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# Google Cloud Data Fusion Module
This module allows simple management of ['Google Data Fusion']( instances. It supports creating Basic or Enterprise, public or private instances.
## Examples
## Auto-managed IP allocation
module "datafusion" {
source = "./modules/datafusion"
name = "my-datafusion"
region = "europe-west1"
project_id = "my-project"
network = "my-network-name"
# tftest:modules=1:resources=4
### Externally managed IP allocation
module "datafusion" {
source = "./modules/datafusion"
name = "my-datafusion"
region = "europe-west1"
project_id = "my-project"
network = "my-network-name"
ip_allocation_create = false
ip_allocation = ""
# tftest:modules=1:resources=3
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## Variables
| name | description | type | required | default |
|---|---|:---: |:---:|:---:|
| name | Name of the DataFusion instance. | <code title="">string</code> | ✓ | |
| network | Name of the network in the project with which the tenant project will be peered for executing pipelines in the form of projects/{project-id}/global/networks/{network} | <code title="">string</code> | ✓ | |
| project_id | Project ID. | <code title="">string</code> | ✓ | |
| region | DataFusion region. | <code title="">string</code> | ✓ | |
| *description* | DataFuzion instance description. | <code title="">string</code> | | <code title="">Terraform managed.</code> |
| *enable_stackdriver_logging* | Option to enable Stackdriver Logging. | <code title="">bool</code> | | <code title="">false</code> |
| *enable_stackdriver_monitoring* | Option to enable Stackdriver Monitorig. | <code title="">bool</code> | | <code title="">false</code> |
| *firewall_create* | Create Network firewall rules to enable SSH. | <code title="">bool</code> | | <code title="">true</code> |
| *ip_allocation* | Ip allocated for datafusion instance when not using the auto created one and created outside of the module. | <code title="">string</code> | | <code title="">null</code> |
| *ip_allocation_create* | Create Ip range for datafusion instance. | <code title="">bool</code> | | <code title="">true</code> |
| *labels* | The resource labels for instance to use to annotate any related underlying resources, such as Compute Engine VMs. | <code title="map&#40;string&#41;">map(string)</code> | | <code title="">{}</code> |
| *network_peering* | Create Network peering between project and DataFusion tenant project. | <code title="">bool</code> | | <code title="">true</code> |
| *private_instance* | Create private instance. | <code title="">bool</code> | | <code title="">true</code> |
| *type* | Datafusion Instance type. It can be BASIC or ENTERPRISE (default value). | <code title="">string</code> | | <code title="">ENTERPRISE</code> |
## Outputs
| name | description | sensitive |
| id | DataFusion instance ID. | |
| ip_allocation | IP range reserved for Data Fusion instance in case of a private instance. | |
| resource | DataFusion resource. | |
| service_account | DataFusion Service Account. | |
| service_endpoint | DataFusion Service Endpoint. | |
| version | DataFusion version. | |
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