
2.1 KiB

(note: this is a temporary file, to be added-to by anybody, and moved to release-notes at release time)

Notable changes

View shielded information in wallet transactions

In previous zcashd versions, to obtain information about shielded transactions you would use either the z_listreceivedbyaddress RPC method (which returns all notes received by an address) or z_listunspent (which returns unspent notes, optionally filtered by addresses). There were no RPC methods that directly returned details about spends, or anything equivalent to the gettransaction method (which returns transparent information about in-wallet transactions).

This release introduces a new RPC method z_viewtransaction to fill that gap. Given the ID of a transaction in the wallet, it decrypts the transaction and returns detailed shielded information for all decryptable new and spent notes, including:

  • The address that each note belongs to.
  • Values in both decimal ZEC and zatoshis.
  • The ID of the transaction that each spent note was received in.
  • An outgoing flag on each new note, which will be true if the output is not for an address in the wallet.
  • A memoStr field for each new note, containing its text memo (if its memo field contains a valid UTF-8 string).

Information will be shown for any address that appears in z_listaddresses; this includes watch-only addresses linked to viewing keys imported with z_importviewingkey, as well as addresses with spending keys (both generated with z_getnewaddress and imported with z_importkey).

Build system

  • The --enable-lcov, --disable-tests, and --disable-mining flags for zcutil/build.sh have been removed. You can pass these flags instead by using the CONFIGURE_FLAGS environment variable. For example, to enable coverage instrumentation (thus enabling "make cov" to work), call:

    CONFIGURE_FLAGS="--enable-lcov --disable-hardening" ./zcutil/build.sh
  • The build system no longer defaults to verbose output. You can re-enable verbose output with ./zcutil/build.sh V=1