This commit is contained in:
Conrado Gouvea 2023-02-16 13:59:51 -03:00
parent 09f3f36aab
commit 148616bd53
5 changed files with 115 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ use crate::{
pub mod dkg;
pub mod repairable;
/// Return a vector of randomly generated polynomial coefficients ([`Scalar`]s).
pub(crate) fn generate_coefficients<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
//! Repairable Threshold Scheme
// # For every single helper i in helpers:
use crate::{frost::Identifier, Ciphersuite, Scalar};
use super::SecretShare;
/// # i: the identifier of the signer helping
/// # helpers: as above
/// # share_i: i's secret share
/// # zeta_i: Lagrange coefficient (?)
/// # - Note: may be able to be computed inside the function, check
/// # Output: i_deltas: random values that sum up to zeta_i * share _i
pub fn compute_random_values<C: Ciphersuite>(
helpers: &[Identifier<C>],
share_i: &SecretShare<C>,
zeta_i: Scalar<C>,
) -> Vec<Scalar<C>> {
// # Communication round:
// # Helper i sends deltas_i[j] to helper j
// # j: the identifier of the signer helping
// # helpers: as above
// # deltas_j: values received by j in the communication round
// # Output: sigma_j
// pub fn compute_sum_of_random_values(j, helpers, deltas_j) -> sigma_j
// # Communication round
// # Helper j sends sigma_j to signer r
// # sigmas: all sigma_j received from each helper j
// # Output: share_r: r's secret share
// pub fn recover_share(sigmas) -> share_r

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use crate::Ciphersuite;
pub mod batch;
pub mod proptests;
pub mod repairable;
pub mod vectors;
/// Test share generation with a Ciphersuite

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
//! Test for Repairable Threshold Scheme
use std::collections::HashMap;
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use crate::{
keys::{repairable::compute_random_values, PublicKeyPackage, SecretShare},
Ciphersuite, Field, Group, Scalar,
/// Test RTS.
pub fn check_rts<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng: R) {
// We want to test that recover share matches the original share
// Compute shares
// Key generation
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
let (shares, pubkeys): (Vec<SecretShare<C>>, PublicKeyPackage<C>) =
frost::keys::keygen_with_dealer(max_signers, min_signers, &mut rng).unwrap();
// // Verifies the secret shares from the dealer
// let key_packages: HashMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::keys::KeyPackage<C>> = shares
// .into_iter()
// .map(|share| {
// (
// share.identifier,
// frost::keys::KeyPackage::try_from(share).unwrap(),
// )
// })
// .collect();
// Try to recover a share
// Signer 2 will lose their share
// Signer 1, 4 and 5 will help signer 2 to recover their share
let helpers: [Identifier<C>; 3] = [
// For every helper i in helpers:
for i in [1usize, 4, 5] {
// let identifier: Identifier<C> = Identifier::try_from(i as u16).unwrap();
// pub fn compute_random_values(i, helpers, share_i, zeta_i) -> deltas_i
let zeta_i = <<C::Group as Group>::Field>::one();
let deltas_i: Vec<Scalar<C>> = compute_random_values(&helpers, &shares[i - 1], zeta_i);
// Test if Sum of deltas_i = zeta_i * share _i
let rhs = zeta_i * shares[i - 1].value.0;
let mut lhs = <<C::Group as Group>::Field>::zero();
for delta in deltas_i {
lhs = lhs + delta;
assert!(lhs == rhs);

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@ -17,6 +17,13 @@ fn check_sign_with_dkg() {
frost_core::tests::check_sign_with_dkg::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_rts() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_rts::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();