
19 KiB


All notable changes to this library will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this library adheres to Rust's notion of Semantic Versioning.



  • zcash_primitives::legacy:
    • impl {Copy, Eq, Ord} for TransparentAddress
    • keys::AccountPrivKey::{to_bytes, from_bytes}
  • zcash_primitives::sapling::NullifierDerivingKey
  • Added in zcash_primitives::sapling::keys
    • DecodingError
    • DiversifiableFullViewingKey
    • Scope
    • ExpandedSpendingKey::from_bytes
    • ExtendedSpendingKey::{from_bytes, to_bytes}
  • zcash_primitives::sapling::note_encryption:
    • PreparedIncomingViewingKey
    • PreparedEphemeralPublicKey
  • Added in zcash_primitives::zip32
    • ChainCode::as_bytes
    • DiversifierKey::{from_bytes, as_bytes}
    • DiversifierIndex::{as_bytes}
    • ExtendedSpendingKey::{from_bytes, to_bytes}
    • Implementations of From<u32> and From<u64> for DiversifierIndex
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::Builder constructors:
    • Builder::new_with_fee
    • Builder::new_with_rng_and_fee
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::TransactionData::fee_paid
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::components::amount::BalanceError
  • Added in zcash_primitives::transaction::components::sprout
    • Bundle::value_balance
    • JSDescription::net_value
  • Added in zcash_primitives::transaction::components::transparent
    • Bundle::value_balance


  • Migrated to group 0.13.
  • zcash_primitives::sapling::ViewingKey now stores nk as a NullifierDerivingKey instead of as a bare jubjub::SubgroupPoint.
  • The signature of zcash_primitives::sapling::Note::nf has changed to take just a NullifierDerivingKey (the only capability it actually required) rather than the full ViewingKey as its first argument.
  • Made the internals of zip32::DiversifierKey private; use from_bytes and as_bytes on this type instead.
  • zcash_primitives::sapling::note_encryption APIs now expose precomputations explicitly (where previously they were performed internally), to enable users to avoid recomputing incoming viewing key precomputations. Users now need to call PreparedIncomingViewingKey::new to convert their SaplingIvks into their precomputed forms, and can do so wherever it makes sense in their stack.
    • SaplingDomain::IncomingViewingKey is now PreparedIncomingViewingKey instead of SaplingIvk.
    • try_sapling_note_decryption and try_sapling_compact_note_decryption now take &PreparedIncomingViewingKey instead of &SaplingIvk.

[0.7.0] - 2022-06-24


  • Bumped dependencies to equihash 0.2, orchard 0.2.
  • zcash_primitives::consensus:
    • MainNetwork::activation_height now returns the activation height for NetworkUpgrade::Nu5.

[0.6.0] - 2022-05-11


  • zcash_primitives::sapling::redjubjub::PublicKey::verify_with_zip216, for controlling how RedJubjub signatures are validated. PublicKey::verify has been altered to always use post-ZIP 216 validation rules.
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::Builder::with_progress_notifier, for setting a notification channel on which transaction build progress updates will be sent.
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::Txid::{read, write, from_bytes}
  • zcash_primitives::sapling::NoteValue a typesafe wrapper for Sapling note values.
  • zcash_primitives::consensus::BranchId::{height_range, height_bounds} functions to provide range values for branch active heights.
  • zcash_primitives::consensus::NetworkUpgrade::Nu5 value representing the Nu5 upgrade.
  • zcash_primitives::consensus::BranchId::Nu5 value representing the Nu5 consensus branch.
  • New modules under zcash_primitives::transaction::components for building parts of transactions:
    • sapling::builder for Sapling transaction components.
    • transparent::builder for transparent transaction components.
    • tze::builder for TZE transaction components.
    • orchard parsing and serialization for Orchard transaction components.
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::Authorization a trait representing a type-level record of authorization types that correspond to signatures, witnesses, and proofs for each Zcash sub-protocol (transparent, Sprout, Sapling, TZE, and Orchard). This type makes it possible to encode a type-safe state machine for the application of authorizing data to a transaction; implementations of this trait represent different states of the authorization process.
  • New bundle types under the zcash_primitives::transaction submodules, one for each Zcash sub-protocol. These are now used instead of bare fields within the TransactionData type.
    • components::sapling::Bundle bundle of Sapling transaction elements. This new struct is parameterized by a type bounded on a newly added sapling::Authorization trait which is used to enable static reasoning about the state of Sapling proofs and authorizing data, as described above.
    • components::transparent::Bundle bundle of transparent transaction elements. This new struct is parameterized by a type bounded on a newly added transparent::Authorization trait which is used to enable static reasoning about the state of transparent witness data, as described above.
    • components::tze::Bundle bundle of TZE transaction elements. This new struct is parameterized by a type bounded on a newly added tze::Authorization trait which is used to enable static reasoning about the state of TZE witness data, as described above.
  • zcash_primitives::serialize has been factored out as a new zcash_encoding crate, which can be found in the components directory.
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::components::Amount now implements memuse::DynamicUsage, to enable orchard::Bundle<_, Amount>::dynamic_usage.
  • zcash_primitives::zip32::diversifier has been renamed to find_sapling_diversifier and sapling_diversifier has been added. find_sapling_diversifier searches the diversifier index space, whereas sapling_diversifier just attempts to use the provided diversifier index and returns None if it does not produce a valid diversifier.
  • zcash_primitives::zip32::DiversifierKey::diversifier has been renamed to find_diversifier and the diversifier method has new semantics. find_diversifier searches the diversifier index space to find a diversifier index which produces a valid diversifier, whereas diversifier just attempts to use the provided diversifier index and returns None if it does not produce a valid diversifier.
  • zcash_primitives::zip32::ExtendedFullViewingKey::address has been renamed to find_address and the address method has new semantics. find_address searches the diversifier index space until it obtains a valid diversifier, and returns the address corresponding to that diversifier, whereas address just attempts to create an address corresponding to the diversifier derived from the provided diversifier index and returns None if the provided index does not produce a valid diversifier.
  • zcash_primitives::zip32::ExtendedSpendingKey.derive_internal has been added to facilitate the derivation of an internal (change) spending key. This spending key can be used to spend change sent to an internal address corresponding to the associated full viewing key as specified in ZIP 316..
  • zcash_primitives::zip32::ExtendedFullViewingKey.derive_internal has been added to facilitate the derivation of an internal (change) spending key. This spending key can be used to spend change sent to an internal address corresponding to the associated full viewing key as specified in ZIP 32.
  • zcash_primitives::zip32::sapling_derive_internal_fvk provides the internal implementation of ExtendedFullViewingKey.derive_internal but does not require a complete extended full viewing key, just the full viewing key and the diversifier key. In the future, this function will likely be refactored to become a member function of a new DiversifiableFullViewingKey type, which represents the ability to derive IVKs, OVKs, and addresses, but not child viewing keys.
  • zcash_primitives::sapling::keys::DiversifiableFullViewingKey::change_address has been added as a convenience method for obtaining the change address at the default diversifier. This address MUST NOT be encoded and exposed to users. User interfaces should instead mark these notes as "change notes" or "internal wallet operations".
  • A new module zcash_primitives::legacy::keys has been added under the transparent-inputs feature flag to support types related to supporting transparent components of unified addresses and derivation of OVKs for shielding funds from the transparent pool.
  • A zcash_primitives::transaction::components::amount::Amount::sum convenience method has been added to facilitate bounds-checked summation of account values.
  • The zcash_primitives::zip32::AccountId, a type-safe wrapper for ZIP 32 account indices.
  • In zcash_primitives::transaction::components::amount:
    • impl Sum<&Amount> for Option<Amount>


  • MSRV is now 1.56.1.
  • Bumped dependencies to ff 0.12, group 0.12, bls12_381 0.7, jubjub 0.9, bitvec 1.
  • The following modules and helpers have been moved into zcash_primitives::sapling:
    • zcash_primitives::group_hash
    • zcash_primitives::keys
      • zcash_primitives::sapling::keys::{prf_expand, prf_expand_vec, OutgoingViewingKey} have all been moved into to the this module to reflect the fact that they are used outside of the Sapling protocol.
    • zcash_primitives::pedersen_hash
    • zcash_primitives::primitives::* (moved into zcash_primitives::sapling)
    • zcash_primitives::prover
    • zcash_primitives::redjubjub
    • zcash_primitives::util::{hash_to_scalar, generate_random_rseed}
  • Renamed zcash_primitives::transaction::components::JSDescription to JsDescription (matching Rust naming conventions).
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::TxId contents is now private.
  • Renamed zcash_primitives::transaction::components::tze::hash to zcash_primitives::transaction::components::tze::txid
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::components::tze::TzeOutPoint constructor now taxes a TxId rather than a raw byte array.
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::components::Amount addition, subtraction, and summation now return Option rather than panicing on overflow.
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::builder:
    • Error has been modified to wrap the error types produced by its child builders.
    • Builder::build no longer takes a consensus branch ID parameter. The builder now selects the correct consensus branch ID for the given target height.
  • The zcash_primitives::transaction::TransactionData struct has been modified such that it now contains common header information, and then contains a separate Bundle value for each sub-protocol (transparent, Sprout, Sapling, and TZE) and an Orchard bundle value has been added. TransactionData is now parameterized by a type bounded on the newly added zcash_primitives::transaction::Authorization trait. This bound has been propagated to the individual transaction builders, such that the authorization state of a transaction is clearly represented in the type and the presence or absence of witness and/or proof data is statically known, instead of being only determined at runtime via the presence or absence of Optional values.
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::components::sapling parsing and serialization have been adapted for use with the new sapling::Bundle type.
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::Transaction parsing and serialization have been adapted for use with the new TransactionData organization.
  • Generators for property testing have been moved out of the main transaction module such that they are now colocated in the modules with the types that they generate.
  • The ephemeral_key field of OutputDescription has had its type changed from jubjub::ExtendedPoint to zcash_note_encryption::EphemeralKeyBytes.
  • The epk: jubjub::ExtendedPoint field of CompactOutputDescription has been replaced by ephemeral_key: zcash_note_encryption::EphemeralKeyBytes.
  • The zcash_primitives::transaction::Builder::add_sapling_output method now takes its MemoBytes argument as a required field rather than an optional one. If the empty memo is desired, use MemoBytes::from(Memo::Empty) explicitly.

[0.5.0] - 2021-03-26


  • Support for implementing candidate ZIPs before they have been selected for a network upgrade, behind the zfuture feature flag.
    • At runtime, these ZIPs are gated behind the new NetworkUpgrade::ZFuture enum case, which is inaccessible without the zfuture feature flag. This pseudo-NU can be enabled for private testing using a custom implementation of the Parameters trait.
  • New structs and methods:
    • zcash_primitives::consensus:
      • BlockHeight
      • New methods on the Parameters trait:
        • coin_type
        • hrp_sapling_extended_spending_key
        • hrp_sapling_extended_full_viewing_key
        • hrp_sapling_payment_address
        • b58_pubkey_address_prefix
        • b58_script_address_prefix
      • The Network enum, which enables code to be generic over the network type at runtime.
    • zcash_primitives::memo:
      • MemoBytes, a minimal wrapper around the memo bytes, that only imposes the existence of null-padding for shorter memos. MemoBytes is guaranteed to be round-trip encodable (modulo null padding).
      • Memo, an enum that implements the memo field format defined in ZIP 302. It can be converted to and from MemoBytes.
    • zcash_primitives::primitives::Nullifier struct.
    • zcash_primitives::transaction:
      • TxVersion enum, representing the set of valid transaction format versions.
      • SignableInput enum, encapsulating per-input data used when creating transaction signatures.
    • zcash_primitives::primitives::SaplingIvk, a newtype wrapper around jubjub::Fr values that are semantically Sapling incoming viewing keys.
  • Test helpers, behind the test-dependencies feature flag:
    • zcash_primitives::prover::mock::MockTxProver, for building transactions in tests without creating proofs.
    • zcash_primitives::transaction::Builder::test_only_new_with_rng constructor which accepts a non-CryptoRng randomness source (for e.g. deterministic tests).
    • proptest APIs for generating arbitrary Zcash types.
  • New constants:
    • zcash_primitives::consensus:
      • H0, the height of the genesis block.
    • zcash_primitives::constants::{mainnet, testnet, regtest} modules, containing network-specific constants.
    • zcash_primitives::note_encryption:
    • zcash_primitives::transaction::components::amount:
      • COIN
      • MAX_MONEY
  • More implementations of standard traits:
    • zcash_primitives::consensus:
      • Parameters: Clone
      • MainNetwork: PartialEq
      • TestNetwork: PartialEq
    • zcash_primitives::legacy:
      • Script: PartialEq
      • TransparentAddress: Clone + PartialOrd + Hash
    • zcash_primitives::redjubjub::PublicKey: Clone
    • zcash_primitives::transaction:
      • Transaction: Clone
      • TransactionData: Clone + Default
      • components::Amount: Eq + PartialOrd + Ord
      • components::TxIn: Clone + PartialEq
      • components::TxOut: PartialEq
      • components::SpendDescription: Clone
      • components::OutputDescription: Clone
      • components::SproutProof: Clone
      • components::JSDescription: Clone
    • zcash_primitives::zip32::DiversifierIndex: Default


  • MSRV is now 1.47.0.
  • Trial decryption using the APIs in zcash_primitives::note_encryption is now over 60% faster at detecting which notes are relevant.
    • Part of this improvement was achieved by changing the APIs to take epk as a &jubjub::ExtendedPoint instead of a &SubgroupPoint.
  • Various APIs now take the network parameters as an explicit variable instead of a type parameter:
    • zcash_primitives::consensus::BranchId::for_height
    • The zcash_primitives::note_encryption APIs.
    • zcash_primitives::transaction::builder:
      • SaplingOutput::new
      • Builder::new
      • Builder::new_with_rng
    • Parameters::activation_height and Parameters::is_nu_active now take &self.
  • zcash_primitives::merkle_tree::CommitmentTree::new has been renamed to CommitmentTree::empty.
  • zcash_primitives::note_encryption:
    • SaplingNoteEncryption::new now takes MemoBytes.
    • The following APIs now return MemoBytes:
      • try_sapling_note_decryption
      • try_sapling_output_recovery
      • try_sapling_output_recovery_with_ock
  • zcash_primitives::primitives::SaplingIvk is now used where functions previously used undistinguished jubjub::Fr values; this affects Sapling note decryption and handling of IVKs by the wallet backend code.
  • zcash_primitives::primitives::ViewingKey::ivk now returns SaplingIvk
  • zcash_primitives::primitives::Note::nf now returns Nullifier.
  • zcash_primitives::transaction:
    • The overwintered, version, and version_group_id properties of the Transaction and TransactionData structs have been replaced by version: TxVersion.
    • components::amount::DEFAULT_FEE is now 1000 zatoshis, following ZIP 313.
    • The nullifier property of components::SpendDescription now has the type Nullifier.
    • signature_hash and signature_hash_data now take a SignableInput argument instead of a transparent_input argument.
    • builder::SaplingOutput::new and builder::Builder::add_sapling_output now take Option<MemoBytes>.


  • zcash_primitives::note_encryption::Memo (replaced by zcash_primitives::memo::{Memo, MemoBytes}).

[0.4.0] - 2020-09-09


  • zcash_primitives::note_encryption::OutgoingCipherKey - a symmetric key that can be used to recover a single Sapling output. This will eventually be used to implement Sapling payment disclosures.


  • MSRV is now 1.44.1.
  • zcash_primitives::note_encryption:
    • SaplingNoteEncryption::new now takes Option<OutgoingViewingKey>. Setting this to None prevents the note from being recovered from the block chain by the sender.
      • The rng: &mut R parameter (where R: RngCore + CryptoRng) has been changed to rng: R to enable this use case.
    • prf_ock now returns OutgoingCipherKey.
    • try_sapling_output_recovery_with_ock now takes &OutgoingCipherKey.
  • zcash_primitives::transaction::builder:
    • SaplingOutput::new and Builder::add_sapling_output now take Option<OutgoingViewingKey> (exposing the new unrecoverable note option).
  • Bumped dependencies to ff 0.8, group 0.8, bls12_381 0.3.1, jubjub 0.5.1, secp256k1 0.19.

[0.3.0] - 2020-08-24


[0.2.0] - 2020-03-13


[0.1.0] - 2019-10-08

Initial release.