
3.8 KiB


Given a field element \alpha, these gadgets decompose it into W K-bit windows \alpha = k_0 + 2^{K} \cdot k_1 + 2^{2K} \cdot k_2 + \cdots + 2^{(W-1)K} \cdot k_{W-1} where each k_i a K-bit value.

This is done using a running sum z_i, i \in [0..W). We initialize the running sum z_0 = \alpha, and compute subsequent terms z_{i+1} = \frac{z_i - k_i}{2^{K}}. This gives us:

z_0 &= \alpha \\
    &= k_0 + 2^{K} \cdot k_1 + 2^{2K} \cdot k_2 +  2^{3K} \cdot k_3 + \cdots, \\
z_1 &= (z_0 - k_0) / 2^K \\
    &= k_1 + 2^{K} \cdot k_2 +  2^{2K} \cdot k_3 + \cdots, \\
z_2 &= (z_1 - k_1) / 2^K \\
    &= k_2 +  2^{K} \cdot k_3 + \cdots, \\
    &\vdots \\
\downarrow &\text{ (in strict mode)} \\
z_W &= (z_{W-1} - k_{W-1}) / 2^K \\
    &= 0 \text{ (because } z_{W-1} = k_{W-1} \text{)}

Strict mode

Strict mode constrains the running sum output z_{W} to be zero, thus range-constraining the field element to be within W \cdot K bits.

In strict mode, we are also assured that z_{W-1} = k_{W-1} gives us the last window in the decomposition.

Lookup decomposition

This gadget makes use of a K-bit lookup table to decompose a field element \alpha into K-bit words. Each K-bit word k_i = z_i - 2^K \cdot z_{i+1} is range-constrained by a lookup in the K-bit table.

The region layout for the lookup decomposition uses a single advice column z, and two selectors q_{lookup} and q_{running}.

    z    & q_\mathit{lookup} & q_\mathit{running} \\\hline
  z_0    &     1      &       1     \\\hline
  z_1    &     1      &       1     \\\hline
\vdots   &   \vdots   &     \vdots  \\\hline
z_{n-1}  &     1      &       1     \\\hline
z_n      &     0      &       0     \\\hline

Short range check

Using two K-bit lookups, we can range-constrain a field element \alpha to be n bits, where n \leq K. To do this:

  1. Constrain 0 \leq \alpha < 2^K to be within K bits using a K-bit lookup.
  2. Constrain 0 \leq \alpha \cdot 2^{K - n} < 2^K to be within K bits using a K-bit lookup.

The short variant of the lookup decomposition introduces a q_{bitshift} selector. The same advice column z has here been renamed to \textsf{word} for clarity:

\textsf{word} & q_\mathit{lookup} & q_\mathit{running} & q_\mathit{bitshift} \\\hline
\alpha        &     1      &      0      &       0      \\\hline
\alpha'       &     1      &      0      &       1      \\\hline
2^{K-n}       &     0      &      0      &       0      \\\hline

where \alpha' = \alpha \cdot 2^{K - n}. Note that 2^{K-n} is assigned to a fixed column at keygen, and copied in at proving time. This is used in the gate enabled by the q_\mathit{bitshift} selector to check that \alpha was shifted correctly:

\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
       2      & q_\mathit{bitshift} \cdot (\alpha' - (\alpha \cdot 2^{K - n})) \\\hline

Combined lookup expression

Since the lookup decomposition and its short variant both make use of the same lookup table, we combine their lookup input expressions into a single one:

q_\mathit{lookup} \cdot \left(q_\mathit{running} \cdot (z_i - 2^K \cdot z_{i+1}) + (1 - q_\mathit{running}) \cdot \textsf{word} \right)

where z_i and \textsf{word} are the same cell (but distinguished here for clarity of usage).

Short range decomposition

For a short range (for instance, [0, \texttt{range}) where \texttt{range} \leq 8), we can range-constrain each word using a degree-\texttt{range} polynomial constraint instead of a lookup: \texttt{range_check(word, range)} = \texttt{word} \cdot (1 - \texttt{word}) \cdots (\texttt{range} - 1 - \texttt{word}).