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Google KMS Module

Simple Cloud KMS module that allows managing a keyring, zero or more keys in the keyring, and IAM role bindings on individual keys.

The protected flag in the key_attributes variable sets the prevent_destroy lifecycle argument on an a per-key basis.


Minimal example

module "kms" {
  source     = "../modules/kms"
  project_id = "my-project"
  keyring    = "test"
  location   = "europe"
  keys       = ["key-a", "key-b"]

Granting access to keys via IAM

module "kms" {
  source     = "../modules/kms"
  project_id = "my-project"
  keyring    = "test"
  location   = "europe"
  keys       = ["key-a", "key-b"]
  iam_roles = {
    key-a = ["roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyDecrypter"]
  iam_members = {
    key-a = {
      "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyDecrypter" = [""]


name description type required default
keyring Keyring name. string
location Location for the keyring. string
project_id Project id where the keyring will be created. string
iam_members IAM members keyed by key name and role. map(map(list(string))) {}
iam_roles IAM roles keyed by key name. map(list(string)) {}
key_attributes Optional key attributes per key. map(object({...})) {}
key_defaults Key attribute defaults. object({...}) ...
keys Key names. list(string) []


name description sensitive
key_self_links Key self links.
keyring Keyring resource.
keys Key resources.
location Keyring self link.
name Keyring self link.
self_link Keyring self link.


These sections describe requirements for using this module.


The following roles must be used to provision the resources of this module:

  • Cloud KMS Admin: roles/cloudkms.admin or
  • Owner: roles/owner


A project with the following APIs enabled must be used to host the resources of this module:

  • Google Cloud Key Management Service: