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SQL Server Always On Groups blueprint

This is an blueprint of building SQL Server Always On Availability Groups using Fabric modules. It builds a two node cluster with a fileshare witness instance in an existing VPC and adds the necessary firewalling.

Architecture diagram

The actual setup process (apart from Active Directory operations) has been scripted, so that least amount of manual works needs to performed:

  • Joining the domain using appropriate credentials
  • Running an automatically generated initialization script (C:\InitializeCluster.ps1)
  • Creating the Availability Groups using the wizard (please note that healthchecks are automatically configured when the appropriate AGs are created)

To monitor the installation process, the startup scripts log output to Application Log (visible under Windows Logs in Event Viewer) and to C:\GcpSetupLog.txt file.


name description modules Creates SQL Server instances and witness. compute-vm Module-level locals and resources. project Module outputs. Creates SQL admin user password secret. secret-manager Creates service accounts for the instances. iam-service-account Module variables. Creates the VPC and manages the firewall rules and ILB. net-address · net-ilb · net-vpc · net-vpc-firewall


name description type required default
ad_domain_fqdn Active Directory domain (FQDN). string
ad_domain_netbios Active Directory domain (NetBIOS). string
network Network to use in the project. string
prefix Prefix used for resource names. string
project_id Google Cloud project ID. string
sql_admin_password Password for the SQL admin user to be created. string
subnetwork Subnetwork to use in the project. string
always_on_groups List of Always On Groups. list(string) ["bookshelf"]
boot_disk_size Boot disk size in GB. number 50
cluster_name Cluster name (prepended with prefix). string "cluster"
data_disk_size Database disk size in GB. number 200
health_check_config Health check configuration. {…}
health_check_port Health check port. number 59997
health_check_ranges Health check ranges. list(string) ["", "", ""]
managed_ad_dn Managed Active Directory domain (eg. OU=Cloud,DC=example,DC=com). string ""
node_image SQL Server node machine image. string "projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/images/family/sql-ent-2019-win-2019"
node_instance_type SQL Server database node instance type. string "n2-standard-8"
node_name Node base name. string "node"
project_create Provide values if project creation is needed, uses existing project if null. Parent is in 'folders/nnn' or 'organizations/nnn' format. object({…}) null
region Region for resources. string "europe-west4"
shared_vpc_project_id Shared VPC project ID for firewall rules. string null
sql_client_cidrs CIDR ranges that are allowed to connect to SQL Server. list(string) [""]
vpc_ip_cidr_range Ip range used in the subnet deployef in the Service Project. string ""
witness_image SQL Server witness machine image. string "projects/windows-cloud/global/images/family/windows-2019"
witness_instance_type SQL Server witness node instance type. string "n2-standard-2"
witness_name Witness base name. string "witness"


name description sensitive
instructions List of steps to follow after applying.


module "test" {
  source = "./fabric/blueprints/data-solutions/sqlserver-alwayson/"
  project_create = {
    billing_account_id = "123456-123456-123456"
    parent             = "folders/12345678"
  project_id         = "project-1"
  prefix             = "test"
  network            = "example-network"
  subnetwork         = "example-subnetwork"
  sql_admin_password = "password"
  ad_domain_fqdn     = ""
  ad_domain_netbios  = "ad"
# tftest modules=12 resources=40