

SHA-256 is specified in NIST FIPS PUB 180-4.

Unlike the specification, we use for addition modulo , and for field addition. is used for XOR.

Gadget interface

SHA-256 maintains state in eight 32-bit variables. It processes input as 512-bit blocks, but internally splits these blocks into 32-bit chunks. We therefore designed the SHA-256 gadget to consume input in 32-bit chunks.

Chip instructions

The SHA-256 gadget requires a chip with the following instructions:

fn main() {
extern crate halo2_proofs;
use halo2_proofs::plonk::Error;
use std::fmt;

trait Chip: Sized {}
trait Layouter<C: Chip> {}
const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 16;
const DIGEST_SIZE: usize = 8;

pub trait Sha256Instructions: Chip {
    /// Variable representing the SHA-256 internal state.
    type State: Clone + fmt::Debug;
    /// Variable representing a 32-bit word of the input block to the SHA-256 compression
    /// function.
    type BlockWord: Copy + fmt::Debug;

    /// Places the SHA-256 IV in the circuit, returning the initial state variable.
    fn initialization_vector(layouter: &mut impl Layouter<Self>) -> Result<Self::State, Error>;

    /// Starting from the given initial state, processes a block of input and returns the
    /// final state.
    fn compress(
        layouter: &mut impl Layouter<Self>,
        initial_state: &Self::State,
        input: [Self::BlockWord; BLOCK_SIZE],
    ) -> Result<Self::State, Error>;

    /// Converts the given state into a message digest.
    fn digest(
        layouter: &mut impl Layouter<Self>,
        state: &Self::State,
    ) -> Result<[Self::BlockWord; DIGEST_SIZE], Error>;

TODO: Add instruction for computing padding.

This set of instructions was chosen to strike a balance between the reusability of the instructions, and the scope for chips to internally optimise them. In particular, we considered splitting the compression function into its constituent parts (Ch, Maj etc), and providing a compression function gadget that implemented the round logic. However, this would prevent chips from using relative references between the various parts of a compression round. Having an instruction that implements all compression rounds is also similar to the Intel SHA extensions, which provide an instruction that performs multiple compression rounds.