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license @gmale Bintray

Generic interfaces for plugging functionality into Zcash Anrdroid wallets. Adhering to these interfaces creates a common ground for wallets to use for adding behavior. Then, if any particular 3rd party implementation needs to be changed, it will have a minor impact on the wallets, as a whole.


Add dependency

dependencies {
    implementation "cash.z.ecc.android:zcash-android-wallet-plugins:1.0.0"

repository {


Create implementations of the provided interfaces, plugging in your favorite libraries that get the job done. Then use them to create the seed needed for initializing the Android SDK.

/** class for storing seeds */
class LockBox @Inject constructor(private val appContext: Context) : LockBoxPlugin {
    // add implementation
/** class for generating mnemonic phrases */
class Mnemonics @Inject constructor(): MnemonicPlugin {
    // add implementation