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Continuous Integration

In order to ensure code changes comply with the target integrations, the following policies should be observed.

Changes to the GitHub project

The master branch is the git repositories default branch.

Pull Request actions are determined by the author's association to the GitHub project. Levels are defined https://developer.github.com/v4/enum/commentauthorassociation/.

When a PR is opened by COLLABORATOR

  • check that linting is successful
  • check that the code builds

When a PR is opened by NONE

  • check that linting is successful

Code changes to the master branch

These changes are identified by modifications to files matching ^.*\.(kt|proto|rs)$

  • build the project, save artifacts to GCP bucket with short git hash, and master
  • send notification to Slack channel

New tag is created

  • build the project, save artifacts to GCP bucket with tag
  • push project to bintray
  • send notification to Slack channel

Time based changes

Period continous integration tasks


  • run integration test

Upstream changes

Any changes to our dependencies that may necessitate CI.