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The Pasta curves are designed to be highly 2-adic, meaning that a large 2^S multiplicative subgroup exists in each field. That is, we can write p - 1 \equiv 2^S \cdot T with T odd. For both Pallas and Vesta, S = 32; this helps to simplify the field implementations.

Sarkar square-root algorithm (table-based variant)

We use a technique from Sarkar2020 to compute square roots in pasta_curves. The intuition behind the algorithm is that we can split the task into computing square roots in each multiplicative subgroup.

Suppose we want to find the square root of u modulo one of the Pasta primes p, where u is a non-zero square in \mathbb{Z}_p^\times. We define a 2^S root of unity g = z^T where z is a non-square in \mathbb{Z}_p^\times, and precompute the following tables:

gtab = \begin{bmatrix}
g^0 & g^1 & ... & g^{2^8 - 1} \\
(g^{2^8})^0 & (g^{2^8})^1 & ... & (g^{2^8})^{2^8 - 1} \\
(g^{2^{16}})^0 & (g^{2^{16}})^1 & ... & (g^{2^{16}})^{2^8 - 1} \\
(g^{2^{24}})^0 & (g^{2^{24}})^1 & ... & (g^{2^{24}})^{2^8 - 1}

invtab = \begin{bmatrix}
(g^{2^{-24}})^0 & (g^{2^{-24}})^1 & ... & (g^{2^{-24}})^{2^8 - 1}

Let v = u^{(T-1)/2}. We can then define x = uv \cdot v = u^T as an element of the 2^S multiplicative subgroup.

Let x_3 = x, x_2 = x_3^{2^8}, x_1 = x_2^{2^8}, x_0 = x_1^{2^8}.

i = 0, 1

Using invtab, we lookup t_0 such that

x_0 = (g^{2^{-24}})^{t_0} \implies x_0 \cdot g^{t_0 \cdot 2^{24}} = 1.

Define \alpha_1 = x_1 \cdot (g^{2^{16}})^{t_0}.

i = 2

Lookup t_1 s.t.

\alpha_1 = (g^{2^{-24}})^{t_1} &\implies x_1 \cdot (g^{2^{16}})^{t_0} = (g^{2^{-24}})^{t_1} \\
x_1 \cdot g^{(t_0 + 2^8 \cdot t_1) \cdot 2^{16}} = 1.

Define \alpha_2 = x_2 \cdot (g^{2^8})^{t_0 + 2^8 \cdot t_1}.

i = 3

Lookup t_2 s.t.

\alpha_2 = (g^{2^{-24}})^{t_2} &\implies x_2 \cdot (g^{2^8})^{t_0 + 2^8\cdot {t_1}} = (g^{2^{-24}})^{t_2} \\
&\implies x_2 \cdot g^{(t_0 + 2^8 \cdot t_1 + 2^{16} \cdot t_2) \cdot 2^8} = 1.

Define \alpha_3 = x_3 \cdot g^{t_0 + 2^8 \cdot t_1 + 2^{16} \cdot t_2}.

Final result

Lookup t_3 such that

\alpha_3 = (g^{2^{-24}})^{t_3} &\implies x_3 \cdot g^{t_0 + 2^8\cdot {t_1} + 2^{16} \cdot t_2} = (g^{2^{-24}})^{t_3} \\
&\implies x_3 \cdot g^{t_0 + 2^8 \cdot t_1 + 2^{16} \cdot t_2 + 2^{24} \cdot t_3} = 1.

Let t = t_0 + 2^8 \cdot t_1 + 2^{16} \cdot t_2 + 2^{24} \cdot t_3.

We can now write

x_3 \cdot g^{t} = 1 &\implies& x_3 &=& g^{-t} \\
&\implies& uv^2 &=& g^{-t} \\
&\implies& uv &=& v^{-1} \cdot g^{-t} \\
&\implies& uv \cdot g^{t / 2} &=& v^{-1} \cdot g^{-t / 2}.

Squaring the RHS, we observe that (v^{-1} g^{-t / 2})^2 = v^{-2}g^{-t} = u. Therefore, the square root of u is uv \cdot g^{t / 2}; the first part we computed earlier, and the second part can be computed with three multiplications using lookups in gtab.