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Network Endpoint Group Module

This modules allows creating zonal network endpoint groups.

Note: this module will integrated into a general-purpose load balancing module in the future.


module "neg" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/net-neg"
  project_id = "myproject"
  name       = "myneg"
  network    = module.vpc.self_link
  subnetwork = module.vpc.subnet_self_links["europe-west1/default"]
  zone       = "europe-west1-b"
  endpoints = [
    for instance in module.vm.instances :
      instance   =
      port       = 80
      ip_address = instance.network_interface[0].network_ip


name description type required default
endpoints List of (instance, port, address) of the NEG. list(object({…}))
name NEG name. string
network Name or self link of the VPC used for the NEG. Use the self link for Shared VPC. string
project_id NEG project id. string
subnetwork VPC subnetwork name or self link. string
zone NEG zone. string


name description sensitive
id Network endpoint group ID.
self_lnk Network endpoint group self link.
size Size of the network endpoint group.