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# Google Cloud Dataproc
This module Manages a Google Cloud [Dataproc]( cluster resource, including IAM.
<!-- BEGIN TOC -->
- [TODO](#todo)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Simple](#simple)
- [Cluster configuration](#cluster-configuration)
- [Cluster with CMEK encryption](#cluster-with-cmek-encryption)
- [IAM](#iam)
- [Authoritative IAM](#authoritative-iam)
- [Additive IAM](#additive-iam)
- [Variables](#variables)
- [Outputs](#outputs)
<!-- END TOC -->
- [ ] Add support for Cloud Dataproc [autoscaling policy](
## Examples
### Simple
module "processing-dp-cluster-2" {
source = "./fabric/modules/dataproc"
project_id = "my-project"
name = "my-cluster"
region = "europe-west1"
# tftest modules=1 resources=1
### Cluster configuration
To set cluster configuration use the 'dataproc_config.cluster_config' variable.
module "processing-dp-cluster" {
source = "./fabric/modules/dataproc"
project_id = "my-project"
name = "my-cluster"
region = "europe-west1"
prefix = "prefix"
dataproc_config = {
cluster_config = {
gce_cluster_config = {
subnetwork = ""
zone = "europe-west1-b"
service_account = ""
service_account_scopes = ["cloud-platform"]
internal_ip_only = true
# tftest modules=1 resources=1
### Cluster with CMEK encryption
To set cluster configuration use the Customer Managed Encryption key, set `dataproc_config.encryption_config.` variable. The Compute Engine service agent and the Cloud Storage service agent need to have `CryptoKey Encrypter/Decrypter` role on they configured KMS key ([Documentation](
module "processing-dp-cluster" {
source = "./fabric/modules/dataproc"
project_id = "my-project"
name = "my-cluster"
region = "europe-west1"
prefix = "prefix"
dataproc_config = {
cluster_config = {
gce_cluster_config = {
subnetwork = ""
zone = "europe-west1-b"
service_account = ""
service_account_scopes = ["cloud-platform"]
internal_ip_only = true
encryption_config = {
kms_key_name = "projects/project-id/locations/region/keyRings/key-ring-name/cryptoKeys/key-name"
# tftest modules=1 resources=1
## IAM
IAM is managed via several variables that implement different features and levels of control:
- `iam` and `group_iam` configure authoritative bindings that manage individual roles exclusively, and are internally merged
- `iam_bindings` configure authoritative bindings with optional support for conditions, and are not internally merged with the previous two variables
- `iam_bindings_additive` configure additive bindings via individual role/member pairs with optional support conditions
The authoritative and additive approaches can be used together, provided different roles are managed by each. Some care must also be taken with the `groups_iam` variable to ensure that variable keys are static values, so that Terraform is able to compute the dependency graph.
Refer to the [project module](../project/ for examples of the IAM interface.
### Authoritative IAM
module "processing-dp-cluster" {
source = "./fabric/modules/dataproc"
project_id = "my-project"
name = "my-cluster"
region = "europe-west1"
prefix = "prefix"
group_iam = {
"" = [
iam = {
"roles/dataproc.viewer" = [
# tftest modules=1 resources=2
### Additive IAM
module "processing-dp-cluster" {
source = "./fabric/modules/dataproc"
project_id = "my-project"
name = "my-cluster"
region = "europe-west1"
prefix = "prefix"
iam_bindings_additive = {
am1-viewer = {
member = ""
role = "roles/dataproc.viewer"
# tftest modules=1 resources=2
<!-- BEGIN TFDOC -->
## Variables
| name | description | type | required | default |
| [name]( | Cluster name. | <code>string</code> | ✓ | |
| [project_id]( | Project ID. | <code>string</code> | ✓ | |
| [region]( | Dataproc region. | <code>string</code> | ✓ | |
| [dataproc_config]( | Dataproc cluster config. | <code title="object&#40;&#123;&#10; graceful_decommission_timeout &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; cluster_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; staging_bucket &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; temp_bucket &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; gce_cluster_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; zone &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; network &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; subnetwork &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; service_account &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; service_account_scopes &#61; optional&#40;list&#40;string&#41;&#41;&#10; tags &#61; optional&#40;list&#40;string&#41;, &#91;&#93;&#41;&#10; internal_ip_only &#61; optional&#40;bool&#41;&#10; metadata &#61; optional&#40;map&#40;string&#41;, &#123;&#125;&#41;&#10; reservation_affinity &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; consume_reservation_type &#61; string&#10; key &#61; string&#10; values &#61; string&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; node_group_affinity &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; node_group_uri &#61; string&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10;&#10;&#10; shielded_instance_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; enable_secure_boot &#61; bool&#10; enable_vtpm &#61; bool&#10; enable_integrity_monitoring &#61; bool&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; master_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; num_instances &#61; number&#10; machine_type &#61; string&#10; min_cpu_platform &#61; string&#10; image_uri &#61; string&#10; disk_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; boot_disk_type &#61; string&#10; boot_disk_size_gb &#61; number&#10; num_local_ssds &#61; number&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; accelerators &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; accelerator_type &#61; string&#10; accelerator_count &#61; number&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; worker_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; num_instances &#61; number&#10; machine_type &#61; string&#10; min_cpu_platform &#61; string&#10; disk_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; boot_disk_type &#61; string&#10; boot_disk_size_gb &#61; number&#10; num_local_ssds &#61; number&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; image_uri &#61; string&#10; accelerators &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; accelerator_type &#61; string&#10; accelerator_count &#61; number&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; preemptible_worker_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; num_instances &#61; number&#10; preemptibility &#61; string&#10; disk_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; boot_disk_type &#61; string&#10; boot_disk_size_gb &#61; number&#10; num_local_ssds &#61; number&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; software_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; image_version &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; override_properties &#61; map&#40;string&#41;&#10; optional_components &#61; optional&#40;list&#40;string&#41;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; security_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; kerberos_config &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; cross_realm_trust_admin_server &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; cross_realm_trust_kdc &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; cross_realm_trust_realm &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; cross_realm_trust_shared_password_uri &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; enable_kerberos &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; kdc_db_key_uri &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; key_password_uri &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; keystore_uri &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; keystore_password_uri &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; kms_key_uri &#61; string&#10; realm &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; root_principal_password_uri &#61; string&#10; tgt_lifetime_hours &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; truststore_password_uri &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; truststore_uri &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; autoscaling_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; policy_uri &#61; string&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; initialization_action &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; script &#61; string&#10; timeout_sec &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; encryption_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; kms_key_name &#61; string&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; lifecycle_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; idle_delete_ttl &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; auto_delete_time &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; endpoint_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; enable_http_port_access &#61; string&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; dataproc_metric_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; metrics &#61; list&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; metric_source &#61; string&#10; metric_overrides &#61; optional&#40;list&#40;string&#41;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; metastore_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; dataproc_metastore_service &#61; string&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10;&#10;&#10; virtual_cluster_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; staging_bucket &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; auxiliary_services_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; metastore_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; dataproc_metastore_service &#61; string&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; spark_history_server_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; dataproc_cluster &#61; string&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; kubernetes_cluster_config &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; kubernetes_namespace &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; kubernetes_software_config &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; component_version &#61; list&#40;map&#40;string&#41;&#41;&#10; properties &#61; optional&#40;list&#40;map&#40;string&#41;&#41;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10;&#10;&#10; gke_cluster_config &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; gke_cluster_target &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; node_pool_target &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; node_pool &#61; string&#10; roles &#61; list&#40;string&#41;&#10; node_pool_config &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; autoscaling &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; min_node_count &#61; optional&#40;number&#41;&#10; max_node_count &#61; optional&#40;number&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10;&#10;&#10; config &#61; object&#40;&#123;&#10; machine_type &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; preemptible &#61; optional&#40;bool&#41;&#10; local_ssd_count &#61; optional&#40;number&#41;&#10; min_cpu_platform &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; spot &#61; optional&#40;bool&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10;&#10;&#10; locations &#61; optional&#40;list&#40;string&#41;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10;&#125;&#41;">object&#40;&#123;&#8230;&#125;&#41;</code> | | <code>&#123;&#125;</code> |
| [group_iam]( | Authoritative IAM binding for organization groups, in {GROUP_EMAIL => [ROLES]} format. Group emails need to be static. Can be used in combination with the `iam` variable. | <code>map&#40;list&#40;string&#41;&#41;</code> | | <code>&#123;&#125;</code> |
| [iam]( | IAM bindings in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. | <code>map&#40;list&#40;string&#41;&#41;</code> | | <code>&#123;&#125;</code> |
| [iam_bindings]( | Authoritative IAM bindings in {KEY => {role = ROLE, members = [], condition = {}}}. Keys are arbitrary. | <code title="map&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; members &#61; list&#40;string&#41;&#10; role &#61; string&#10; condition &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; expression &#61; string&#10; title &#61; string&#10; description &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10;&#125;&#41;&#41;">map&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#8230;&#125;&#41;&#41;</code> | | <code>&#123;&#125;</code> |
| [iam_bindings_additive]( | Individual additive IAM bindings. Keys are arbitrary. | <code title="map&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; member &#61; string&#10; role &#61; string&#10; condition &#61; optional&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#10; expression &#61; string&#10; title &#61; string&#10; description &#61; optional&#40;string&#41;&#10; &#125;&#41;&#41;&#10;&#125;&#41;&#41;">map&#40;object&#40;&#123;&#8230;&#125;&#41;&#41;</code> | | <code>&#123;&#125;</code> |
| [labels]( | The resource labels for instance to use to annotate any related underlying resources, such as Compute Engine VMs. | <code>map&#40;string&#41;</code> | | <code>&#123;&#125;</code> |
| [prefix]( | Optional prefix used to generate project id and name. | <code>string</code> | | <code>null</code> |
| [service_account]( | Service account to set on the Dataproc cluster. | <code>string</code> | | <code>null</code> |
## Outputs
| name | description | sensitive |
| [bucket_names]( | List of bucket names which have been assigned to the cluster. | |
| [http_ports]( | The map of port descriptions to URLs. | |
| [id]( | Fully qualified cluster id. | |
| [instance_names]( | List of instance names which have been assigned to the cluster. | |
| [name]( | The name of the cluster. | |
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