed>,
    ) -> <Self as Chip<F>>::Config {
        for column in &advice {
        let s_mul = meta.selector();

        // Define our multiplication gate!
        meta.create_gate("mul", |meta| {
            // To implement multiplication, we need three advice cells and a selector
            // cell. We arrange them like so:
            // | a0  | a1  | s_mul |
            // |-----|-----|-------|
            // | lhs | rhs | s_mul |
            // | out |     |       |
            // Gates may refer to any relative offsets we want, but each distinct
            // offset adds a cost to the proof. The most common offsets are 0 (the
            // current row), 1 (the next row), and -1 (the previous row), for which
            // `Rotation` has specific constructors.
            let lhs = meta.query_advice(advice[0], Rotation::cur());
            let rhs = meta.query_advice(advice[1], Rotation::cur());
            let out = meta.query_advice(advice[0], Rotation::next());
            let s_mul = meta.query_selector(s_mul);

            // Finally, we return the polynomial expressions that constrain this gate.
            // For our multiplication gate, we only need a single polynomial constraint.
            // The polynomial expressions returned from `create_gate` will be
            // constrained by the proving system to equal zero. Our expression
            // has the following properties:
            // - When s_mul = 0, any value is allowed in lhs, rhs, and out.
            // - When s_mul != 0, this constrains lhs * rhs = out.
            vec![s_mul * (lhs * rhs - out)]

        FieldConfig {

Implement chip traits

/// A variable representing a number.
struct Number<F: FieldExt> {
    cell: Cell,
    value: Option<F>,

impl<F: FieldExt> NumericInstructions<F> for FieldChip<F> {
    type Num = Number<F>;

    fn load_private(
        mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
        value: Option<F>,
    ) -> Result<Self::Num, Error> {
        let config = self.config();

        let mut num = None;
            || "load private",
            |mut region| {
                let cell = region.assign_advice(
                    || "private input",
                    || value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError),
                num = Some(Number { cell, value });

    fn load_constant(
        mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
        constant: F,
    ) -> Result<Self::Num, Error> {
        let config = self.config();

        let mut num = None;
            || "load constant",
            |mut region| {
                let cell = region.assign_advice_from_constant(
                    || "constant value",
                num = Some(Number {
                    value: Some(constant),

    fn mul(
        mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
        a: Self::Num,
        b: Self::Num,
    ) -> Result<Self::Num, Error> {
        let config = self.config();

        let mut out = None;
            || "mul",
            |mut region: Region<'_, F>| {
                // We only want to use a single multiplication gate in this region,
                // so we enable it at region offset 0; this means it will constrain
                // cells at offsets 0 and 1.
                config.s_mul.enable(&mut region, 0)?;

                // The inputs we've been given could be located anywhere in the circuit,
                // but we can only rely on relative offsets inside this region. So we
                // assign new cells inside the region and constrain them to have the
                // same values as the inputs.
                let lhs = region.assign_advice(
                    || "lhs",
                    || a.value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError),
                let rhs = region.assign_advice(
                    || "rhs",
                    || b.value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError),
                region.constrain_equal(a.cell, lhs)?;
                region.constrain_equal(b.cell, rhs)?;

                // Now we can assign the multiplication result into the output position.
                let value = a.value.and_then(|a| b.value.map(|b| a * b));
                let cell = region.assign_advice(
                    || "lhs * rhs",
                    || value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError),

                // Finally, we return a variable representing the output,
                // to be used in another part of the circuit.
                out = Some(Number { cell, value });


    fn expose_public(
        mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
        num: Self::Num,
        row: usize,
    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let config = self.config();

        layouter.constrain_instance(num.cell, config.instance, row)

Build the circuit

Now that we have the instructions we need, and a chip that implements them, we can finally build our circuit!

/// The full circuit implementation.
/// In this struct we store the private input variables. We use `Option<F>` because
/// they won't have any value during key generation. During proving, if any of these
/// were `None` we would get an error.
struct MyCircuit<F: FieldExt> {
    constant: F,
    a: Option<F>,
    b: Option<F>,

impl<F: FieldExt> Circuit<F> for MyCircuit<F> {
    // Since we are using a single chip for everything, we can just reuse its config.
    type Config = FieldConfig;
    type FloorPlanner = SimpleFloorPlanner;

    fn without_witnesses(&self) -> Self {

    fn configure(meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>) -> Self::Config {
        // We create the two advice columns that FieldChip uses for I/O.
        let advice = [meta.advice_column(), meta.advice_column()];

        // We also need an instance column to store public inputs.
        let instance = meta.instance_column();

        // Create a fixed column to load constants.
        let constant = meta.fixed_column();

        FieldChip::configure(meta, advice, instance, constant)

    fn synthesize(
        config: Self::Config,
        mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let field_chip = FieldChip::<F>::construct(config);

        // Load our private values into the circuit.
        let a = field_chip.load_private(layouter.namespace(|| "load a"), self.a)?;
        let b = field_chip.load_private(layouter.namespace(|| "load b"), self.b)?;

        // Load the constant factor into the circuit.
        let constant =
            field_chip.load_constant(layouter.namespace(|| "load constant"), self.constant)?;

        // We only have access to plain multiplication.
        // We could implement our circuit as:
        //     asq  = a*a
        //     bsq  = b*b
        //     absq = asq*bsq
        //     c    = constant*asq*bsq
        // but it's more efficient to implement it as:
        //     ab   = a*b
        //     absq = ab^2
        //     c    = constant*absq
        let ab = field_chip.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "a * b"), a, b)?;
        let absq = field_chip.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "ab * ab"), ab.clone(), ab)?;
        let c = field_chip.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "constant * absq"), constant, absq)?;

        // Expose the result as a public input to the circuit.
        field_chip.expose_public(layouter.namespace(|| "expose c"), c, 0)

Testing the circuit

halo2::dev::MockProver can be used to test that the circuit is working correctly. The private and public inputs to the circuit are constructed as we will do to create a proof, but by passing them to MockProver::run we get an object that can test every constraint in the circuit, and tell us exactly what is failing (if anything).

    // The number of rows in our circuit cannot exceed 2^k. Since our example
    // circuit is very small, we can pick a very small value here.
    let k = 4;

    // Prepare the private and public inputs to the circuit!
    let constant = Fp::from(7);
    let a = Fp::from(2);
    let b = Fp::from(3);
    let c = constant * a.square() * b.square();

    // Instantiate the circuit with the private inputs.
    let circuit = MyCircuit {
        a: Some(a),
        b: Some(b),

    // Arrange the public input. We expose the multiplication result in row 0
    // of the instance column, so we position it there in our public inputs.
    let mut public_inputs = vec![c];

    // Given the correct public input, our circuit will verify.
    let prover = MockProver::run(k, &circuit, vec![public_inputs.clone()]).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(prover.verify(), Ok(()));

    // If we try some other public input, the proof will fail!
    public_inputs[0] += Fp::one();
    let prover = MockProver::run(k, &circuit, vec![public_inputs]).unwrap();

Full example

You can find the source code for this example here.