
8.9 KiB


Message decomposition

\SinsemillaShortCommit is used in the \CommitIvk function. The input to \SinsemillaShortCommit is:

\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\AuthSignPublic) \bconcat \ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\NullifierKey),

where \AuthSignPublic, \NullifierKey are Pallas base field elements, and \BaseLength{Orchard} = 255.

Sinsemilla operates on multiples of 10 bits, so we start by decomposing the message into chunks:

\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\AuthSignPublic) &= a \bconcat b_0 \bconcat b_1 \\
  &= (\text{bits 0..=249 of } \AuthSignPublic) \bconcat
     (\text{bits 250..=253 of } \AuthSignPublic) \bconcat
     (\text{bit 254 of } \AuthSignPublic)  \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\NullifierKey) &= b_2 \bconcat c \bconcat d_0 \bconcat d_1 \\
  &= (\text{bits 0..=4 of } \NullifierKey) \bconcat
     (\text{bits 5..=244 of } \NullifierKey) \bconcat
     (\text{bits 245..=253 of } \NullifierKey) \bconcat
     (\text{bit 254 of } \NullifierKey) \\

Then we recompose the chunks into message pieces:

\text{Length (bits)} & \text{Piece} \\\hline
250 & a \\
10  & b = b_0 \bconcat b_1 \bconcat b_2 \\
240 & c \\
10  & d = d_0 \bconcat d_1 \\\hline

Each message piece is constrained by \SinsemillaHash to its stated length. Additionally, \AuthSignPublic and \NullifierKey are witnessed as field elements, so we know they are canonical. However, we need additional constraints to enforce that:

  • The chunks are the correct bit lengths (or else they could overlap in the decompositions and allow the prover to witness an arbitrary \SinsemillaShortCommit message).
  • The chunks contain the canonical decompositions of \AuthSignPublic and \NullifierKey (or else the prover could witness an input to \SinsemillaShortCommit that is equivalent to \AuthSignPublic and \NullifierKey but not identical).

Some of these constraints can be implemented with reusable circuit gadgets. We define a custom gate controlled by the selector q_\CommitIvk to hold the remaining constraints.

Bit length constraints

Chunks a and c are directly constrained by Sinsemilla. For the remaining chunks, we use the following constraints:

\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
  & \ShortLookupRangeCheck{b_0, 4} \\\hline
  & \ShortLookupRangeCheck{b_2, 5} \\\hline
  & \ShortLookupRangeCheck{d_0, 9} \\\hline
3 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot \BoolCheck{b_1} = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot \BoolCheck{d_1} = 0 \\\hline

where \BoolCheck{x} = x \cdot (1 - x) and \ShortLookupRangeCheck{} is a short lookup range check.

Decomposition constraints

We have now derived or witnessed every subpiece, and range-constrained every subpiece:

  • a (250 bits) is witnessed and constrained outside the gate;
  • b_0 (4 bits) is witnessed and constrained outside the gate;
  • b_1 (1 bits) is witnessed and boolean-constrained in the gate;
  • b_2 (5 bits) is witnessed and constrained outside the gate;
  • c (240 bits) is witnessed and constrained outside the gate;
  • d_0 (9 bits) is witnessed and constrained outside the gate;
  • d_1 (1 bits) is witnessed and boolean-constrained in the gate.

We can now use them to reconstruct both the (chunked) message pieces, and the original field element inputs:

b &= b_0 + 2^4 \cdot b_1 + 2^5 \cdot b_2 \\
d &= d_0 + 2^9 \cdot d_1 \\
\AuthSignPublic &= a + 2^{250} \cdot b_0 + 2^{254} \cdot b_1 \\
\NullifierKey &= b_2 + 2^5 \cdot c + 2^{245} \cdot d_0 + 2^{254} \cdot d_1 \\

\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
2 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot (b - (b_0 + b_1 \cdot 2^4 + b_2 \cdot 2^5)) = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot (d - (d_0 + d_1 \cdot 2^9)) = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot (a + b_0 \cdot 2^{250} + b_1 \cdot 2^{254} - \AuthSignPublic) = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot (b_2 + c \cdot 2^5 + d_0 \cdot 2^{245} + d_1 \cdot 2^{254} - \NullifierKey) = 0 \\\hline

Canonicity checks

At this point, we have constrained \ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\AuthSignPublic) and \ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\NullifierKey) to be 255-bit values, with top bits b_1 and d_1 respectively. We have also constrained:

\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\AuthSignPublic) &= \AuthSignPublic \pmod{q_\mathbb{P}} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\NullifierKey) &= \NullifierKey \pmod{q_\mathbb{P}} \\

where q_\mathbb{P} is the Pallas base field modulus. The remaining constraints will enforce that these are indeed canonically-encoded field elements, i.e.

\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\AuthSignPublic) &< q_\mathbb{P} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\NullifierKey) &< q_\mathbb{P} \\

The Pallas base field modulus has the form q_\mathbb{P} = 2^{254} + t_\mathbb{P}, where

t_\mathbb{P} = \mathtt{0x224698fc094cf91b992d30ed00000001}

is 126 bits. We therefore know that if the top bit is not set, then the remaining bits will always comprise a canonical encoding of a field element. Thus the canonicity checks below are enforced if and only if b_1 = 1 (for \AuthSignPublic) or d_1 = 1 (for \NullifierKey).

In the constraints below we use a base-2^{10} variant of the method used in libsnark (originally from [SVPBABW2012, Appendix C.1]) for range constraints 0 \leq x < t:

  • Let t' be the smallest power of 2^{10} greater than t.
  • Enforce 0 \leq x < t'.
  • Let x' = x + t' - t.
  • Enforce 0 \leq x' < t'.

\AuthSignPublic with b_1 = 1 \implies \AuthSignPublic \geq 2^{254}

In these cases, we check that \textsf{ak}_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}:

  1. b_1 = 1 \implies b_0 = 0.

    Since b_1 = 1 \implies \AuthSignPublic_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{126}, we know that \AuthSignPublic_{126..=253} = 0, and in particular

    b_0 := \AuthSignPublic_{250..=253} = 0.
  2. b_1 = 1 \implies 0 \leq a < t_\mathbb{P}.

    To check that a < t_\mathbb{P}, we use two constraints:

    a) 0 \leq a < 2^{130}. This is expressed in the custom gate as $b_1 \cdot z_{a,13} = 0,$ where z_{a,13} is the index-13 running sum output by \SinsemillaHash(a).

    b) 0 \leq a + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{130}. To check this, we decompose a' = a + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P} into thirteen 10-bit words (little-endian) using a running sum z_{a'}, looking up each word in a 10-bit lookup table. We then enforce in the custom gate that $b_1 \cdot z_{a',13} = 0.$

\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
3 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot b_1 \cdot b_0 = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot b_1 \cdot z_{a,13} = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot (a + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P} - a') = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot b_1 \cdot z_{a',13} = 0 \\\hline

\NullifierKey with d_1 = 1 \implies \NullifierKey \geq 2^{254}

In these cases, we check that \textsf{nk}_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}:

  1. d_1 = 1 \implies d_0 = 0.

    Since d_1 = 1 \implies \NullifierKey_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{126}, we know that \NullifierKey_{126..=253} = 0, and in particular $d_0 := \NullifierKey_{245..=253} = 0.$

  2. d_1 = 1 \implies 0 \leq b_2 + 2^5 \cdot c < t_\mathbb{P}.

    To check that 0 \leq b_2 + 2^5 \cdot c < t_\mathbb{P}, we use two constraints:

    a) 0 \leq b_2 + 2^5 \cdot c < 2^{140}. b_2 is already constrained individually to be a 5-bit value. z_{c,13} is the index-13 running sum output by \SinsemillaHash(c). By constraining $d_1 \cdot z_{c,13} = 0,$ we constrain b_2 + 2^5 \cdot c < 2^{135} < 2^{140}.

    b) 0 \leq b_2 + 2^5 \cdot c + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{140}. To check this, we decompose {b_2}c' = b_2 + 2^5 \cdot c + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P} into fourteen 10-bit words (little-endian) using a running sum z_{{b_2}c'}, looking up each word in a 10-bit lookup table. We then enforce in the custom gate that $d_1 \cdot z_{{b_2}c',14} = 0.$

\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
3 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot d_1 \cdot d_0 = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot d_1 \cdot z_{c,13} = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot (b_2 + c \cdot 2^5 + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P} - {b_2}c') = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_\CommitIvk \cdot d_1 \cdot z_{{b_2}c',14} = 0 \\\hline

Region layout

The constraints controlled by the q_\CommitIvk selector are arranged across 9 advice columns, requiring two rows.

                &   &   &     &     &     &          &         &                & q_\CommitIvk \\\hline
\AuthSignPublic & a & b & b_0 & b_1 & b_2 & z_{a,13} & a'      & z_{a',13}      & 0 \\\hline
\NullifierKey   & c & d & d_0 & d_1 &     & z_{c,13} & {b_2}c' & z_{{b_2}c',14} & 1 \\\hline