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# Manual pipeline Example: PubSub to Bigquery
In this example we will publish person message in the following format:
name: Name
surname: Surname
timestamp: 1617898199
a Dataflow pipeline will read those messages and import them into a Bigquery table in the DWH project.
An autorized view will be created in the datamart project to expose the table.
[TODO] Further automation is expected in future.
## Set up the env vars
export DWH_PROJECT_ID=**dwh_project_id**
export LANDING_PROJECT_ID=**landing_project_id**
export TRANSFORMATION_PROJECT_ID=*transformation_project_id*
## Create BQ table
Those steps should be done as DWH Service Account.
You can run the command to create a table:
gcloud --impersonate-service-account=sa-datawh@$ \
alpha bq tables create person \
--project=$DWH_PROJECT_ID --dataset=bq_raw_dataset \
--description "This is a Test Person table" \
--schema name=STRING,surname=STRING,timestamp=TIMESTAMP
## Produce PubSub messages
Those steps should be done as landing Service Account:
Let's now create a series of messages we can use to import:
for i in {0..10}
gcloud --impersonate-service-account=sa-landing@$ pubsub topics publish projects/$LANDING_PROJECT_ID/topics/landing-1 --message="{\"name\": \"Lorenzo\", \"surname\": \"Caggioni\", \"timestamp\": \"$(date +%s)\"}"
if you want to check messages published, you can use the Transformation service account and read a message (message won't be acked and will stay in the subscription):
gcloud --impersonate-service-account=sa-transformation@$ pubsub subscriptions pull projects/$LANDING_PROJECT_ID/subscriptions/sub1
## Dataflow
Those steps should be done as transformation Service Account:
Let's than start a Dataflow streaming pipeline using a Google provided template using internal only IPs, the created network and subnetwork, the appropriate service account and requested parameters:
gcloud dataflow jobs run test_streaming01 \
--gcs-location gs://dataflow-templates/latest/PubSub_Subscription_to_BigQuery \
--region europe-west3 \
--disable-public-ips \
--network transformation-vpc \
--subnetwork regions/europe-west3/subnetworks/transformation-subnet \
--staging-location gs://$TRANSFORMATION_PROJECT_ID-eu-temp \
--service-account-email sa-transformation@$ \
--parameters \