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(note: this is a temporary file, to be added-to by anybody, and moved to release-notes at release time)

Notable changes

The mainnet activation of the Heartwood network upgrade is supported by this release, with an activation height of 903000, which should occur in the middle of July — following the targeted EOS halt of our 2.1.2-3 release. Please upgrade to this release, or any subsequent release, in order to follow the Heartwood network upgrade.

The following two ZIPs are being deployed as part of this upgrade:

In order to help the ecosystem prepare for the mainnet activiation, Heartwood has already been activated on the Zcash testnet. Any node version 2.1.2 or higher, including this release, supports the Heartwood activation on testnet.

Mining to Sapling addresses

After the mainnet activation of Heartwood, miners can mine directly into a Sapling shielded address. Miners should wait until after Heartwood activation before they make changes to their configuration to leverage this new feature. After activation of Heartwood, miners can add mineraddress=SAPLING_ADDRESS to their zcash.conf file, where SAPLING_ADDRESS represents a Sapling address that can be generated locally with the z_getnewaddress RPC command. Restart your node, and block templates produced by the getblocktemplate RPC command will now have coinbase transactions that mine directly into this shielded address.