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Deploy Apache Kafka to GKE using Strimzi

The guide shows you how to use the Strimzi operator to deploy Apache Kafka clusters ok GKE.


This tutorial covers the following steps:

  • Create a GKE cluster.
  • Deploy and configure the Strimzi operator
  • Configure Apache Kafka using the Strimzi operator

Estimated time:

To get started, click Start.

select/create a project

Create the Autopilot GKE cluster

  1. Change to the autopilot-cluster directory.

    cd autopilot-cluster 
  2. Create a new file terraform.tfvars in that directory.

    touch terraform.tfvars
  3. Open the file for editing.

  4. Paste the following content in the file and update any value as needed.

project_id     = "<walkthrough-project-name/>"
cluster_name   = "cluster"
cluster_create = {
  deletion_protection = false
region         = "europe-west1"
vpc_create = {
  enable_cloud_nat = true
  1. Initialize the terraform configuration.

    terraform init
  2. Apply the terraform configuration.

    terraform apply
  3. Fetch the cluster credentials.

    gcloud container fleet memberships get-credentials cluster --project "<walkthrough-project-name/>"
  4. Check the nodes are ready.

    kubectl get pods -n kube-system

Install the Kafka Strimzi operator and create associated resources

  1. Change to the patterns/batch directory.

    cd ../redis-cluster
  2. Create a new file terraform.tfvars in that directory.

    touch terraform.tfvars
  3. Open the file for editing.

  4. Paste the following content in the file.

    credentials_config = {
      kubeconfig = {
        path = "~/.kube/config"
    kafka_config = {
      volume_claim_size = "15Gi"
      replicas          = 4
    zookeeper_config = {
      volume_claim_size = "15Gi"
  5. Initialize the terraform configuration.

    terraform init
  6. Apply the terraform configuration.

    terraform apply
  7. Check that the Redis pods are ready

    kubectl get pods -n kafka
  8. Check that the Redis volumes match the number of replicas

    kubectl get pv
  9. Confirm the Kafka object is running

    kubectl get kafka -n kafka

Destroy resources (optional)

  1. Change to the patterns/autopilot-cluster directory.

    cd ../autopilot-cluster
  2. Destroy the cluster with the following command.

    terraform destroy


Youre all set!