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Deploying a highly available MySQL cluster on top of Google Kubernetes Engine

Let's get started!

This guide will show you how to deploy MySQL highly available cluster on top Google Kubernetes Engine. The uses 3 MySQL instances behind MySQL-proxy which is responsible to route traffic to active instance.

During this guide you will deploy a new GKE cluster, MySQL database and you will connect to database to check its connectivity.

Time to complete: About 30 minutes

Prerequisites: A GCP Project with billing enabled

Estimated cost: $10/day

Click the Start button to move to the next step.

Create or select a project

Create GKE autopilot cluster

  1. Create a new terraform.tfvars file

    touch autopilot-cluster/terraform.tfvars
  2. Open autopilot-cluster/terraform.tfvars file.

  3. Paste the following content into the file and adapt for your needs if necessary

    project_id     = "<walkthrough-project-id/>"
    cluster_name   = "gke-patterns-cluster"
    cluster_create = {
      deletion_protection = false
      labels = {
        pattern = "mysql"
    region = "europe-west4"
    vpc_create = {
      enable_cloud_nat = true

MySQL cluster images are downloaded from Oracle repository, thus cluster network requires Internet connectivity. This is provided by provisioning Cloud NAT instance.

  1. Initialize terraform

      cd autopilot-cluster/
      terraform init
  2. Deploy GKE Autopilot cluster

    terraform apply

Once finished successfully (this should take around 10 minutes) you should see following output at the end:

Apply complete! Resources: 26 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


created_resources = {
  "cloud_nat" = "projects/wns-gke-cloudshell/regions/europe-west8/routers/default-nat"
  "cluster" = "projects/wns-gke-cloudshell/locations/europe-west8/clusters/cluster-00"
  "node_service_account" = "jump-0@<project-id>"
  "registry" = "<project-id>/jump-0"
  "router" = "<project-id>/europe-west8/default-nat/default"
  "subnet_id" = "projects/<project-id>/regions/europe-west8/subnetworks/jump-0-default"
  "vpc_id" = "projects/<project-id>/global/networks/jump-0"
credentials_config = {
  "fleet_host" = "<project-number>/locations/global/gkeMemberships/cluster-00"
fleet_host = "<project-number>/locations/global/gkeMemberships/cluster-00"
get_credentials = {
  "direct" = "gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-00 --project <project-id> --location europe-west8"
  "fleet" = "gcloud container fleet memberships get-credentials cluster-00 --project <project-id>"
region = "europe-west4"

Prepare configuration for MySQL deployment

To deploy MySQL you need to provide a few references to already created GKE cluster. The module used provides outputs which helps to create those references.

  1. Change directory to mysql

    cd ../mysql
  2. Create a new terraform.tfvars for MySQL deployment

    touch terraform.tfvars
  3. Open mysql/terraform.tfvars file.

  4. Paste the following content into the file and adapt for your needs if necessary

    created_resources = {
      vpc_id    = "jump-0"
      subnet_id = "projects/<walkthrough-project-id/>/regions/europe-west4/subnetworks/jump-0-default"
    credentials_config = {
      kubeconfig = {
        path = "~/.kube/config"
    mysql_config = {
       ip_address       = ""
       # db_cpu           = "500m"
       # db_database_size = "10Gi"
       # db_memory        = "1Gi"
       # db_replicas      = 3
       # router_replicas  = 2 # cannot be higher than number of the zones in region
       # router_cpu       = "500m"
       # router_memory    = "2Gi"
       # version          = "8.0.34"
    namespace  = "mysql-ha"
    project_id = "<walkthrough-project-id/>"
    region     = "europe-west4"  # use the same region as for autopilot-cluster
  5. Get credentials for created cluster

    gcloud container fleet memberships get-credentials cluster-00 --project <walkthrough-project-id/>


  1. Initialize terraform

    terraform init
  2. Deploy MySQL

    terraform apply
  3. Wait until deployment is ready

    kubectl get statefulset -n mysql-ha mycluster -w

You should see following response, when all nodes are ready:

mycluster   0/3     118s
mycluster   1/3     3m39s
mycluster   2/3     3m54s
mycluster   3/3     4m5s

It takes 4-5 minutes time, as cluster needs to create new nodes to accommodate this workload. Once all nodes are ready, press ctrl-c to return to the command line.

Check connectivity

  1. Get password to MySQL user

    echo $(terraform output -raw mysql_password)
  2. Login to bastion host:

    gcloud compute ssh --project <walkthrough-project-id/>  bastion
  3. Install mysql-client:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -y mariadb-client
  4. Connect to database

    mysql --ssl -h -P 6446 -u root -p

And paste copied password.

  1. Create a sample table
use mysql
create table ha_test(id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, data varchar(64), PRIMARY KEY (id));
insert into ha_test(data) values('123');
select * from ha_test;


You're all set!

Don't forget to clean up after yourself: If you created test projects, be sure to delete them to avoid unnecessary charges. Use gcloud projects delete <PROJECT-ID>. To remove MySQL resources:

terraform destroy

And then remove the cluster:

cd ../autopilot-cluster
terraform destroy