
22 KiB

GKE Multitenant

This stage allows creation and management of a fleet of GKE multitenant clusters, optionally leveraging GKE Hub to configure additional features. It's designed to be replicated once for every homogeneous set of clusters, either per environment or with more granularity as needed (e.g. teams or sets of teams sharing similar requirements).

The following diagram illustrates the high-level design of created resources, which can be adapted to specific requirements via variables:

GKE multitenant

Design overview and choices

The detailed architecture of the underlying resources is explained in the documentation of the GKE multitenant blueprint.

This stage creates a project containing as many clusters and node pools as requested by the user, configured via the variables explained below. The GKE clusters are created with the following setup:

How to run this stage

This stage is meant to be executed after the FAST "foundational" stages: bootstrap, resource management, security and networking stages.

It's of course possible to run this stage in isolation, refer to the Running in isolation section below for details.

Before running this stage, you need to make sure you have the correct credentials and permissions, and localize variables by assigning values that match your configuration.

Provider and Terraform variables

As all other FAST stages, the mechanism used to pass variable values and pre-built provider files from one stage to the next is also leveraged here.

The commands to link or copy the provider and terraform variable files can be easily derived from the script in the FAST root folder, passing it a single argument with the local output files folder (if configured) or the GCS output bucket in the automation project (derived from stage 0 outputs). The following examples demonstrate both cases, and the resulting commands that then need to be copy/pasted and run.

../../../ ~/fast-config

# copy and paste the following commands for '3-gke-multitenant'

ln -s /home/ludomagno/fast-config/providers/ ./
ln -s /home/ludomagno/fast-config/tfvars/ ./
ln -s /home/ludomagno/fast-config/tfvars/ ./
ln -s /home/ludomagno/fast-config/tfvars/ ./
ln -s /home/ludomagno/fast-config/tfvars/ ./
ln -s /home/ludomagno/fast-config/tfvars/ ./
../../../ gs://xxx-prod-iac-core-outputs-0

# copy and paste the following commands for '3-gke-multitenant'

gcloud alpha storage cp gs://xxx-prod-iac-core-outputs-0/providers/ ./
gcloud alpha storage cp gs://xxx-prod-iac-core-outputs-0/tfvars/ ./
gcloud alpha storage cp gs://xxx-prod-iac-core-outputs-0/tfvars/ ./
gcloud alpha storage cp gs://xxx-prod-iac-core-outputs-0/tfvars/ ./
gcloud alpha storage cp gs://xxx-prod-iac-core-outputs-0/tfvars/ ./
gcloud alpha storage cp gs://xxx-prod-iac-core-outputs-0/tfvars/ ./

Impersonating the automation service account

The preconfigured provider file uses impersonation to run with this stage's automation service account's credentials. The gcp-devops and organization-admins groups have the necessary IAM bindings in place to do that, so make sure the current user is a member of one of those groups.

Variable configuration

Variables in this stage -- like most other FAST stages -- are broadly divided into three separate sets:

  • variables which refer to global values for the whole organization (org id, billing account id, prefix, etc.), which are pre-populated via the file linked or copied above
  • variables which refer to resources managed by previous stage, which are prepopulated here via the *.auto.tfvars.json files linked or copied above
  • and finally variables that optionally control this stage's behaviour and customizations, and can to be set in a custom terraform.tfvars file

The latter set is explained in the Customization sections below, and the full list can be found in the Variables table at the bottom of this document.

Running the stage

Once provider and variable values are in place and the correct user is configured, the stage can be run:

terraform init
terraform apply

Running in isolation

It's of course possible to run this stage in isolation, by making sure the architectural prerequisites are satisfied (e.g., networking), and that the Service Account running the stage is granted the roles/permissions below:

  • on the organization or network folder level
    • roles/xpnAdmin or a custom role which includes the following permissions
      • compute.organizations.enableXpnResource,
      • compute.organizations.disableXpnResource,
      • compute.subnetworks.setIamPolicy,
  • on each folder where projects are created
    • roles/logging.admin
    • roles/owner
    • roles/resourcemanager.folderAdmin
    • roles/resourcemanager.projectCreator
    • roles/xpnAdmin
  • on the host project for the Shared VPC
    • roles/browser
    • roles/compute.viewer
  • on the organization or billing account
    • roles/billing.admin

The VPC host project, VPC and subnets should already exist.


This stage is designed with multi-tenancy in mind, and the expectation is that GKE clusters will mostly share a common set of defaults. Variables allow management of clusters, nodepools, and fleet registration and configurations.

Clusters and node pools

This is an example of declaring a private cluster with one nodepool via tfvars file:

clusters = {
  test-00 = {
    description = "Cluster test 0"
    location    = "europe-west8"
    private_cluster_config = {
      enable_private_endpoint = true
      master_global_access    = true
    vpc_config = {
      subnetwork             = "projects/ldj-dev-net-spoke-0/regions/europe-west8/subnetworks/gke"
      master_ipv4_cidr_block = ""
      master_authorized_ranges = {
        private = ""
nodepools = {
  test-00 = {
    00 = {
      node_count = { initial = 1 }
# tftest skip

If clusters share similar configurations, those can be centralized via locals blocks in this stage's file, and merged in with clusters via a simple for_each loop. One example of this approach is provided in the underlying GKE multitenant blueprint.

Fleet management

Fleet management is entirely optional, and uses three separate variables:

  • fleet_features: specifies the GKE fleet features you want activate
  • fleet_configmanagement_templates: defines configuration templates for specific sets of features (Config Management currently)
  • fleet_configmanagement_clusters: specifies which clusters are managed by fleet features, and the optional Config Management template for each cluster
  • fleet_workload_identity: to enables optional centralized Workload Identity

Leave all these variables unset (or set to null) to disable fleet management. One example of a simple fleet configuration that integrates with the cluster example above:

  fleet_features = {
    configmanagement             = true
    identityservice              = true
    multiclusteringress          = "test-0"
    multiclusterservicediscovery = true
    servicemesh                  = true

# tftest skip


name description modules resources GKE multitenant for development environment. multitenant-fleet Output variables. google_storage_bucket_object · local_file None Module variables.


name description type required default producer
automation Automation resources created by the bootstrap stage. object({…}) 0-bootstrap
billing_account Billing account id. If billing account is not part of the same org set is_org_level to false. object({…}) 0-bootstrap
folder_ids Folders to be used for the networking resources in folders/nnnnnnnnnnn format. If null, folder will be created. object({…}) 1-resman
host_project_ids Host project for the shared VPC. object({…}) 2-networking
prefix Prefix used for resources that need unique names. Use a maximum of 9 chars for organizations, and 11 chars for tenants. string 0-bootstrap
vpc_self_links Self link for the shared VPC. object({…}) 2-networking
clusters Clusters configuration. Refer to the gke-cluster-standard module for type details. map(object({…})) {}
fleet_configmanagement_clusters Config management features enabled on specific sets of member clusters, in config name => [cluster name] format. map(list(string)) {}
fleet_configmanagement_templates Sets of config management configurations that can be applied to member clusters, in config name => {options} format. map(object({…})) {}
fleet_features Enable and configure fleet features. Set to null to disable GKE Hub if fleet workload identity is not used. object({…}) null
fleet_workload_identity Use Fleet Workload Identity for clusters. Enables GKE Hub if set to true. bool false
iam Project-level authoritative IAM bindings for users and service accounts in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. map(list(string)) {}
iam_by_principals Authoritative IAM binding in {PRINCIPAL => [ROLES]} format. Principals need to be statically defined to avoid cycle errors. Merged internally with the iam variable. map(list(string)) {}
labels Project-level labels. map(string) {}
nodepools Nodepools configuration. Refer to the gke-nodepool module for type details. map(map(object({…}))) {}
outputs_location Path where providers, tfvars files, and lists for the following stages are written. Leave empty to disable. string null
project_services Additional project services to enable. list(string) []


name description sensitive consumers
cluster_ids Cluster ids.
clusters Cluster resources.
project_id GKE project id.