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Alternative terms: Induction; Accumulation scheme; Proof-carrying data

However, the computation of G requires a length-2^k multiexponentiation \langle \mathbf{G}, \mathbf{s}\rangle, where \mathbf{s} is composed of the round challenges u_1, \cdots, u_k arranged in a binary counting structure. This is the linear-time computation that we want to amortise across a batch of proof instances. Instead of computing G, notice that we can express G as a commitment to a polynomial

G = \text{Commit}(\sigma, g(X, u_1, \cdots, u_k)),

where g(X, u_1, \cdots, u_k) := \prod_{i=1}^k (u_i + u_i^{-1}X^{2^{i-1}}) is a polynomial with degree 2^k - 1.

Since G is a commitment, it can be checked in an inner product argument. The verifier circuit witnesses G and brings G, u_1, \cdots, u_k out as public inputs to the proof \pi. The next verifier instance checks \pi using the inner product argument; this includes checking that G = \text{Commit}(g(X, u_1, \cdots, u_k)) evaluates at some random point to the expected value for the given challenges u_1, \cdots, u_k. Recall from the previous section that this check only requires \log d work.

At the end of checking \pi and G, the circuit is left with a new G', along with the u_1', \cdots, u_k' challenges sampled for the check. To fully accept \pi as valid, we should perform a linear-time computation of G' = \langle\mathbf{G}, \mathbf{s}'\rangle. Once again, we delay this computation by witnessing G' and bringing G', u_1', \cdots, u_k' out as public inputs to the proof \pi'.

This goes on from one proof instance to the next, until we are satisfied with the size of our batch of proofs. We finally perform a single linear-time computation, thus deciding the validity of the whole batch.

We recall from the section Cycles of curves that we can instantiate this protocol over a two-cycle, where a proof produced by one curve is efficiently verified in the circuit of the other curve. However, some of these verifier checks can actually be efficiently performed in the native circuit; these are "deferred" to the next native circuit (see diagram below) instead of being immediately passed over to the other curve.