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# Cloud Composer version 2 private instance, supporting Shared VPC and external CMEK key
This blueprint creates a Private instance of [Cloud Composer version 2]( on a VPC with a dedicated service account. Cloud Composer 2 is the new major version for Cloud Composer that supports:
- environment autoscaling
- workloads configuration: CPU, memory, and storage parameters for Airflow workers, schedulers, web server, and database.
Please consult the [documentation page]( for an exhaustive comparison between Composer Version 1 and Version 2.
The solution will use:
- Cloud Composer
- VPC with Private Service Access to deploy resources, if no Shared VPC configuration provided.
- Google Cloud NAT to access internet resources, if no Shared VPC configuration provided.
The solution supports as inputs:
- Shared VPC
- Cloud KMS CMEK keys
This is the high level diagram:
![Cloud Composer 2 architecture overview](./diagram.png "Cloud Composer 2 architecture overview")
## Requirements
This blueprint will deploy all its resources into the project defined by the project_id variable. Please note that we assume this project already exists. However, if you provide the appropriate values to the `project_create` variable, the project will be created as part of the deployment.
If `project_create` is left to null, the identity performing the deployment needs the owner role on the project defined by the `project_id` variable. Otherwise, the identity performing the deployment needs `resourcemanager.projectCreator` on the resource hierarchy node specified by `project_create.parent` and `billing.user` on the billing account specified by `project_create.billing_account_id`.
## Deployment
Run Terraform init:
terraform init
Configure the Terraform variable in your terraform.tfvars file. You need to specify at least the following variables:
project_id = "lcaggioni-sandbox"
prefix = "lc"
region = "europe-west1"
You can run now:
terraform apply
You can now connect to your instance.
## Customizations
### VPC
If a shared VPC is not configured, a VPC will be created within the project. The following IP ranges will be used:
- Cloudsql: ``
- GKE: ``
Change the code as needed to match your needed configuration, remember that these addresses should not overlap with any other range used in network.
### Shared VPC
As is often the case in real-world configurations, this blueprint accepts as input an existing [`Shared-VPC`]( via the `network_config` variable.
network_config = {
host_project = "PROJECT"
network_self_link = "projects/PROJECT/global/networks/VPC_NAME"
region = "europe-west3"
subnet_self_link = "projects/PROJECT/regions/REGION/subnetworks/VPC_NAME"
composer_secondary_ranges = {
pods = "pods"
services = "services"
# tftest skip
Make sure that:
- The GKE API (``) is enabled in the VPC host project.
- The subnet has secondary ranges configured with 2 ranges:
- pods: `/22` example: ``
- services = `/24` example:`
- Firewall rules are set, as described in the [documentation](
In order to run the example and deploy Cloud Composer on a shared VPC the identity running Terraform must have the following IAM role on the Shared VPC Host project.
- Compute Network Admin (roles/compute.networkAdmin)
- Compute Shared VPC Admin (roles/compute.xpnAdmin)
## Encryption
As is often the case in real-world configurations, this blueprint accepts as input an existing [`Cloud KMS keys`]( via the `service_encryption_keys` variable.
service_encryption_keys = {
`europe/west1` = `projects/PROJECT/locations/REGION/keyRings/KR_NAME/cryptoKeys/KEY_NAME`
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## Variables
| name | description | type | required | default |
| [prefix]( | Prefix used for resource names. | <code>string</code> | ✓ | |
| [project_id]( | Project id, references existing project if `project_create` is null. | <code>string</code> | ✓ | |
| [region]( | Region where instances will be deployed. | <code>string</code> | ✓ | |
| [composer_config]( | Composer environment configuration. It accepts only following attributes: `environment_size`, `software_config` and `workloads_config`. See [attribute reference]( for details on settings variables. | <code title="object&#40;&#123;&#10; environment_size &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; software_config &#61; optional&#40;any&#41;&#10; workloads_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; scheduler &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; count &#61; optional&#40;number, 1&#41;&#10; cpu &#61; optional&#40;number, 0.5&#41;&#10; memory_gb &#61; optional&#40;number, 2&#41;&#10; storage_gb &#61; optional&#40;number, 1&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;, &#123;&#125;&#41;&#10; triggerer &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; count &#61; number&#10; cpu &#61; number&#10; memory_gb &#61; number&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; web_server &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; cpu &#61; optional&#40;number, 0.5&#41;&#10; memory_gb &#61; optional&#40;number, 2&#41;&#10; storage_gb &#61; optional&#40;number, 1&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;, &#123;&#125;&#41;&#10; worker &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; cpu &#61; optional&#40;number, 0.5&#41;&#10; memory_gb &#61; optional&#40;number, 2&#41;&#10; min_count &#61; optional&#40;number, 1&#41;&#10; max_count &#61; optional&#40;number, 3&#41;&#10; storage_gb &#61; optional&#40;number, 1&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;, &#123;&#125;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10;&#125;&#41;">object&#40;&#123;&#8230;&#125;&#41;</code> | | <code title="&#123;&#10; environment_size &#61; &#34;ENVIRONMENT_SIZE_SMALL&#34;&#10; software_config &#61; &#123;&#10; image_version &#61; &#34;composer-2-airflow-2&#34;&#10; &#125;&#10;&#125;">&#123;&#8230;&#125;</code> |
| [iam_bindings_additive]( | Map of Role => principal in IAM format (``) to be added on the project. | <code>map&#40;list&#40;string&#41;&#41;</code> | | <code>&#123;&#125;</code> |
| [network_config]( | Shared VPC network configurations to use. If null networks will be created in projects with preconfigured values. | <code title="object&#40;&#123;&#10; host_project &#61; string&#10; network_self_link &#61; string&#10; subnet_self_link &#61; string&#10; composer_ip_ranges &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; cloudsql &#61; string&#10; gke_master &#61; string&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10; composer_secondary_ranges &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; pods &#61; string&#10; services &#61; string&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10;&#125;&#41;">object&#40;&#123;&#8230;&#125;&#41;</code> | | <code>null</code> |
| [project_create]( | Provide values if project creation is needed, uses existing project if null. Parent is in 'folders/nnn' or 'organizations/nnn' format. | <code title="object&#40;&#123;&#10; billing_account_id &#61; string&#10; parent &#61; string&#10;&#125;&#41;">object&#40;&#123;&#8230;&#125;&#41;</code> | | <code>null</code> |
| [service_encryption_keys]( | Cloud KMS keys to use to encrypt resources. Provide a key for each region in use. | <code>map&#40;string&#41;</code> | | <code>null</code> |
## Outputs
| name | description | sensitive |
| [composer_airflow_uri]( | The URI of the Apache Airflow Web UI hosted within the Cloud Composer environment.. | |
| [composer_dag_gcs]( | The Cloud Storage prefix of the DAGs for the Cloud Composer environment. | |
| [composer_service_account]( | Cloud Composer nodes Service Account email. | |
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## Test
module "test" {
source = "./fabric/blueprints/data-solutions/composer-2/"
project_id = "composer"
project_create = {
billing_account_id = var.billing_account_id
parent = var.folder_id
prefix = var.prefix
region = var.region
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