update python code

This commit is contained in:
bsdevlin 2019-04-07 14:19:36 -04:00
parent 8d53314851
commit 496ac32d93
1 changed files with 51 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,28 @@
class zcash_fpga:
import serial
import codecs
import struct
def byt_to_ver(a):
return 'v{}.{}.{}'.format(a[2], a[1], a[0])
def byt_to_str(a):
return a[::-1].decode("utf-8")
def byt_to_hex(a):
return a.hex()
fpga_msg_type_dict = {'FPGA_IGNORE_RPL':int('80000002', 16),
'FPGA_STATUS_RPL':int('80000001', 16),
'RESET_FPGA_RPL':int('80000000', 16)}
fpga_msg_dict = {fpga_msg_type_dict['FPGA_IGNORE_RPL']:{'name':'FPGA_IGNORE_RPL', 'feilds':[(8, 'ignored_header', byt_to_hex)]},
fpga_msg_type_dict['FPGA_STATUS_RPL']:{'name':'FPGA_STATUS_RPL', 'feilds':[(4, 'version', byt_to_ver), (8, 'build_date', byt_to_str), (8, 'buid_host', byt_to_str), (8, 'cmd_cap', byt_to_hex)]},
fpga_msg_type_dict['RESET_FPGA_RPL']:{'name':'RESET_FPGA_RPL', 'feilds':[]}}
def __init__(self, COM='COM4'):
self.s = self.serial.Serial(COM, 921600, timeout=1)
#Test getting FPGA status
@ -11,18 +33,45 @@ class zcash_fpga:
def get_status(self):
self.s.write(self.codecs.decode('0800000001000000', 'hex'))
# Parse reply
res = self.s.read(1024)
def reset_fpga(self):
self.s.write(self.codecs.decode('0800000000000000', 'hex'))
# Parse reply - should be reset
res = self.get_reply()
if (self.struct.unpack('<I', res[4:8])[0] != self.fpga_msg_type_dict['RESET_FPGA_RPL']):
print("ERROR: Reply type was not RESET_FPGA_RPL")
def get_reply(self):
res = self.s.read(1024)
return res
def close(self):
def print_reply(self, msg):
if (len(msg) < 8):
print("ERROR: Message too small")
length = (self.struct.unpack('<I', msg[0:4])[0])
if (len(msg) != length):
print("ERROR: Message length mismatch")
cmd = (self.struct.unpack('<I', msg[4:8])[0])
if (cmd not in self.fpga_msg_dict):
print("ERROR: Unknown message type:", cmd)
print ("INFO: Received ", self.fpga_msg_dict[cmd]['name'])
offset = 8
for i in range(len(self.fpga_msg_dict[cmd]['feilds'])):
length = self.fpga_msg_dict[cmd]['feilds'][i][0]
print(self.fpga_msg_dict[cmd]['feilds'][i][1], ":", self.fpga_msg_dict[cmd]['feilds'][i][2](bytes(msg[offset:offset+length])))
offset += length
#Example usage:
zf = zcash_fpga()