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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Rust's notion of Semantic Versioning.



  • halo2::plonk::Error has been overhauled:
    • Error now implements std::fmt::Display and std::error::Error.
    • Error no longer implements PartialEq. Tests can check for specific error cases with assert!(matches!(..)), or the assert_matches crate.
    • Error::IncompatibleParams is now Error::InvalidInstances.
    • Error::NotEnoughRowsAvailable now stores the current value of k.
    • Error::OpeningError is now Error::Opening.
    • Error::SynthesisError is now Error::Synthesis.
    • Error::TranscriptError is now Error::Transcript, and stores the underlying io::Error.
  • halo2::dev::CircuitLayout::render now takes k as a u32, matching the regular parameter APIs.
  • halo2::dev::VerifyFailure::ConstraintNotSatisfied now has a cell_values field, storing the values of the cells used in the unsatisfied constraint.


  • halo2::arithmetic::BatchInvert (use ff::BatchInvert instead).
  • impl Default for halo2::poly::Rotation (use Rotation::cur() instead).

[0.1.0-beta.1] - 2021-09-24

Initial beta release!