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All notable changes to this library will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this library adheres to Rust's notion of Semantic Versioning.



  • zcash_protocol::PoolType::{TRANSPARENT, SAPLING, ORCHARD}


  • MSRV is now 1.70.0.

[0.1.1] - 2024-03-25


  • zcash_protocol::memo:
    • impl TryFrom<&MemoBytes> for Memo


  • unstable-nu6 and zfuture feature flags (use --cfg zcash_unstable=\"nu6\" or --cfg zcash_unstable=\"zfuture\" in RUSTFLAGS and RUSTDOCFLAGS instead).

[0.1.0] - 2024-03-06

The entries below are relative to the zcash_primitives crate as of the tag zcash_primitives-0.14.0.


  • The following modules have been extracted from zcash_primitives and moved to this crate:
    • consensus
    • constants
    • zcash_protocol::value replaces zcash_primitives::transaction::components::amount
  • zcash_protocol::consensus:
    • NetworkConstants has been extracted from the Parameters trait. Relative to the state prior to the extraction:
      • The Bech32 prefixes now return &'static str instead of &str.
      • Added NetworkConstants::hrp_tex_address.
    • NetworkType
    • Parameters::b58_sprout_address_prefix
  • zcash_protocol::consensus:
    • impl Hash for LocalNetwork
  • zcash_protocol::constants::{mainnet, testnet}::B58_SPROUT_ADDRESS_PREFIX
  • Added in zcash_protocol::value:
    • Zatoshis
    • ZatBalance
    • MAX_BALANCE has been added to replace previous instances where zcash_protocol::value::MAX_MONEY was used as a signed value.


  • zcash_protocol::value::COIN has been changed from an i64 to a u64
  • zcash_protocol::value::MAX_MONEY has been changed from an i64 to a u64
  • zcash_protocol::consensus::Parameters has been split into two traits, with the newly added NetworkConstants trait providing all network constant accessors. Also, the address_network method has been replaced with a new network_type method that serves the same purpose. A blanket impl of NetworkConstants is provided for all types that implement Parameters, so call sites for methods that have moved to NetworkConstants should remain unchanged (though they may require an additional use statement.)


  • From zcash_protocol::value:
    • NonNegativeAmount (use Zatoshis instead.)
    • Amount (use ZatBalance instead.)
    • The following conversions have been removed relative to zcash_primitives-0.14.0, as zcash_protocol does not depend on the orchard or sapling-crypto crates.
      • From<NonNegativeAmount> for orchard::NoteValue>
      • TryFrom<orchard::ValueSum> for Amount
      • From<NonNegativeAmount> for sapling::value::NoteValue>
      • TryFrom<sapling::value::NoteValue> for NonNegativeAmount
    • impl AddAssign for NonNegativeAmount
    • impl SubAssign for NonNegativeAmount