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Ingest CSV files from GCS into Bigquery

In this example we create a Python Apache Beam pipeline running on Google Cloud Dataflow to import CSV files into BigQuery adding a timestamp to each row. Below the architecture used:

Apache Beam pipeline to import CSV from GCS into BQ

The architecture uses:

  • Google Cloud Storage to store CSV source files
  • Google Cloud Dataflow to read files from Google Cloud Storage, Transform data base on the structure of the file and import the data into Google BigQuery
  • Google BigQuery to store data in a Data Lake.

You can use this script as a starting point to import your files into Google BigQuery. You'll probably need to adapt the script logic to your requirements.

1. Prerequisites

  • Up and running GCP project with enabled billing account
  • gcloud installed and initiated to your project
  • Google Cloud Dataflow API enabled
  • Google Cloud Storage Bucket containing the file to import (CSV format) containings name, surnames and age. Example: Mario,Rossi,30.
  • Google Cloud Storage Bucket for temp and staging Google Dataflow files
  • Google BigQuery dataset
  • Python >= 3.7 and python-dev module
  • gcc
  • Google Cloud Application Default Credentials

2. Create virtual environment

Create a new virtual environment (recommended) and install requirements:

virtualenv env
source ./env/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade setuptools pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

4. Upload files into Google Cloud Storage

Upload files to be imported into Google Bigquery in a Google Cloud Storage Bucket. You can use gsutil using a command like:


Files need to be in CSV format,For example:


You can use the person_details_generator script if you want to create random person details.

5. Run pipeline

You can check parameters accepted by the script with the following command:

python pipelines/data_ingestion --help

You can run the pipeline locally with the following command:

python \
--runner=DirectRunner \
--project=###PUT HERE PROJECT ID### \
--input=###PUT HERE THE FILE TO IMPORT. EXAMPLE: gs://bucket_name/person.csv ### \

or you can run the pipeline on Google Dataflow using the following command:

python \
--runner=DataflowRunner \
--max_num_workers=100 \
--autoscaling_algorithm=THROUGHPUT_BASED \
--region=###PUT HERE REGION### \
--staging_location=###PUT HERE GCS STAGING LOCATION### \
--temp_location=###PUT HERE GCS TMP LOCATION###\
--project=###PUT HERE PROJECT ID### \
--input=###PUT HERE GCS BUCKET NAME. EXAMPLE: gs://bucket_name/person.csv### \
--output=###PUT HERE BQ DATASET NAME. EXAMPLE: bq_dataset.df_import### \

Below an example to run the pipeline specifying Network and Subnetwork, using private IPs and using a KMS key to encrypt data at rest:

python \
--runner=DataflowRunner \
--max_num_workers=100 \
--autoscaling_algorithm=THROUGHPUT_BASED \
--region=###PUT HERE REGION### \
--staging_location=###PUT HERE GCS STAGING LOCATION### \
--temp_location=###PUT HERE GCS TMP LOCATION###\
--project=###PUT HERE PROJECT ID### \
--network=###PUT HERE YOUR NETWORK### \
--subnetwork=###PUT HERE YOUR SUBNETWORK. EXAMPLE: regions/europe-west1/subnetworks/subnet### \
--dataflowKmsKey=###PUT HERE KMES KEY. Example: projects/lcaggio-d-4-kms/locations/europe-west1/keyRings/my-keyring-regional/cryptoKeys/key-df### \
--input=###PUT HERE GCS BUCKET NAME. EXAMPLE: gs://bucket_name/person.csv### \
--output=###PUT HERE BQ DATASET NAME. EXAMPLE: bq_dataset.df_import### \

6. Check results

You can check data imported into Google BigQuery from the Google Cloud Console UI.